How to reach your limitless potential – Unlocking the secrets from experts
By Srishti Kapoor
Gwenda Smith’s passion for wellness began at the age of 16. She was fascinated by the healing process and wanted to know more about the human body. Therefore, she became a specialist senior scrub nurse in operating theatres. The many phenomenal experiences during those years changed her acceptance of illness and disease. Today Gwenda has worked with many young people who are finding that anxiety, depression, and illness are becoming major factors in their daily lives. Gwenda is passionate about making a difference through her role as a “Waymaker”, wherein she facilitates the way for people to bring change to their lives with ease. Through her experience, events, workshops, conferences, coaching, mentoring, and speeches she has transformed many people’s lives. Her vision is to bring together a community of people and reach out across the world to make living enjoyable and easy for everyone.
Can you tell us something about yourself and the Conscious Conversation Conference?
I have a vision of building strong communities around the globe that are healthy, fit, and strong; mentally, emotionally, and physically. One of the ways I am achieving that vision is through speaking engagements at events across the oceans. My methods are raw and real. I am told I am a compelling driver for change, a trailblazer, an unconventional practitioner; with a proven track record of success over 30 years. The Conscious Conversation Conference is a gala event, a day of bringing a new level of conversation, one which will impact not only our immediate corner of the world but that which will have the ripple effect out into the greater world. The intention of the conference is to create a greater awareness of the power of our conversations. To explore life-changing, thought-changing insights that will encourage everyone to be the pebble across the river, creating the ripple effect that will span across the world.
How important is communication in our life? How does the Conscious Conversation Conference implement its mission through communication?
Our conversations affect our whole being. The words we say and think change the health of every cell in our body. I believe that if we can come to a new understanding of the way we use our words and thoughts, then not only can we change our own health and well-being; we can change the world and bring a brighter happier way to be for everyone. Ultimately peace and harmony for all. In the Conscious Conversation Conference, over the course of the day speakers will bring inspiration through sharing knowledge and wisdom of the words we speak and how we internalise what we hear and what that does to our mind and body. All who come to the conference will leave with new energy and a new awareness of the power of words and thoughts. My vision is to take the conference around the globe.
What makes people reluctant to change and allow anxiety, depression, fear, and obstacles to take over their life?
Mostly it is a combination of the way in which they have been raised to think about wellness and sickness, beliefs, and habits. Sadly, sickness can also be a vehicle for emotional needs, such as feeling wanted, cared for, and loved. When these things are at play the person is not wanting to be well for fear of losing their sense of being cared for, looked after, and loved. Change brings a sense of unease and feelings of insecurity which can often cause fear, the fear of not being in control and what might happen. I call it the “what if” syndrome.
How do you help people rise above these situations and come out with improvements?
I love to take people away to enjoy nature, and while we explore nature, I step into my role of Spirit Medicine Woman “Waymaker”. This helps them realise the wonder of themselves through using practices, tools, and methods which soften the body so that they can breathe well and feel at ease. Then we venture into the heart and soul where we discover the beautiful authentic heart and soul that is truly who they are. I have an online mentoring course, filled with guidance. I teach the key tools and practices to use that allow clients to release the blocks in their physical body so that pain and illness are gone and they can then feel the freedom to live each day with vitality and feel happy with themselves. The rest is the wonder of self-healing.
Can you tell us something about spirit medicine?
What a fabulous question! My favourite part of my life’s dedication is working with Spirit Medicine. To me, the Almighty Divine – i.e. GOD – offers the purest of healing and love. I align with that powerful energy to assist healing for anyone who seeks to be well and happy. We are all a spirit, a soul that is pure and wondrous. When we know how to hear the whispers of our soul and combine it with the medicine of Spirit, which is the greatest power of all and that to me is that of the Almighty Divine – pure energy, frequency, and vibration – then we have available to us to live a rich life on every level of our being.
How can we heal ourselves naturally; is there truly power within us all? According to you, what is our true potential?
Yes! We all truly have the power to heal. A vital part of well-being is to be empowered from within. Many people lose their sense of personal importance by way of self-esteem and self-worth. I am dedicated to guiding, leading, inspiring, and teaching people how to regain their personal sense of value, self-worth, and be empowered into their right of happiness and health (as such to self-heal). We are limitless; therefore, our potential is limitless. It is only the mind that blocks us from reaching our potential. Our true potential is to co-create a life of our dreams and to live a good life.
Are we not aware of being self-sufficient to change every situation in our life?
We arrive into this world as pure and unbothered, and in only hours of our arrival, we are impacted upon by many people’s energy. We are raised to behave and be a certain way, we are taught that we are accepted and loved if we be that person. It is this that distracts us from our truth to knowing that we are self-sufficient and that we have the power to change every situation in our life no matter how bad it seems.