Pink Supermoon: How To Harness Its Energy & Make It Work For You
The first Supermoon of 2021 will occur tonight, appearing 30% brighter than a full moon at apogee (at the furthest point from the Earth).Sarah Jane Brown, expert from PsychicWorld.com, https://www.psychicworld.com/. sheds light on the meaning behind this Pink Supermoon and how to prepare for it:
Supermoon Meaning:
This Pink Supermoon in Virgo gained its name through a spiritual connection made by the Native Americans between this moon and the phlox flower, which is a distinct shade of pink and blooms around the same time of year as this full moon in April. The phlox, Greek for ‘flame’ or ‘light’ represents, much like the moon, harmony and fertility. Spiritually, if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, this Pink Supermoon signifies fertility, change, new growth, and adaptability, which are major themes in spring.
If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, it signifies looking inwards during the cold winter months and releasing any external burdens that have held you down.
To generalise across the globe, this Supermoon is a time to focus on release and new beginnings, allowing you to let go of pent-up energies that have built-up from the Worm Moon on the 28th of March.
As we approach this Pink Supermoon you will find that situations or people that no longer resonate with your heart and soul will begin to manifest and irritate you. This will give you the courage to create great change, so that you can walk forward lighter in body and soul for the rest of the remaining month ahead. To work out clearly what you want to release over the next few weeks is vital, as it allows you to make vacuums in your life that can be refilled with positive people and elements.

Supermoon Tips:
Remember that this release is a process and not a nightly fix – from the Supermoon until the Lunar eclipse on the 26th of May, one is to focus on what they wish to release from their life. It is always good to write these things down or speak out loud as this manifestation brings the energy of consciousness to your goals.
Use this time to charge your crystals! The Rose Quartz will be particularly powerful during this time as its peaceful and passionate energy works well with the regeneration of this upcoming Supermoon. Leave this crystal out in the moonlight on the 26th April in a glass of water to create a powerful Moon Water. This you can drink the next day or use on your houseplants. This is a wonderful time to journal and write down all the inspiring thoughts that you are having.
I also advise people to surround themselves with people on a similar wavelength. Those less woke will seem grumpy and moody and may even suffer from bad headaches around this full moon. So try your best to keep your emotions high and enjoy this wonderful release of positive energy.
The upcoming Supermoon presents the perfect evening to light a candle and manifest your journey forward. Certainly, this full moon signifies life changes, and many loose ends will be tied up and put to rest during this time.