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Women are leading their nations for a safer world

Women are leading their nations for a safer world

Mirela Sula

Mirela Sula

At a time of turbulence and uncertainty it has become not just important but critical that we all need to understand better this world and the role that we as women have in shaping it to create unity and harmony. More and more women are coming forward to take a lead, believing that they can make this world safer. It is obvious that at this global transition that women are bringing special leadership qualities for achieving unity and peace. We see women being active, moving from their comfort zone and taking risks while building their confidence and their faith to contribute with their presence and wisdom. It is the momentum, where we all see the world shifting, and we feel responsible to accept the role that was given to us at this momentum. This movement is awakening more and more women to a higher level of consciousness, bringing their inner value to overcome challenges and barriers and deliver their message, which is a hope for the humanity. Women are doers, they are builders and they are not only changing themselves but their families, their communities and the whole compassion.

This movement is awakening more and more women to a higher level of consciousness, bringing their inner value to overcome challenges and barriers and deliver their message, which is a hope for the humanity.

At this moment, we intend to create a movement of women who are willing to actively contribute and make a difference to the planet and create a better world for us all. This powerful new paradigm for our world will ensure equality, unlimited opportunity for all and fruitful collaborations that lead to success. This is how the idea came to organise Global Woman Summit, while discussing with Dr Laszlo in his villa last year in Tuscany we stressed the importance of becoming part of a big global movement to awaken the positive side of humanity through evolutionary involvement – as Ervin calls it “A new paradigm for changing the world”.

While bringing this topic to his attention we both agree that we live in a moment’s reflection which is telling us that in the medium to long-term, there is an advantage for individual countries joining together to have a greater say in issues and reinforce each other. “The advantage is always in cooperation and acting in syntony even if not just doing the same. But in the short term there are obligations and investments to make. If you focus on these you will want to get away and “just do your own thing.” If you think in more long-term and holistic terms, you will want to shoulder the short-term costs for the ensuing benefits” – shares Dr Laszlo with me.

“The advantage is always in cooperation and acting in syntony even if not just doing the same. But in the short term there are obligations and investments to make. If you focus on these you will want to get away and “just do your own thing.”

The question here is the limit of democracy. With one man one vote, the majority needs to be clearly thinking and well-advised, otherwise the system will opt for the short- term immediacies and neglect the deeper interests. The solution is not to abolish the democratic decision-making system, but to inform the decision-takers to be in a position to make wise decisions.




According to Ervin, “The world today is over-diversified and under-united. It is vital to recognise and respect diversity, but this must not lead to lack of connection between the diverse elements. We need unity within and across the diversity. This means solidarity across borders and across cultures. Such solidarity is empowered by the sense of oneness – and this sense is not that of sameness but of belongingness. This is a lesson we need to learn if we are to have peace on this small and now over-diversified and therewith fragmented planet. The key words are oneness, belonging – and ultimately love. And because these are the keywords, this is a world where feminine values must take precedence over the traditional masculine values. We do not need to conquer, either territories or others – or nature. We need to live together, in communities of solidarity, belonging, oneness, and in the ultimate instance, love. Men have such values, but women have them more frequently and hold them more profoundly. This must be an era of feminine values, where women have a greater say when it come to crucial issues: how do we live on this planet, not just by ourselves, but with others”.

We do not need to conquer, either territories or others – or nature. We need to live together, in communities of solidarity, belonging, oneness, and in the ultimate instance, love.

Messages like this is a sign of hope and believe that wherever we are in life and whatever it is that we do, this event will we have to allow our potential come to a higher levels and move our limitations to never even knew existed. Women are pushing the exciting breakthroughs to bigger opportunities, more effective networking, developing business and learn joint ventures. That’s because we understand that we cab apply the New Paradigm, the NEW face of caring, and inspirational business.

With the new paradigm, we cannot understand all the ramifications of our complex world, but we can feel the nature and the limits of this world. Love can overcome a deficiency of knowledge, because love is wisdom, and not just data. Women can understand that more readily than men. “That is in their, and in our, most immediate vital interest” emphasises Dr Laszlo.

This is a reality that is mirrored very rapidly during this year and it seems that it has been a crucial year in many perspectives. Women are now part of many debates in business, leadership, management, politics and decision-making. Johanna Waagfjord from Hagar Ltd says reforming the global economy means making room for more women. Read more:

“Women think what’s good for the whole, where men think what’s in it for them,” she explains. Former Wall Street trader Dr John Coates says “One of the ways of eliminating that instability is by having more women in the trading rooms. They’ve got very different endocrine profiles from men.”

Thus is not by accident that Hilary Clinton is the favourite to become the first woman President of the USA by the end of the year. Virginnia Raggi has just been elected as the first female Mayor of Rome. In the UK we have a woman Prime Minister: Theresa May, presenting herself as a unity leader for the country. Angela Eagle is challenging to be the first female leader of the Labour Party opposition.

In Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minister and women are leaders of the two opposition parties. In Northern Ireland, Arlene Foster recently became First Minister. Angela Merkel is the leader of Germany and the most powerful member of the EU. Around the world we have a women Presidents of South Korea, Chile, Liberia, Malta, Croatia, Nepal, Taiwan, and effectively President of Myanmar/Burma (called a State Councillor) the esteemed Aung San Suu Ky. We also have women Prime Ministers of Poland, Bangladesh, Norway and Namibia. It is definitely women’s time for changing the world! /

*Mirela Sula is the founder of Global Woman 


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