10 top Global Women who inspired our audience in 2018
10 top Global Women who inspired our audience in 2018
What does power and inspiration look like now? As we assembled ‘Global Woman’ inaugural list of the most influential and inspiring women of 2018, it became clear that this question is more complicated than ever to answer. Power and influence now take many forms. It is no longer enough, simple or the same as in the old establishment. It does, however, require an eye-watering level of achievement, the ability to inspire, and the clout to change the others life.2018 has been for us a great year, when we have shared with our audience many stories of incredible women, how they have overcome challenges, have built their business and international success. They all are women who have given so much to the world, a huge contribution to the society and the economy, after they have found their feet. They have both a ‘’ survive and thrive’’ instinct that drives them, as you for sure have discovered in each featured interview during this year. These women focus in business, coaching, fashion industry, philanthropy or political sphere and use their voice to change power structures and create a lasting impact.
Many of them are authors as well and thanks to the digital age we live in, you can meet them and their business inspiration on social media where they share impactful wisdom and insights.So these are the women of this year, an extraordinary cast of leaders defining – and redefining – the way women are thinking in many countries now.
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Author, Futurist, Public Speaker, co-founder and co-chair of “The Foundation for Conscious Evolution” and President of “Evolutionary Academy” – USA
The future is female!
‘’My paradigm is women are giving birth once again As we have fewer children and live longer lives, our feminine creativity is aroused to join with evolving men to co-create new capacities and greater love. We are animated by vocational arousal, joining genius, excited by what I call the next state of sex or “supra-sex.” Supra-sex is the delight of finding vocational partners who need what you have to give as you need what they are offering. Supra-sex activates the creativity and evolutionary love in the partners. It overcomes aging. It creates excellent health. It awakens untapped genius. It activates the compass of joy. Ordinary love in us attracts us to join to create the babies; nature is now turning on “Evolutionary Love” in us, the same love that creates the universe is now creating us as we become conscious of the impulse of evolution within us. We have transcended homo sapiens in the separate self-conscious state to Homo Amore Universalis, in the connected state, resonating with the divine process, purpose and intelligence of universal evolution that has now become conscious in all of us. ‘’
Ermonela Jaho
Described by The Economist as “The world’s most acclaimed soprano”- Albania/US
Be grateful and work hard
“It is very important to recognise yourself and connect with the call within no matter what the cost, this is the biggest achievement. You can be very successful in any field but if you are not yourself you will not be happy. Another big step is finding what you love to do for a living and doing it. We often sabotage ourselves by thinking something is beyond our reach but If we start concentrating on it and directing all our energy towards that goal it somehow makes the universe work with us towards achieving it. The last important achievement I think is to have the support and the understanding of the person you love and work together towards realising your common dreams. ‘’
Robbie Mathews
Entrepreneur, international speaker, Certified Life Coach and real estate investor –USA
To Meet Your Financial Goals, Set Clear Boundaries
‘’I truly believe my role in this world is to motivate, inspire and empower people, especially women. I am committed to inspiring women around the globe. I want to change how people “Think, Act and Feel” about their money and to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to take control of their personal finances. I want to inspire them. So, they can achieve and maintain lifelong financial stability through responsible and educated financial decision making and consumer spending. I want them to build a legacy for their future generations as well as for society at large. Michael and I speak about the importance of financial literacy education publicly in the United States and internationally. Financial literacy education is not a priority in our school systems. So, it is important that the issue be addressed by all of us and at all levels of society. ‘’
Linda Rama
The Wife of the Prime Minister in Albania
The purpose of life is not happiness: It’s usefulness
‘’But, certainly, I am a woman who has always nourished the great dream of being useful, not only to myself or to my family, or those close to me, but also to my country and society. I have never believed such usefulness would come from imposing myself as a protagonist in the social milieu, or even less so in the media. Instead, I have pursued my dream by working hard to enhance my knowledge to the best of my abilities, so that when my opinion is solicited, I can provide it in the most accurate of manners. I would also have to admit that fate has been generous to me, and that has made it easier for me to be what I want.’’
Veronica Tan
Co-founder of Success Resources, Public Speaker – Singapore
Stop Looking for Purpose. Start Living With It
‘’Every human being is born with a purpose. I don’t believe anyone is thrown into this planet as an accident. Some people find their purpose quicker than others, which is really the ideal, but most people take a little longer to find what makes them tick. Ever since I was little, I had this feeling embedded in me, that I was born for something beyond what my physical eyes were seeing. I knew that my circumstances were not all that there was to see. I knew that there was more, somehow and somewhere. I believe that this feeling is not something rational; I think it comes from our spirit, or like many people say, our heart, like a hunch. Ever since I discovered my purpose, I committed my life to help others to find theirs. That’s why we, at Success Resources, work so hard in the development of people around the world.’’
