7 Secrets to create a meaningful life
By Sabina Casian
Life is a precious gift that you receive from your very first day when you were born. As the years pass by, you grow younger, then older, and somehow, forget about the importance of your precious and valuable gift of yours. You might take everything for granted, especially if nothing major hap-pens in your life. But, when it does, you put yourself in a situation to choose and make a decision for your life.
No matter where we are in life — with all our flaws, struggles, and other things in between — we can manage to bring our best selves back to where we started, when we just arrived in this world as perfect and innocent human beings. We all have been born to bring something meaningful to this world: first, it is the joy, and then many others follow.
Right now, so many people are looking for someone they can follow or someone they can trust. If you are a trustworthy person, this world needs your input in any way or form.
Whether that be in the form of creativity, entrepreneurship, technology, volunteerism, writing, art, scholarly endeavours, science, athletics, public service — contribution is the key.
Our world needs this so much right now.
Now here’s a statement of reflection: Your unique contribution is the key to the world of abundance. Not your achievement, fame, or glory. Rather, your input is meaningful, which leads to a lasting contribution to this world. And it doesn’t have to be necessarily misled by other hard-humble contributions. Our world is overloaded with materialistic pursuits and famous people who would rather crave for more than be grateful for what they already have. We live in unpredictable times.
Fortunately, the reality of current changes pushes us to re-evaluate ourselves and gives us all the opportunities to contribute in a meaningful way.
It’s all about choosing the right path and finding a way to contribute in any form possible. You only need to take one step at a time.
We can choose to use our constraints and limitations that shape us into people who continue to dream, grow, move ahead, and positively inflict change in this world. Every single day.
The world needs our contribution more than ever before. It needs the best from us all!
I came to discover 7 ways to creating a meaningful life
and I am honoured to pass them to you
STOP stressing yourself
1. First and foremost, life is short. IF you are stressed, worried, eat unhealthy or focus on the negative ‘stuff’, your life may end up being even shorter. So, STOP stressing yourself out! Focus on the solutions instead, simply because you are BIGGER than your problems.
And please remind yourself that YOU ARE PERFECT the way YOU ARE! Regardless of what you have been told, what people think or how people treat you, remember ONE single thing: YOU ARE ENOUGH and UNIQUE exactly the way you were born on your first day of your life. BE DIFFERENT, BOLD, LOVING and always FOLLOW YOUR HEART.
Your troubles of today are only temporary
2. Secondly, your troubles of today are only temporary. Always look for the ‘silver lining’. If you look close enough, you will find the silver lining, which will make all the difference in how you perceive your situation and how you feel about it.
Your greatest life is just around the corner
3. Thirdly, when things are good in your life, they will seldom become great. We rarely make changes when things are good. Only when we hit rock-bottom, we are somehow forced to make some important changes. Nevertheless, it forces us to do something major and significant, which lead us to achieving the greatness. So, if you are hit rock-bottom, hold on to your socks and start celebrating, because your greatest life is just around the corner.)
You CAN make it happen
4. TODAY is TOMORROW! Being PRESENT in everything you do, creates space for other things in life. Your presence is all that matters, most of the times. You just sometimes for-get about it and somehow get lost in your thoughts about the future. We all have moments of loss and despair in our life, which inevitably create obstacles and self-sabotage, but we all have the ability to choose one thought over another. The best thing we can ever do is to make ONE DECISION. IF you ever make a decision to change your life for better, then keep that in your heart, create a mind-map and work out daily on your decision. You will soon discover that you CAN make it happen.
Take time to reflect
5. YOU have ALL the ANSWERS to EVERYTHING in your life. Sometimes in life, we look for the answers somewhere around us, or we wait for the right opportunity to come, so we can change or do better. The truth is, that you already have all the answers you need to know. They are just lost in your ‘mental fog’ (terminology used for something that you cannot see, because too much is going on in your life). The best thing to do is to start clearing the fog by exercising, meditating or journaling and just taking time to reflect on what is not working out for you at that particular moment in your life.
BE conscious
6. YOUR Mind, Body and SOUL belong to you only!! BE conscious of what you are feeding your mind, body and soul, every day. Take good care of YOUR BODY, MIND and SOUL daily, as they are integral parts of YOU as a person.
BE GRATEFUL and APPRECIATE what you already have
7. When life gets tough, BE GRATEFUL and APPRECIATE what you already have. No matter how things are; there is always someone, somewhere, in a worse situation. IF you feel like you don’t have anything, look around you and you could probably see something that you can be grateful for – the air you breathe, the water you drink, the bed you sleep in at night – is all that counts for somebody to feel alive. Appreciate that, and you will have more of it in your life.
There is more to life and there is always a way to live your life the way you wanted it to be. You only need to take ONE STEP at a time and move forward. This is the only way you can ever make your life BETTER and GREATER.
I am so grateful to pass this on to YOU!
Get out there and start living your GREATEST LIFE.
Enjoy your life journey!
With love and infinite possibilities,
Sabina C
Sabina Casian is an inspirational leader, TEFL teacher, parent and a powerful force for women and mums empowerment. She is founder of M’Ambassador Evolution, and is on a mission to empower women to take the lead into their life of greatness, motivate mums to educate their children with authenticity, giving them inspiration to believe in themselves and support children in their learning development, by encouraging them to connect with their source of being. She believes in willpower of transformation. Her core values are kindness, creativity, inspiration, stability, compassion, connection, courage and human worthiness.