Power to the people – Empowering the human factor
Diana and Keidi Pushi -Power to the people.Empowering the human factor
By Fatima Gorezi
Diana and Keidi Pushi are mother and daughter, both highly trained in methodologies of self knowledge and empowerment. In working with them, you can figure out your best path of real sustaining happiness.
Diana is an enthusiastic humanist strategist and entrepreneur. Her passion and purpose is to help YOU fully know your own true potential and living a life YOU LOVE. Her life-long passion is to bridge science with spirituality, so humans live a fulfilled and authentic life.
As a mother, wife and a change leader she is committed to working in creating a world where every human has the opportunity to be safe, nurtured and have the freedom and possibility to fully express Who They Truly Are.
As a trained master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, Time-Line Therapy & Life coaching and Nutrition Science, Keidi brings the tools and skills to encourage a new personal & healthy collective reality.
As a spiritual teacher & healer, she shares the loving energies of Divine Healing Hands, Eastern alternative medicine, Reiki and other quantum energetic modalities. She uses her intuition as well as easy and clear manner of simplifying personal development to ensure you live a miraculous life.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and the strong connection you have mother-daughter? How do you show the love and the appreciation to each other?
There are aspects of life that we can easily control – where to eat lunch, what to wear and what color we want to paint our bedroom walls. The family members we are born into and how they impact our lives, that can be a wild mystery filled with so much emotion. For a mother-and-daughter duo, Diana and Keidi Pushi, the journey has been of extreme love and pain and back into love. They share their points of view of how they’ve embraced each other fully.
Keidi : In a spiritual ceremony last winter, I experienced what it was like to be held in my mother’s womb again. There I was, a small soft delicate being cradled in the warmth and security of her body. With her hand on her belly, I felt this angel holding me with so much care and compassion, unconditionally. That is my mother; a woman of divine healing hands and immensely focused care.
Diana :My pregnancy was my first shocking experience in life. My whole body and life was shaken. It was as if this baby was giving the first warnings of the shift she would bring to our lives upon her arrival. I was 25 years old, young and unprepared for the challenge of raising a baby who would not stop crying or getting ill. I stretched my body to its edges to ensure she had anything and any convenience we could provide her. Both, me and my husband were living a roller coaster of emotions trying to give Keidi our full attention and love with our personal lives or relationship being pushed aside.
Years went by and Keidi became this extraordinary understanding and compassionate kid and at just 4 years old and everyone was calling her an old soul. That’s when I thought she was being shaped into this great being, an obedient one like me, and the future will be such a predictable path. It was not.
Keidi :When I was getting into my teenage years, my sensitivity was amped up by changing hormones and I just wanted to run away from home. I loved my parents so much and I felt so conflicted when they were arguing with each other. I felt their pain and struggle of our immigration from Albania to Canada. Having no siblings or anyone that I could speak to, my way of processing was in solitude. I would sit alone in my room crying, writing in my diary about my sadness, anger and fear and screaming silently into a pillow. I hid this all from my parents. They were very focused on my school marks anyways. In my internal screaming, I pierced the veils to connect with unseen worlds – God & all of his allies.
Diana : By the time my life became more settled in Canada, Keidi had become a teenager and we realised that she was not liking school the same way I did, or at least had obeyed to. I was continuing getting more professional designations full time in school and in my job. This was the hardest thing for me to swallow. Being a great student myself, I had the dream for my kid to go to the best Universities in the country. What was happening? The very kind and understanding kid had started to rebel. However, she had also started to put Buddha quotes on her computer screen. Why was she rebelling?
I painfully watched how she was not enjoying the stressful environment student were put in and the rigid structure of the linear learning. However, she was thriving in community events promoting the sustainability of local agriculture or helping empower young girls, and creative writing or life philosophy classes.
