Helping women lead healthy and happy lives
Dr. Laura Götz – Helping women lead healthy and happy lives
By Fatima Gorezi
Dr. Laura Götz is the owner of three different businesses, which allows her to contribute in a daily basis to her vision of helping women lead healthy and happy lives. As a gynecologist, her original focus was on infertility, a topic she even published a number of scientific papers on. Eventually, her passion shifted to public health. Working with women made her realise the desperate need for the medical system to go back to its roots and tend to quintessential yet neglected doctor-patient relationship, which has stranded over the years. Her online platform “Women from A to Z” provides free medical advice for hundreds of thousands in her native country of Romania. Women who are going through a life crisis or suffer from psychosomatic illnesses benefit from her coaching method, which will be detailed in a book launching by the end of 2020.
Tell us about your early life and your journey from Romania to Germany?
I was born right after the fall of communism. Being young, I picked up western values (like gender equality and meritocracy) very quickly. That’s what I was taught at home, but the reality was different, so I always knew I ought to move to a country which shared my values. Striving for excellence in my field drove me to work as a doctor in Germany, and my business interests brought me to the UK. I always want to learn from the best, so here I am, where I truly belong!
Your vision is to help women lead healthy and happy lives. Tell us more about “Women from A to Z” platform.
Gynaecology was on my mind since high school, therefore I studied with passion. As a patient with gynaecological ailments myself, I noticed how superficially – and sometimes disrespectfully – women were treated. Moreover, the advice Romanian doctors would give were outdated and they would rather induce fear and paranoia than calm and a sense that somebody was looking out for them. So I started a free blog/vlog (drlaurastirbu.com) and then a Facebook group (Femei de la A la Z) to educate women on common health issues and answer their medical questions. I also carry on live therapy sessions in order to reduce anxiety related to pregnancy and natural birth. I believe pregnancy is a time of peace and joy, and I want to convince women not to buy into the hysteria other professionals are promoting.
How does this platform contribute to the maternal health or broader women’s health agenda?
During the course of 3 years, I have answered over 10,000 questions and reached out to hundreds of thousands of women through my social media platforms. Even though the information is all around us on the internet, I realised that what the women of today need is advice coming directly from a friendly face they could trust, who gave them the feeling they were actually listened to.
Taking the time to talk to the patients as real people and not as diseases is often more effective than a pill. Doctors should be writing more “empathy” prescriptions instead of drugs. That is the message I am promoting online and also offline, before both professionals and non-professionals, so we can change and contribute as a collective. My platform not only helped others, but has made me want to change the paradigm on women’s health.
What are your coming projects? Tell us about the books you are writing.
My vision is great, and I am on my way to promoting it worldwide. I am starting off this year as a speaker at diverse events, to inspire both professionals and non-professionals to adapt medical care to the needs of the 21st century. I am also considering launching online courses, special health centers, meant for introducing new medical care standards. My amazing medical journey led to a significant shift in my career. As of 2019, I have picked up transformational coaching and have developed my own method, which will be detailed in my upcoming book, “Connect with your feminine body – and use it to its full potential”, a holistic guide to women of all ages. Other projects are on the way and I am excited to up-lift my game and make a global change. I am happy and grateful that I can do what I want, in a place where I belong.