Global Woman Summit 2016 Global Women shaping a new paradigm More than 200 women and men from a variety of countries around the world, representing most continents, experienced a weekend of holistic enlightenment and inspiration at the inaugural Global Woman Summit 2016
“SayYeah” is the UK winner of the HYPE global tech innovation for sports competition
"SayYeah" is the UK winner of the HYPE global tech innovation for sports competition “Say Yeah” start-up venture selected to represent the UK at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio; the winner of the grand final in Rio will receive a
Powerful Woman, Powerful Mind – Mentoring Programme
Powerful Woman, Powerful Mind How to be in charge of your thoughts and unleash the power of your most valuable asset We are all born with a powerful tool for creating a joyful, vibrant and fulfilling life: our mind. Yet, as we
I am a businesswoman in Cardiff
I am a businesswoman in Cardiff By Lena Zechner Cardiff has ever since been on my list of places I wanted to see while staying in Great Britain. Recently hearing stories about the city with its lovely waterfront and Welsh culture
I don’t love my husband anymore
I don’t love my husband anymore Dear Judy, I am now at a point to seek help. I have been married for eight years and we have a daughter aged 7. I think I don’t love my husband any more but I don’t
Situation in Turkey – Letter from Baybars Altuntas
Dear Friends, As you know, we experienced one of the biggest, maybe the biggest shock of our lives on the night of 15 July in Turkey. I was in Thessaloniki to attend some events when all these terrible things happened. I
Adam Stott Dream Big Adam Stott is a man on a mission and clearly knows where he is going and why. Everything this young gentleman does reflects that sentiment. He has mapped out his path early on and taken the necessary steps
JT Foxx: Women make far better entrepreneurs than men
JT Foxx: Women make far better entrepreneurs than men By Katharine Wright JT Foxx started out as an entrepreneur with less than one thousand dollars to his name and became a millionaire by the age of 24. He has over 50 companies and
5 men share their secrets By Trevor Clarke This a new paradigm to men and women to better understand each other. Here are more men’s perspective of how women believe that men are or should be and their own insights of how
Rebekah Prince: How I became a strong woman
Rebekah Prince How I became a strong woman Rebekah Prince is the Founder and Director of Prince’s. Her drive and tenacity has enabled hundreds of clients to achieve phenomenal results. Rebekah is a vibrant, reliable and soulful character that mixes with the team and