Keidi: The gift of seeing beyond is a humble opening. Having opened into new realms, I naturally gravitated towards learning from yogis and spiritual teachers that appeared at just the right times and most mysterious places. When I was procrastinating from school work during high school and University, I was practicing yoga, meditating, reading esoteric books and going on inner vision quests. I also spent a lot of time in nature, staring into space which I now realise is not a waste of time but an actual calling into seeing through the veils that separate the physical world and the quantum world of infinite possibilities.
Alongside my training and education, I was meditating and spending enough time in solitude to really center within the purity of my soul.
My mom and I are soul sisters, kindred spirits in female bodies in a society that has long placed expectations on us as women.
The way of our relationship has been full of struggles to evolve and many triumphs at it. I’ve always seen my mom as a leader, from when I was young in Albania and saw her as an economist working for UNDP, teaching women how to start their own businesses. She’s always been a consistent force of love and compassion and I admit that as her child, I have challenged her. When I think about having a daughter like myself, someone who was sensitive and strong in her ways, who rebelled against many expectations of being a typical good girl, I feel for my mom. I feel for how she has had to stretch her understanding for the sake of being a fully loving, supportive and compassionate mother. She has been the guardian of my sacred dreams in a world that is full of dangerous temptations.
Diana : With time she became more comfortable opening up and speaking her truth to her father and I. As hard as it was to see my child doing something I would have never thought of for a living, it was freeing to see her happy and loving learning.
And myself being a lifelong learner, I was thrilled to finally be a student of humanity. My life was suddenly painted with color and beauty and above I could see my precious daughter’s soul.
Diana & Keidi : Guess what? We think we’ve finally figured out how to be with each other as mother and daughter. And it’s still a work in progress but this is how it usually goes. One talks and the other listens. Takes a deep breath and then responds compassionately without projecting fears and hurt. Taking responsibility for their own greatness and also personal challenges with patience and understanding. You can see our love has refined itself into an honest friendship of joy and appreciation. Everyone is truly doing the best they can with what they have.
What initially sparked your interest in coaching and took you down this successful career path?
Keidi : We wanted to be better humans and better friends. Being as empathic as I am, I can feel people’s challenges and problems. When I didn’t know how to navigate the complex terrain of human emotions, I was a victim to other’s words. I now am in touch with the bigger picture of human psychology and what drives it. I understand the human identity is based on old stories, most of which need to be removed to create new behaviors. It became clear after awhile, that we are evolutionary coaches.
My mom and I are soul sisters, kindred spirits in female bodies in a society that has long placed expectations on us as women. The way of our relationship has been full of struggles to evolve and many triumphs at it. I’ve always seen my mom as a leader, from when I was young in Albania and saw her as an economist working for UNDP, teaching women how to start their own businesses. She’s always been a consistent force of love and compassion and I admit that as her child, I have challenged her. When I think about having a daughter like myself, someone who was sensitive and strong in her ways, who rebelled against many expectations of being a typical good girl, I feel for my mom’s challenges in being a parent. I feel for how she has had to stretch her understanding for the sake of being a fully loving, supportive and compassionate mother. She has been the guardian of my sacred dreams in a world that is full of dangerous temptations. The success in our career together is driven by pure love, resiliency and gratitude.
Resilience, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Life coaching, and building brilliant basics are key to successful living – can you tell us why you are so passionate about teaching this?
We believe in extraordinary love that understands, includes and serves those around us and ultimately humanity.
Keidi : Coaching and various character development strategies work to alleviate suffering. I begin by invoking one’s personal blueprint for optimal health. This includes emotional wellbeing, relationship health, financial security, overall mental clarity and any personal requests. I address genealogy of family history and one’s significant emotional events through Time Line analysis and therapy. After also assessing beliefs and limits of the body tissue and mental field, I invite physical movements, deep guided breaths and positive new thoughts through hypnotherapy and coaching. The neurology of the body & mental field are designed to evolve and I honor this intelligence by asking questions that open the mind to the best possible outcomes.
Diana : It started as a passion for creating a healthy and meaningful life for myself.
