Elisa Card – Strategies for Single Mom Success
Elisa Card – Strategies for Single Mom Success
By Fati Gorezi
Elisa Card is born optimist and a five-sons-Millennial-mom, an Entrepreneur, a goal-setting achiever and a spiritual being with hopes for a better and happier world. Her mission is to help women and mothers to transform their life with a specific mindset using their potential to be happier, healthier and wealthier! And it shows in the entire Family!
How would you describe being a mother of 5 sons? How has that impacted your life?
At a time twenty-five years ago, when hurricanes blew up my life, destroying everything that I had, home, friends, and of course no financial support, I realised that my life or the Universe was telling me, ‘Hey girl, show us, it’s time to run the show’! And my adorable mother sent me ancient scriptures from the Bible. I was 33 at that time and pregnant with my fifth son while getting ready for the most significant and astonishing change in my life. I was already a mother of four sons with the last one to be born soon – with a vast white page in front of us, still to be written.
My mom’s Bible-extract says: “God gives to who deserves it and can handle it a set of 5 arrows, they are like treasures. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.”
This text boosted my trust in the Universe, and a new inner power was growing within me which I didn’t know I had.
At that point, I was a single mother of five sons, living at my mom’s after ending a ten-year toxic relationship that caused me to lose everything. So, my only core vision and mission was to create a new life of abundance under the sun for my five sons and me. However,”I didn’t know how!” Every day I saw through this tiny frame at my mom’s tiny apartment, (it seems like everything was little in Paris! And it was). Except for one thing: my Dream! It was saying: “Everything you request in your prayers, have faith and it will be granted to you”. When I started to apply this sentence into my everyday life, with faith, things began to shift in a HUGE way.
From one idea, I became an entrepreneur for my five sons, to escape our misery dead-end life. We were ready to move across oceans and to travel back from Europe to the USA. Soon after, we were flying, the boys and me, back to Texas, where we settled down with my brand-new-business. Within one year I reached a 6-figure business. Our life had changed tremendously – both my inner life and my outer life!” Building strong inner confidence, using my potential with the happiest, most positive and compassionate mindset.
How do you achieve work-life balance?
For twenty years I’ve been a single mother of 5 toddler-boys, then teenagers, and now men. So, you expect a lot of surprises – good and bad. Work-life balance is mostly time organisation but primarily via the flexibility of your mindset. So, with my love, my kindness, I nurtured my family. Being the sole breadwinner, I had to make choices for the business. Without knowing the actual word that we use today, I always used MINDFULNESS. Being in the present, with an enormous satisfaction in sharing good times with my boys – like driving from Dallas to Corpus Christi on Fridays for the weekend – swimming, laughing, playing on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico. Memorable moments! This is my work-life balance.
What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in business?
When you have a DREAM it is always reachable – you wouldn’t dream it otherwise. If you DREAM about something, this ‘something’ dreams about you too. We think about a vast unattainable fantasy and tell ourselves, “I will never achieve that” or “it will take forever” or “I will wait for the perfect time.” It’s time to make your dreams a reality right now as only the simple thought of something creates it.
So here are my five fundamental rules you can’t afford to ignore when it comes to prominent life achievements for women:
- Passion: without passion, which is in your core potential, you will not go far.
- Authenticity: use your core values
- Humility with a ‘never give up’ attitude, stay low and kind with resilience
- Adversity Failures – Learn from your lessons– ‘One who does not remember the past is condemned to live it again and again.’
- Encourage: have support from family or friends when they say: “I am convinced that you have all the infinite resources to succeed and be fulfilled in every part of your life, I am here to help you! So, transform your life in your dreams and turn your dreams into your reality”. This was the case for me with my family.
What is your primary career goal?
Happiness for all! Happiness is a virtue with curiosity and an open heart, plus kindness, energy, emotions, wisdom, leadership, truth, calmness. I am very concerned with who we are and the footprints that we want to live behind us. It is now time to be. Be free, be you, be happy! It is time to speak up, to stand out and to realise a world with more happiness, peace and freedom, starting with ourselves. This is my philosophy of life. From as young as I can remember, I’ve always appreciated every second of my life, no matter the circumstances. My cells and soul have always vibrated in harmony with kindness, positivity, drive and love. At a time when the words were not known yet like ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘Mindfulness’, I was already quietly thinking in that way. Now, all my professional activities (blogging, writing, speaking, private coaching, radio talk podcast, YouTube channel videos and the ‘Happiness to Success Academy’ etc. are in alignment with what I have within. Happily, conveying this powerful message to women all over the world.
What inspired, you to join the ‘Global Woman Club Amsterdam’ and how do you remember the first event?
The burning desire to speak up, to share my most profound conviction that women are the foundation of the next happy generation. With drive, kindness and an open-mind we create joy using our potential. At the GWC Amsterdam I found an extraordinary group of energised women who wanted to change the world for the better with their passion and purpose. That’s beautiful!
Website: www.elisacard.com / Email: [email protected]