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Moira Ní Ghallachoir – I help women to make money

Moira Ní Ghallachoir

“My mission to help women to make money”

By Fati Gorezi

Moira Ní Ghallachoir is an Entrepreneur, Business Consultant and Coach from Ireland who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs to win more clients and make more money doing what they love!  She has captivated thousands around the world with her engaging live talks and her magnetic events held in many countries. In this interview she shares some interesting details and tips from her entrepreneurial journey.
How did you first get into the business you are working in today? What inspires you every day?
At 36, I started to look at my life and think – is this it? Is this as good as it gets? I started to question everything. I knew I had a bigger dream than the one I was living and the longer I stayed in my 9-5 the more I began to see they might never come true! So, I left London to move back home to Ireland, in the middle of a recession, without really knowing what I would do. When I got back to my home town I was struck at how beautiful and amazing it was and I remember thinking “Where are all the tourists?” – because all I could see around me was businesses closing, people struggling and leaving to build lives elsewhere. For me it was the most amazing place on the planet – and so I set about doing something about it. I started by creating heart-led adventures where visitors could experience one of the most authentic places in the world. Fast forward two years, and now around 1000 people have experienced my tours. I had many of the local businesses working together and it was making a massive impact – but what I started to learn was that businesses struggled with sales the most and this was something I was really good at. So, I segued from the Travel business to Coaching and within six months of making this change my business was making 10k a month then 20k and now between 30k and 40k a month and I love it.
What inspires me most every day is – number one – that I am living the life I want to live and my business fuels my life – and two – I’m helping all the entrepreneurs I work with to get out of financial survival and actually learn how to sell what they have to offer and feel good about it. This way they can make a lot of money and help a lot of people live their dreams too! Who wouldn’t be inspired by that right?


Have you always been passionate about what you do or was there a specific situation/moment that triggered it for you?
I’ve always been passionate about freedom. It’s always been something I’ve wanted to create for myself and life. And when I hit a wall with my life in London back in 2012 and needing to create a new life for myself, I knew that meant I needed to create more freedom for myself. With my time, my finances and my location. I remember reading the ‘Four-hour work week’ by Tim Ferris – it blew my mind to the possibilities that were everywhere and the possibilities to ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ anything we want in our lives. And that this idea of job security, pensions, paid holidays was really all a load of crap. Talk about a eureka moment! That book changed my perception about life as we know it, or more accurately my life as I knew it. It gave me the push to redesign my life. Starting from nothing, no job, no big plan, just the inspiration to be something bigger and better than I had been up until that point in my life. And it’s worked. I’ve achieved more in the last three years than I ever dreamed possible. Now it’s time for a bigger dream and that’s a funny place to be.
Do you have a global mission when it comes to women’s empowerment? What do you want to achieve?
I’m on a mission to show women how to help themselves when it comes to sales and making money – that’s what empowerment means to me in business. If I can give a woman entrepreneur everything she needs to be able to build a multiple six figure business – fast – this is empowerment at its core.
The work you have to do to grow a business is not easy – it’s easier to do the ‘inner work’ than the actual picking up the phone everyday kind of work. I see my mission as being to make women aware that you can do all the inner work you like, but if you’re not willing to learn how to enrol clients and earn more money, fast, you will fail because you’re not treating it like a business.
The purpose of Business is to make money – when you fail to do that – you fail in business. Too many women business owners pretend they’re not driven by money – or they don’t admit that they want to make money. They think that their business will grow organically. The money will come if they just stay positive. Money comes from sales – and if you don’t learn to sell you don’t learn to make money. I’m committed to changing this. And making it easier and easier for women to make all the money they want. Because that’s when a global impact will really be made. Without money, we can’t really make an impact.

What one tip would you give to women who feel like they can’t achieve their goals because of gender inequality in their business?
Stop treating sales like it’s some kind of brain surgery you have to perform on your clients and making it this complicated thing we have to do. We associate the energy for making money and sales more with masculine than feminine, but actually sales and making requires everything women are naturally good at:
Being in control, powers of Persuasion, inspiring people, supporting each other to make decisions, creating big visions and a strategy to achieving that, really listening to people and, of course, our innate ability feel for others. This is what I think it takes to sell. It’s not complicated, it’s very straightforward. Who doesn’t want to be a natural at making money?
Tell us about your experience with the ‘Global Woman Club’ and being a Speaker at a Global Woman Event. Why did you get involved and why do you think that women empowerment and global connections is important?
It’s been a brilliant resource for me. When I joined back in February of this year, it was around the same time that I realised I no longer needed to be tied to my home office building my business. I had crossed the quarter million mark – and that meant I had the money to live anywhere I want, travel where I want, buy what I want. I chose Paris to do all of that (originally from Donegal, Ireland) and was lucky because the ‘Global Woman’ club here is fantastic. But it doesn’t stop there, I’ll be in Sweden, London, Paris and New York all before the end of this year and who knows where else. It connects you everywhere you go – and this makes mixing business with a fabulous global lifestyle – all the better!

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