Polina Groman, The Chief Happiness Officer: I Had to Fail My Way to Success
Taking her life and health into her own hands after being diagnosed with a rare disease, Polina Groman realised that the pitfalls in her life will only make her stronger. Polina has experienced it all, from lawsuits with friends to devastating business losses, but battling these obstacles has helped her become the happiness guru she is today. Turning visionary females into iconic leaders, Polina is encouraging women to step away from society’s vision of the nurturing woman, and instead, become the go-getters and the high achievers of the working world.
You have worked with thousands, helping them align with their unique story and acting as their coach. How did your entrepreneur journey begin?
The journey began at the age of 15. I asked my dad to get me new Nike sneakers. I was tired of wearing hand-me-downs and he told me that we can never afford them and will never buy expensive things. We are just not those people. I wanted to be those people. And I promised myself that when I grow up I will never allow myself or my future kids to live this way.
You were a former Wall Street Executive turned consciousness leadership coach. How did your former corporate career shape who you are today?
I know what it’s like to have nothing, as well as how to build a 7 figure company in less than 18 months. I had to fail my way to success and today, help my clients collapse time on their business and personal goals.
What challenges have you had to overcome on your journey to success?
7 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare disease. Every doctor around the globe told me that I would get worse and they are sorry but there is no cure. Against doctor’s orders, I took my life and health into my own hands. This is when I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was being called to a higher standard. My biggest takeaway from this experience was that healing is an intimate decision to come home to yourself and the cure was to love yourself as your life depends on it. Spirituality is understanding that we all have a piece of God inside of us and it’s our divine right to be happy, healthy and wealthy.

You work closely with women, helping visionary leaders become iconic leaders. What does female empowerment mean to you, and what do you think are the biggest obstacle standing in the way of a woman’s success?
Crushing business losses, failing companies, lawsuits with friends, disease, broken jaw and many more things. But honestly, these were gifts that brought me strength that I never thought I possessed.
Women were taught for generations that we must be nurturers. As providers, go-getters and high achievers we feel guilty, lost, ashamed and not worthy. No matter if you are a bigger or run 8 figure brand it all boils down to understanding that only when we take radical responsibility, create boundaries and give from a place of love, then we will thrive.
Your mission is to help 100000 humans become their own happiness gurus. What’s one piece of advice you would give someone working to become their own happiness guru?
Discover their “true” why. It must be bigger than you and your kids. It has to be radically, audaciously scary for you to get into your thrive cycle.