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No More Failed New Year’s Resolutions – The Winning Formula Behind Real Change

New Year – New Super You! Follow the winning formula behind real change, succeed in your New Year’s resolutions and make 2021 your best year ever.

Who doesn’t love a fresh start?

Of course, there’s no better timing for one than at the beginning of a brand new year – when what has been can be forgotten (Bah bye 2020) and what awaits can be anticipated (Hellloooo 2021!!!).

So year after year you set New Year’s resolutions – to party less and sleep more; to eat less sweets and more veggies; to complain less and create more and the list goes on up to the point where the word “resolution” itself sends shivers down your spine.

Well…at the end of 2020, it’s high time to change that. And resolutions are a perfect way to steer your life in the direction you wish for it to go. Especially when you know the winning formula!

But first let’s start with cold hard facts: How many of New Year’s resolutions actually stick?

Unfortunately, not too many. The brutal truth is that 88% of people FAIL to keep their resolutions – months go by and nothing changes – they stay the same and so do their results.

But all is not lost because there are 12% of peeps who actually do manage to keep their New Year’s resolutions and YOU can be one of them.

Here’s a winning formula to help you with your New Year’s resolutions:

STEP1: Why Do You Want What You Want

Without a compelling reason or cause, your resolutions don’t stand a chance.

You need to dig deep down inside of you and figure out WHY this is important to you.

– If we want to feel an undying passion for our work, if we want to feel we are contributing to something bigger than ourselves, we all need to know our WHY – advices expert on why’s Simon SInek in his book Find Your Why.

So to build up devotion to your resolution, take the time you need to get clear on your why: WHY do you want what you want and WHY does this matter to you now?

You’re the only one in the world that can answer this question.

STEP 2: Envision – Inner Vision

See yourself with your goal achieved, living the life you dream of, showing up as the person you wish to be.

Keep the image of who you wish to be firmly in your mind. Begin to wake up, move, speak, make decisions and take actions as that person – and eventually you will BE that person.

The more times you repeat it, the bigger result you’ll achieve.

– It’s easy to fall into old ways of being – to keep yourself there, you need some sort of prompts or environmental cues. That’s why having something that reminds you to see yourself as the person you wish to be is so vital. And there’s no better way than with PUNDEEZ – we’ve literally hacked nature – says Lise, founder and owner of the new brand PUNDEEZ: the original self-empowering underwear.

Remember to make the best use of the mysterious mechanism of your mind.

     Because everything is created twice, first in your thoughts and then in real life.

STEP 3: Enjoy the Process

Don’t just be satisfied once you reach your goal, make a conscious effort to enjoy all the moments along the way.

The ups, the downs, the good, the bad, the magnificent and the ugly, it’s all a part of you becoming YOU.

-After all, your life is only ever being lived in the NOW. Pundeez was created not only to remind you of who you are able to become but also to embrace the process of becoming itself. It’s important to love who you are and where you are right now as well as who you’re becoming and where you’re going – continues Lise

STEP 4: Patience, Love!

Know that great things take time. We know you’re eager, we know you want it all but to be truly effective, focus on one or two goals at a time.

Keep in mind that change doesn’t happen overnight but as long as you keep at it, you’re doing great!

– When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.

Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that last blow that did it—but all that had gone before – metaphor from James Clear, the author of The Clear Habit Journal, couldn’t be more accurate.

Consistency really is the key.

STEP 5: Acknowledge yourself

Every time you make a choice in alignment with your goals or resolutions, acknowledge yourself, because that’s a win and small wins, eventually lead to BIG wins!

Sooo….recognize yourself, applaud yourself, and be proud of yourself. Don’t wait for others to do that for you.

You gotta acknowledge YOU.

You’re all set. You’re ready to rock 2021.

However, if you need help staying on track, just go back to this formula and make sure you’re following all the steps:

1. Are you super clear on your why?

2. How do you envision your best self?

3. Are you enjoying all the moments along the way?

4. Are you giving yourself the time, space and love needed to grow?

5. Are you your biggest fan?

2021 is your year.

Make sure of it.

Meet Lise Charriere

Lise Charriere is the founder and creator of Pundeez, the original self-empowering underwear for women, men and children. Lise was born in “friendly” Manitoba and has been living in Sweden with her husband for the past 12 years. She worked as a flight attendant for more than a decade; working with a regional carrier first, then for an NHL charter company and finally on a private aircraft as a corporate flight attendant where she met some of the top decision-makers and celebrities of the world. It’s then she realised that at our core, we all want the same things; health, happiness, safety, belonging and mattering – “soccer moms” and Presidents alike. She has been a personal development and mindset enthusiast since she was 17 years old and is passionate about sharing these principles with others because she knows they are key to truly being happy.

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