Life took me on a journey where I had to fully experience the definition of success as we know it. Great academic achievements along with a great corporate job and contributing to community through different volunteering platforms. In the process I soon realized that something was missing. There was a need for different leadership qualities to make true innovation happen. The resilience factor. The work relationship dynamics proved to be outdated, no matter people’s academic background or work experience.
I also strongly believe that my yearning for a new way of living human potential was part of my soul’s purpose. One cannot escape their soul purpose. Life will bring it close to your eyes in different ways, so you become aware that is your path. You start receiving insights, learning new strategies, experiencing it and then sharing it with everyone. It happens organically.
Learning the science of what makes our brain capable of deliberately creating our life, was like bringing light to my unanswered questions. It was the missing piece I had not learned in my long mainstream academic studies and felt I had a role to play in bringing it to the world.
I gained clarity on what is real success in life and the resiliency that’s needed and gained through love.
Understanding how the brain works and why what we do has the effect it does is so important. What’s been the greatest and most reassuring discovery you’ve made about the power of hypnosis that’s fueled your confidence to pursue it as a career?
Hypnosis is one of the modalities that both Keidi and I are trained and licensed in. It is one of the fastest ways to change our habits and reprogram our minds, as hypnosis works with 95% of our mind which is the unconscious mind. It is now known that working with the mindset in a cognitive way, is like rearranging chairs on the Titanic while is sinking.
I have also been designated on the Human Design System and I use its intelligence with great success in my coaching.
I start with helping people discover who they are, their brilliance and their challenges in life. Our challenges are as I call them “our growth points” and it is very important to be well aware of them, so we know specifically what to work on. Knowing and hearing your Human Design is as if you are meeting your higher self in person.
We now live in this digital age. Would you recommend coaching as a career to others? Why?
Diana: The digital world has created the possibility for everyone to make a global impact in their career.
Life coaching is absolutely a growing industry for the fact that human factor has become “the keyword” of every conversation, being in a corporate boardroom or a grassroots platform.
As humanity is going through the shift, it is only logical that a new education and guidance is needed.
If someone feels that they have the inherent desire or passion to contribute in this area, there is a great chance that that it is their life purpose. And that comes with the responsibility to get themselves educated in the highest intelligence of human potential, practice it themselves and become a role model on walking the talk.
Also educating themselves on the business strategies, so they can turn their passion into a sustainable career.
Keidi and I created “ The Reborn Experience” with that goal in mind.
Global Woman is a platform viewed and followed by thousands of women from all corners of the world. What are you messages for them?
Keidi: Each relationship is meant to produce love and create a better story for humanity. Ask yourself “For what purpose is this relationship?” How is it meant to serve you, the other person and the collective. My mom and I have spent now almost 3 decades cultivating love together. It is natural that at some point we would use it to serve the world. We both have the path of being teachers amongst the many roles we play. Our message is to use love for a higher purpose and to overflow it in service. We clearly had love for each other as mother & daughter and now we have included many others that we work with as clients.
Diana: Having an extensive education and work experience in business and finance, I am passionate about sharing on what is the new business theme in the new coming decade or as I call it “sharing economy” concept.
As the theme of the humanity journey is changing, so is the business theme.
We are shifting from the collective theme that was created around 300 years ago, towards empowering the individual first, a.k.a the “human factor”.
We learned that only an individual who fully loves him/herself, values and embraces his/her talents and gifts, while loving and respecting others’ individuality. That created the need for the whole human empowerment industry.
Now, this individual will learn to create their desired lives and work, based on new principles such as faith, trust and co-creation with Universe and Spirit and other individuals. These principles are not logical based as society has been programmed to work on in the past.
New life skills such as “Intuition” and “Fundamental Creativity” are becoming very high on demand while we are harmonising our minds to a more balanced state that includes both, the logical and creative sides.
Businesses that are co-created with love will be sustainable and highly impactful.
Global Woman Platform is one of the great models of the future of the business.
Thank you for the opportunity to share our journey with your audience.