The Global Woman Business Conference in Tirana
The Global Woman Business Conference in Tirana
A new paradigm of empowering entrepreneurial business women on a global scale is now coming to Albania! On the 2nd of September the Albanian CEO of Global Woman, Mirela Sula, will be opening the Global Woman Club in Tirana. The launch event is hosted not only by Mirela, the founder of both Global Woman Magazine and Global Woman Club, but also the appointed Regional Director of Global Woman Club Albania, Sue Ivory.
In the last twenty-eight years, Albania has gone through vast transformations. The transition from a closed to an open access society has brought profound changes in the lives of women and men. Many milestones have been achieved on gender equality, but again statistics show that in Albania women’s confidence in starting their own businesses is below the European and the Global average. Global Woman founder Mirela Sula believes that supporting women entrepreneurs is key to inclusive economic growth and the goal is to aim towards supporting female business owners throughout Albania. There are many skilled women in Albania that had the courage to enter the business world and turn into successful entrepreneurs and administrators. According to INSTAT, about 31 percent of small and medium-sized enterprises in Albania are administered by women.
The Global Woman mission is to manifest a new paradigm of empowering business women locally and to support and connect women on a global scale. The Global Woman Club in Albania will create a culture of support and motivation for any woman who has a desire to create their own business, take their business to the next level or take their business global.
The Global Woman Business Conference in Tirana
Date: 2nd to 3rd of September
The launch event of the Global Woman Club in Albania on the 2nd of September will be a part of
the Global Woman Business Conference in Tirana the 2nd to the 3rd of September. An event that will inspire, encourage and empower women to create and grow their own successful businesses in order to gain financial freedom. The well known speakers at the conference are successful entrepreneurs and worldwide leaders, all very passionate about their area of expertise and delighted to share quality tips and techniques for the participants’ growth and empowerment.
Background Global Woman Magazine, Global Woman Club and CEO Mirela Sula
Global Woman Magazine was founded 2015 by Mirela Sula, successful entrepreneur, award winning global speaker and bestselling author, who once herself was a migrant woman from Albania. Mirela left everything behind and moved to London in the UK to fulfil a dream of creating a global magazine and a female movement for empowerment. Since the launch of Global Woman Magazine (formerly Migrant Woman Magazine) and the subsequent launch of Global Woman Clubs in 17 cities of the world thereafter, more and more women across the globe are enjoying the benefits of being part of Mirela Sula’s growing international community of women.

Mirela Sula – Founder and CEO of Global Woman
“Since launching our Global Woman Clubs, more and more women are finding the confidence and the support to realise their dreams and ambitions. I encourage all women, either Albanian by birth or who have made this country their home now, to join this exciting and growing movement of all nationalities, cultures, race and age, to make new friends and to manifest their entrepreneurial spirit.”
Background Regional Director Albania Sue Ivory
Mirela Sula has chosen Sue Ivory as the regional director of the Global Woman Club in Albania.
Sue comes from a career in education and teaching, and she is also the wife of British Deputy Ambassador in Albania. Being raised as a global woman herself, Sue was also previously a member of Global Woman Club Nottingham.

Sue Ivory – Regional Director Albania
Global Woman Club Albania Offer
Global Woman Club Albania is offering 10 free tickets to attend the Global Woman Club Albania full day conference launch at the Plaza Hotel, in Tirana (in the center of the city) on the 2nd of September, in the form of a raffle for your readers. The first 10 to send an email to Global Woman Club Albania, will receive a free ticket. If your publication is interested, please contact Sue Ivory at [email protected]
The Global Woman Club is now active in 24 cities around the world, with more opening throughout 2020.
Event details and tickets can be found HERE
More information on the Global Woman Club in Albania can be found HERE
More information on the Global Woman Club HERE