Meet Our First 6 Female Speakers
Last week, we started a speaking campaign to give women more opportunities for visibility. Our mission is to empower women and we believe that the best way to do it is by public speaking.
Our mantra is “If you want to empower a woman, give her a microphone”.
I have been witnessing this every day as I see women standing in their power, by standing on stage with a mic and speaking their voice, their powerful truth.
We are so excited to introduce you to the first six women who took action and now they are standing on the Global Woman stage this Saturday.
What is happening this Saturday? As you may know, we organise monthly events in London, bringing together like-minded women, coming from all over the UK, from all walks of life, with one big desire: To invest in themselves and contribute more to this world.
This is the first event of the year for Global Woman Club London and this month we are wearing blue. Each month we bring a different colour. We are women entrepreneurs and professionals, building our confidence every day and helping other women to do the same. We want to look good, feel good and do good.
Would you like to join us?
You can join us in person if you are in the UK or you can join us online at any club if you are outside the UK.
Click here to join us in London this Saturday
We start at 9.30am with networking which includes a lot of pictures and social media engagement, then we have breakfast together and are ready to start with our event. After the event, we have organised a modest “business fashion show” because as women we want to show our feminine energy and do business at the same time.
Click here to join us online anywhere in the world.