6 Stages of Domestic Abuse
By Mirela Sula
This week, as I was speaking at the house of Lords It reminded me how all my journey with Global Woman Started. I remember when I finished the last workshop raising awareness about domestic abuse, while working in a charity. I had been running 6 weeks training with them and on the last day I wanted to know two things.
- Why do women stay so long in an abusive relationship?
- How do women find the courage to leave an abusive relationship?
This is what I found based on the answers I got from all the groups I worked with.
Of course there are many factors, but two top factors I have taken away from that experience were.
- Confidence
- Financial independence

So when I started my business this is where I wanted to focus. I had identified the problem, and all I needed was to find a solution.
The question was: How do I help women build their confidence and gain their financial freedom? What does that mean? Most women who go through domestic abuse are not able to identify the abuse until stage three. And there are 6 stages of abuse (Liz Kelly):
1) Managing the situation, 2) Distortion of reality, 3) Defining the abuse, 4) Re evaluating the relationship, 5) Ending the relationship, 6) Ending the abuse
Now moving from one stage to another sometimes takes so long. Even when women manage to identify the stage three and know that “this is abuse” they still feel stuck. Why? Because they lack confidence and they don’t have a place where to go. They are financially dependent from the perpetrator.
This is why I started the Global Woman Movement. This is my big why? And I think I have found the best formula ever for how to build women’s confidence and how to help them earn more money. We give them a microphone! And our mantra is: “If you want to empower a woman, give her a microphone”. The mic is the magic and I have seen this happening in front of my eyes for years. Many women who come with very little confidence, shy, hiding, feeling lost and not knowing what they want to do with their life they come and find a voice and raise themselves to a new level.
This is why the Global Woman movement has grown so fast around the world. We have created a powerful platform to put women on stage, to put them in the spotlight, to make them seen, appreciated, valued, recognised and important.
No matter in what stage of your journey you are, every woman needs to take a microphone. This is not only to heal your voice, but to heal other women’s voices as well. If you have already gained your confidence, come on our stage and help other women who will be in the room and are looking for examples like you, to believe that this is possible.
Come and join us and be ready to LEARN – EARN & RETURN.
With us you will gain more visibility, more knowledge, bigger audience, better clarity and become an influencer to inspire others to take actions. How?
Join us for the last event of the year in London
London – Global Woman Events — Christmas Party

The United Nations General Assembly has designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and today is the day to take actions.
As I was speaking at the House of Lords I felt very grateful for the journey I have taken myself. Being able to share the stage with MPs, Global leaders, investors and philanthropists was very powerful! My speech was about women leaders and how Global Woman Club is building communities around the world by empowering women leaders and how Global Man Club is helping this movement!
I came to this country only 11 years ago, on my own, on a student visa as a single mother and thanks to this “microphone” I have managed to build myself, my life and help thousands of women around the world.
I have LEARNED – EARNED, and now it is my time to RETURN! You can do the same.
Join us for the last event of the year in London
https://globalwomanevents.com/club/1061 – Christmas Party