Want Success? Get High on Your Energy
Maaike Driessen-Laverman -Want Success? Get High on Your Energy By Fatima Gorezi She is on a mission to help people boost their energy, lower their stress levels and regain crucial balance, within just a few minutes. So we can all have our
Who will marry me?
Who will marry me? By Mirela Sula I don’t know about you but when I was a young girl, I was brought up with the “anxiety” that the most important thing that I should worry about is how to find a man
It takes a positive attitude to achieve great results
Angelika van der Schilden -It takes a positive attitude to achieve great results By Gulia Lucci Angelika van der Schilden is a physical awareness expert. Her mission is to help businesswomen to improve their quality of life, and feel healthier and more
How to Dress Professionally and Classy – Guide to Business Attire
How to Dress Professionally and Classy - Guide to Business Attire By Fatima Lushi Are you a business woman looking for every way to get a look and make a beautiful figure? A hand on this gives you ways to dress, your
Turn your mistakes into business lessons
Turn your mistakes into business lessons By Fatima Gorezi Mistakes in business are completely inevitable. It is almost impossible to build a successful business without facing problems, failures and mistakes. Mistakes are what make us. It is important to make mistakes and
Breaking Down Cultural Barriers to Women Empowerment
Helena Hofmann -Breaking Down Cultural Barriers to Women Empowerment By Fatima Gorezi Helena Hofmann is the founder of T.B.O.Travel , an Italian tour operator active in across all of Italy. She is very passionate about her work with different clients from all
Why Women Add Value to Business and Community
Eylem Şakir Why Women Add Value to Business and Community By Fatima Gorezi Eylem Şakir is an Award Winning International Property Lawyer, established six companies, Mentor and Philanthropist. After working at the European Commission, KPMG and in one of the leading
7 ways to manage your time better
Ask Chrissy/ 7 ways to manage your time better Hi Chrissy. I’m young, ambitious and full of energy. However, I’m a little concerned about my time management as sometimes, I don’t get as much done as I’d like to. I look
Female co-founded tech start-up tackling harassment
Female co-founded tech start-up tackling harassment The founder of a Manchester-based tech for good startup is calling on businesses across the UK to take responsibility. Since arriving in Manchester in the early 2000’s, Gemma McCall has been inspired by Mancunians that have
Every day should be International Women’s Day
Every day should be International Women’s Day Today, Friday 8th March is an important day in the history of civilization and the modern world. It is the day that brings to our collective memory the struggle of women around the world