Bettina Carey: Shattering the Glass Ceiling
In society, many people face obstacles which may hinder their personal or professional progression. It is important to note that we are the creators of our own destiny, and in turn, have the power to overcome or overturn anything that stands in our way. Bettina is a prime example of a strong individual that does not allow the weight of the world to get her down. She rose up from the ashes like a phoenix and began her entrepreneurial journey, leading her towards her six-figure success story, which she shares with us here at Global Woman Magazine.
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”
Travelling the world, how was your childhood, and how has it shaped your character?
I grew up travelling the globe as an Army military brat. We moved every one to three years, shaping my ability to be flexible and malleable to change. I learned a lot about different cultures at a young age, which taught me to be giving and acceptant of how different we all are.
Being of Puerto Rican heritage, did your culture impact your upbringing? What is your favourite thing about your culture?
I was raised by my parents who are Puerto Rican. I learned how to work collaboratively with everyone. I loved the family atmosphere the most. We would hold a work party if we needed a wall taken down or put up in our home. If our friends needed our help, we would do the same in return. Large gatherings of our family’s friends – including many Latin friends on the same military base – were common and remarkable to plan and execute. In particular, I enjoyed making our traditional Puerto Rican dishes and singing and dancing to our friends playing musical instruments.

You had a successful nursing career for over 15 years. What made you decide to shift gears and become an entrepreneur?
I worked as a nursing assistant through nursing school; I graduated in 1984 with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. I worked happily in the obstetrics field in traditional hospital-based nursing. In 1991, I changed my work preference to in-home care. One day in December 1992, while walking into a meeting, I slipped and fell, injuring my hip and neck. Months later, whilst recovering, I started my first marketing company focused on healthcare. I literally slipped and fell into business as a way to pivot my career! During my six-year recovery, I not only became a successful entrepreneur, but I also founded a women’s group that had served over 5,000 women in the Seattle market when I stepped down from leading the group in 2011. In 2020, I returned to teach women and men, under We EmPOWER Your Life, to start, run and scale their online businesses.
Your company We EmPOWER You is an online community of like-minded people. How does your company ensure to empower everyone?
We EmPOWER You was conceived in collaboration with Lee Romanov (a Global Woman member who introduced me to GW), the President of Income Activator, which provides a replicable website platform that levels the playing field for all worldwide. Our power is in the Income Activator platform, which provides ten income strategies that members can utilise to generate multiple revenue streams. I also tell people to use referrals to become more successful. Just tell people, “I accept referral fees.” We believe in the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” Our power comes from the community of like-minded people who have locked arms and are walking together to do their best to help one another.
“In 2020, I hit six figures in six months and one week. Now I am earning double that amount.”
What is your secret to being a successful entrepreneur for nearly 30 years?
As a female entrepreneur, and woman of colour living in the United States, I faced extreme obstacles that reflected a male-dominated society. However, it was not society that held me back the most, it was my own hidden self-limiting beliefs that I had picked up from my surroundings and culture. My confidence and self-esteem rose when I decided to shatter those self-limiting beliefs. I call it shattering the glass ceiling. I advise women to start asking for what they are worth, and they will see abundance – prosperity will improve. Adapting a singular mantra has been the secret to my success, “You only get in life what you have the courage to ask for, so ask for more (put more zeros on it)!” I recommend practising this simple mantra daily in all areas of life, including personal.
How do you overcome challenges that you face as an entrepreneur?
For me, adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic took more than my mantra; it took ingenuity and collaboration. It took focusing on my online business, and this was the best way for anyone in business to succeed. I discovered a way to bring in multiple streams of income that has far exceeded any success to date. At the ripe young age of 64, I believe I have found a replicable way for anyone, entrepreneur or not, to achieve unlimited income potential. In 2020, I hit six figures in six months and one week. Now I am earning double that amount. I now teach people to stop working so hard and start promoting others, as part and parcel of your income-producing effort. I also teach that making your joint venture partners 50/50 means everyone succeeds. Finding people that are perfectly aligned with you is vital. Lastly, from the mountain top, I believe it is possible to change the world, one business at a time. Everyone, including children, can start and successfully run their own online business.

How do you manage your time and resources as a multifaceted entrepreneur?
I manage my energy, not my time. Time is irrelevant when you feel energised. I also manage flow, especially the flow of collaboration with others. I schedule everything so that the complete picture of my life is in balance with everything else. My focus is on outcomes and deliverables rather than busyness. I use my time and resources to invest in my business growth rather than the next new thing. Although I stand 4ft9½”, I am all about BIG results. I’m conscientious about being fiscally responsible. As a strategist, I’m vested in replicable, tried, and true strategies.
Why is it vital for you to help individuals – especially women of colour – to earn six figures plus?
As a woman of colour, who is known for working my fingers to the bone, I give my blood, sweat, and tears to succeed. I realised long ago that I had to work smarter and harder. As a founder and leader, known as the “woman behind women,” my labour of love is to help shatter glass ceilings right down to the floor. I am driven by my personal experience of bumping up against the glass myself. When I look at the statistics of female business owners, it is still appalling that very few reach the six-figure reality, even though we have founded more companies than our male counterparts.