Evelien van Es; A guide on how to discover the power inside us
“For me life is about being relentlessly you”, says Evelien, as she reviews her life and the challenges she has overcome.Today she helps others in overcoming their own challenges. After gaining great experience working in corporations Evelien decided to dedicate herself to her own business. With some important tips for us, she explains below how we can better discover ourselves and the power we all have inside. At the start of 2021, Evelien will publish her book, which will also serve as a manual for all those who are looking to empower themselves. Collaboration, inspiration and helping others are her key words as a coach.
When did you realise what it was you really wanted to do in your life?
Life is a journey in discovering who you really are, beyond your ego and all that has shaped you during life. As a child and adolescent, I wasn’t really clear about what I wanted in life. I always kept options open simply because I didn’t know. As kids we are way too young to make important choices in life about how we see our future. And actually, it doesn’t really matter what you do. It’s all about living life, learning about what life is all about and figuring out how to find your unique path in life. That is not about what you want in life from your mind, it’s revealing what your deeply desire from heart and soul.
Which of the tips you received in your childhood did you find the most helpful?
That is a difficult question for me and doesn’t really appeal to me to be honest. I had a good childhood but didn’t learn how to use my intuition until I found out later in life, through learning some tough lessons. I’m very thankful for what I’ve done in life and the career I had in the corporate world.It taught me a lot but not in particular about myself. The most interesting learning journey in life about myself has been my entrepreneurial journey since 2006. That’s when I started to find out what life is really all about.
How was it for you moving from working in big companies to your own business?
I have a background in communication, change management and management development in the corporate world. Back then it was not a matter of a deliberate choice. I just did it because it was how it was done, how I was raised, how you’re supposed to make a career. Of course, it was my choice, but I wasn’t very aware back then of making mainly rational choices. In school we’re not taught what life is all about. How to listen to our inner voice, how to embrace life, how to live life.
I’m very thankful for my corporate experience, it did teach me a lot about people, teams, leadership and I was able to develop in many strategic ways. This is valuable for everything I do in life now.
But life happens, you hurt yourself in different ways, career-wise and in your private life. You get fired when you’re pregnant, you get separated and have loved ones that get seriously ill or die. That is when you truly wake up and realize what you want in life and that you want to change the way you live your life. As much as I love life, it can be a challenge if you choose to be yourself and to take on life head on.
How is your work with businesswomen? How do you help them?
For me, life is about being relentlessly you.That is what I wrote my book, which will be published at the beginning of 2021. I love to inspire others and to help them discover what their inner power of being is and how they can use that in their businesses. I work with both women and men, since all of us have the need in finding our way in life and to find out and use our unique added value so we can pass that on to others. Women have different challenges than men do, but in the end it’s about having the guts to follow your heart and just be you. It’s about taking in the space that is there for each and every one of us. That doesn’t have anything to do with materialistic things in life. It’s about connecting with your soul and finding your way to fulfillment in life with what you do.
What I love to do is inspire, speak, write and work with my team to help more people find their way in their life and business. I love to collaborate, that’s who I am. So many people are struggling and it gives a lot of meaning to my life to be able to help others and also mentoring other coaches. By being able to multiply what I do, through my team, we can reach a bigger audience. That gives meaning to my life.
Can you share with us some tips on how to find ourselves and how to help ourselves?
Let me give you a couple of tips on how to get to the core of who you are.
• be very honest with yourself and stop doing today what you don’t love doing anymore. When we have procrastination, we are blocking ourselves from creating movement and change.
• slow down and start listening to your heart. And if that is a challenge itself, even slow down more than that. As long as you’re running around you’re not going to find the answers.
• Stop looking at what others do. It’s your life and looking at others won’t help you feel better and won’t resolve your key questions on who you are and what you want.
• Ask for dedicated help, find a good coach, and focus on your own process of getting clarity.
• Dare to be relentlessly you, with respect to others.
How is your life when you are not dealing with your jobs and commitments?
Mmm, this is a weird question for me. My work is my life, it’s my mission, it’s bigger than me. I live one life, so there is no distinction in my life. I love people, I love what I do and this is the life I’m supposed to live.
If you mean what I love doing then it is being outdoors, running, walking and spending time by water. I love the beach. Nature is the place where I feel a strong connection with myself and the world. Also, I love to connect with people.