Change Your Mindset for a Happy And Successful Life
Dovile Svilaite
Change Your Mindset for a Happy And Successful Life
By Fatima Gorezi
Dove is a Transformational Life Coach and Theta Brain Waves Energy Healer coming from a corporate law environment. Specialised in business, international banking and finance law, Dove worked as a qualified lawyer in the City of London, outsourcing services for in-house legal teams and law firms, global corporations and boutique firms, magic circle law firms and international banks. Her long journey searching the truth has ultimately evolved into Transformational Life Coaching and Energy Healing – using her wisdom, psychic gifts and talents, she devotes herself to empowering, helping, healing and transforming people’s lives to find balance between love, career, health and finances.
Dove has discovered that working with energy is the most fascinating and rewarding work she has ever done. She believes that the human brain is the most powerful, yet one of the most complex organs in the human body.
What is your background and how would you describe your early life?
I am very lucky and blessed to have a loving family, filling me with great memories as a child – big birthday parties, holidays by the sea. Yet since I was little, I have always been ambitious, hard-working, curious and open minded. I loved dancing, arts, sports, learning cultures and languages. My passion for dancing lasted for 12 years back home in Lithuania. It taught me numerous virtues such as discipline, team work, resilience, patience and reaching for perfection by practice. Whilst travelling the world dancing, my eyes were open to many possibilities. All this, coupled with the constant search for the highest truth, led me to enter law school and become a lawyer. I have always thought the sky is the limit. Therefore, while being a full time law student, I was the Secretary General of the European Law Students’ Association, participated in International Moot Court competitions, exchange programs to study abroad, etc. After my internship in New York and Masters in International Banking and Finance Law in London, I realised my passion for Europe and my desire to stay in London for the international experience.
What brought you to the realms of healing, spirituality and coaching?
To be honest, I never, even in my wildest dreams, thought I would practice healing or coaching. I had no idea what that was and I was fully focused and consumed by my legal career, pretty much being in my masculine energy. However, I have always questioned everything and searched for deeper answers, obviously relying on alternative sources, by going to retreats, seeing star readers, numerologists, cards readers, psychics, even studying Mandarin Chinese. I remained skeptical and I ended up at the stage of my life when I couldn’t find my answers – my heart was hurting, I felt unfulfilled, I felt stuck, I didn’t know what to do and it seemed that nothing could help. My path took me to a healing session, followed by a healing course, then the rest is history. Before helping others, one has to experience a self-healing journey first. I would not call it a journey into spirituality though, but I would say this was a journey to knowing myself deeply, honestly, truthfully and stepping into my true potential.
What was your secret ‘method’ during your journey to success? Can you share it with us?
The secret is – there is no secret. I share what I think – and what has worked for me – with everyone I meet. Everything you think of, you have the power to create. This is your reality and all the answers are within you – you just have to quiet your mind and listen. I have witnessed truly amazing manifestations in my life when there was no logical reason to believe it would happen. I am talking here of making the impossible possible. Right mindset, tools and action can create wonderful things in the most creative and unexpected way. I call it magic, and each of us has the magic stick. However, we humans make it all harder – we create all these obstacles, challenges, difficult partners, financial issues, fears and other energetic blocks to make this game of life a little bit more colourful. This is where Theta healing modality and coaching can help to guide you and break down these challenges.
What modalities of healing do you practice and offer to your clients?
I practice Theta brain waves energy healing. Theta healing is a highly versatile, non-specific meditation technique and life transforming spiritual philosophy, created by Vianna Stibal in 1995. She perfected the technique on herself during her own personal journey back to health. Theta Healing allows to reprogram our subconscious mind from limiting beliefs and feelings into empowering ones, instantly. It is performed when being in theta brain wave frequency and connecting to the energy which is within us and all around us, the energy of everything – Creator of All That Is, Energy Of All That Is, Universal Energy, Cosmic Consciousness, The Source, The Divine, Universal Love, Unconditional Love, Collective Consciousness, The God. Essentially Theta healing incorporates applying both physics and quantum physics, by relying upon unconditional love of the Creator Of All That Is. Eventually, by accessing the subconscious mind, we are able to reprogram it and witness the change in our conscious mind and our present. Therefore, when we change the way we think and feel, this opens doors to creating an entirely new reality – new feelings, thoughts, actions and life choices.
How do you work with people and their situations? How can you help them heal or improve their circumstances?
First of all, in order to change there must be a will for that. No one could ever help you if you are not ready and do not take full responsibility for yourself and your life. You and only you create your reality. And that is your power! But we are often not consciously aware of the reasoning for different patterns in our lives, our thoughts and habits, the reasoning behind diseases and why we can’t attract love or abundance. Unfortunately, many people have the belief that change can only happen through pain and suffering and, therefore, try alternative healing or mindset changing ways as the last resort – after getting sick, divorced, bankrupt and unhappy. So on my personal theta healing sessions, I work with people using this modality by performing muscle testing and intuitive body reading, then changing beliefs and feelings into empowering ones (in the subconscious mind). This is achieved by working with the DNA at the quantum energy level, releasing childhood traumas, removing energetic blocks that cause challenges, fears, transforming genetic patterns on the client’s chosen issue. I combine theta healing in my coaching packages for professionals who are going through any kind of change, feel stuck, unfulfilled and look for self-realisation. I believe energy healing and coaching is a great combination. It not only heals deep levels of your being but also creates the pathway to reach your goals.
What have been some sources of inspiration along the way?
What inspires me, is kind deeds without an expectation for return, making the impossible possible, smiles, strength and positivity during hard times, creativity to make this earth a better place, true love and genuine people. If you look carefully, everyday you can find inspiration all around you. For me, this comes in the form of my powerful but humble spiritual teachers, energised 70 year old pilates instructor, a smiling doorman, people choosing to be happy after losing everything, self-discovery and self-recreation.
What are your must-have tools of the trade?
I respect myself and take my clients’ time, feelings and personal circumstances seriously. However, before you give you must feel full. It is essential for natural intuitive people, like myself, who work with people to charge themselves. Thus, meditation, exercise and self nurturing are part of my daily routine. As I mentioned earlier, any kind of transformation is only possible when the person is ready for it. Sometimes just listening to clients can create miracles. In theta healing, the true healer is the Creator and I am the facilitator or channel, using my psychic gift, talent and knowledge. Transparency, compassion, determination and kindness are a must in my work. As Vincent Van Gogh is famous for saying: “What is done in love is done well”.
How do you feel about attending the upcoming Global Woman Summit 2019’?
There is a great power in a group of alike-thinking people, willing to make good changes in the world. I am truly excited not only to share my story and transformational services I provide, but also meet and learn from inspiring, thriving, empowered women from around the world.