Mary Buffet
Bestselling author, international speaker, entrepreneur, political and environmental activist – USA
Promote gender equality and empower women
‘’When I started as a working woman, there wasn’t even the ERA (equal rights amendment) for women. I was very active in all kinds of anti-war, equality for women, equal rights for African Americans. I marched, protested and made as much of a difference as I could. I think there has been progress, however I believe more women should be involved in politics on every level. More women should open and run their own businesses. Every woman should be paid the same as a man for the same job. Something our current president is not likely to do. Women live longer than men. We spend approximately thirteen years in our lives as unpaid caregivers to our children, husbands or partners and our parents. All while most of us have jobs as well. I like what Michael Moore said; “If we only gave guns to women, there wouldn’t be wars or as many gun related violence” I believe this to be so true. No mother wants her child to go to war. Women are peace makers, listeners, solving problems with a sense of equality.’’
Nuala McGroven
Journalist and broadcaster at BBC News – UK
Being a good journalist means being a great listener

BBC presenter Nuala McGovern at home in London, Feb 12, 2012.
Sunday Times Ireland
Pic:Paul Hackett
‘’I speak directly to the people involved in the story, that also means travelling to find those people and their stories, which has been an enriching and educational experience. I consider it my job to create the atmosphere where people are comfortable speaking about their thoughts and opinions.
I am constantly surprised by the generosity of guests, often who have gone through a traumatic experience, to speak openly, honestly and share their story so as to increase others’ understanding of an issue. For example, a Syrian migrant family that lost loved ones crossing the Mediterranean, or the mother in Chicago who lost four children to gun violence. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to speak to a stranger about the things that have brought deep sadness to your life? ‘’
Stella Bida
Entrepreneur, business owner, Director of Global Woman Club Brussels – Belgium
The Importance of Achieving a Positive State of Mind
‘’Doing business for me is exactly the opposite of being selfish. It is the ability to value the work, the product and the services of one another, believing that it will positively change the life of others. It is deciding to step up onto the stage and providing one’s vision for a better world. Despite what some people may think, a true business person should always be oriented towards helping others.
Another motivation for me has been financial freedom. I really wanted to secure my future on my own rather than depending of my family, my friends or the public system. My financial freedom is allowing me to feel secure and in control, when thinking about the future. ‘’
Ishtar Toualiat
Head of “Innovation Incubation” at ‘Tieto Data-Driven Business’ and “Founder and CEO” of ‘Startup Bootcamp’ and ‘Women in Business Accelerate’, Entrepreneur – Sweden
Turn Fear of Failure Into Fearless Action
‘’It’s important to remember that when you support a girl, you support a family, a home, their future children and a community. That’s the real legacy I’m trying to create, beyond doing and beyond myself. Because the real impact and empowerment is who you empower, who you inspire everyday – and everyone can do that if they are aware of their authentic power. Your authentic power can never be taken from you. It’s not your looks, money or network. Your authentic power is when your personality serves something bigger than yourself. When you are able to align with who you are and who you want to become in this world, with what you actually do in the world. That will empower you from the core and will also empower everything you want to achieve in life.Business is changing through innovation in technology and management. Preparing for what lies ahead is crucial when striving to stay on top.’’
Ona Brown
Professional & Personal Development Expert – Speaker/Speaker Coach/Corporate Trainer/Results Coach & Business Consultant – USA
Be You, It’s What True Entrepreneurs Do
‘’Be true to yourself. Honour the desires of your heart and celebrate your own authentic gift and voice. I love the quote by Edward Young, “We are all born originals – why is it that so many of us die as copies?” Oftentimes in the self development industry as well as many other industries; people will look at the leaders of that particular industry and say, “Wow, Les Brown did this and so I am going to do it just like him, or Tony Robbinsand Zig Ziglar did that, so it must be the right way” however what they don’t realise is they’re really missing the opportunity to discover and uncover the use of their own authentic voice and gifts in a powerful and unique way. It is so important, to home into who you truly are, and cultivate that with a sense of urgency. “You are a living and breathing masterpiece that the world is waiting to discover act accordingly my dear!” ~ Ona Brown’’.
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