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Marcus Black: How I survived the accident that changed my life

Marcus’s life has not always been easy. As a child he remembers the family sacrifices that were made to survive financially but also the anxiety crises he had to endure. Those difficulties continued when he survived an accident which was a moment that pushed him to fully re-examine his life and life goals. Today, Marcus is a `Life Coach’ who enjoys the challenge of working with every of one of his clients. His golden ‘formula’ is that of self-love and today it is one of the most valuable tips he shares with everyone he meets.

How would you describe your childhood and what do you remember with nostalgia?

My earliest memories from childhood revolve around the family. We are from one of the poorest parts of the United States so there were many tough times, but my parents fought hard against major adversity to put our family in a position where it could thrive. Though it wasn’t always perfect, and we had more than our fair share of pain adversity and trauma, we still forged on and never stopped pushing for a better life. At nine years old, I experienced one of the most significant moments in my life. I had a severe anxiety attack that shook me to my core and caused me to develop an intense fear of death. So much so, that I subsequently subjected my entire life to this crippling fear. I’m an individual who is quite large in stature, so I never had too many enemies or people attacking me.The biggest fight in my life wasn’t with another person -it was the fight to overcome my own fears that I allowed to imprison me and take far too much of my life away. Most of my childhood was spent just struggling to accommodate my fear!

When did you start preparing yourself for what you are focused on today?

It was an Autumn evening I will never forget that changed my life and transformed my way of thinking forever! A very close encounter with death after an extremely violent car accident left me reeling and questioning my purpose for being on the planet. After so many prior struggles and also losing a close friend in an accident less than two years prior to my own accident, led to me asking why? Why me? Why must I suffer so much? Why was I going through so much pain,trauma and adversity before coming to the revelation that all those years of struggle were not entirely a waste of time! I had been simply asking the wrong question for all those years! The question was never ‘why’ but ‘what’. Not,‘Why were all these things going on in my life?’ but rather,‘What were they for?’. I define ‘purpose’ as the meaning of the sum total of one’s lived experiences and the way you turn your pain into power by sharing and serving others.This is literally the definition of ‘walking in your purpose’. So, after nearly losing my life, it served as a ‘wake-up call’ and a reminder that life is fragile, and tomorrow is never guaranteed! All we have is ‘right now’, so I made a commitment to no longer be bound by fear but rather to spend each day for the rest of my days truly living and spreading my message of love, light, life and hope to join the far reaches of the globe by sharing my powerful story of overcoming all adversities.

Marcus as a Life Coach, how would you describe your daily work?

It’s really a beautiful journey because no two clients are alike. They all have very specific needs, and they all require a different aspect of my leadership and expertise. Some clients need me there as a safety net, some need lots of insight and guidance and others just need a cheerleader to offer perspectives they can’t see themselves. It’s also about uplifting their spirits and giving them permission to be great! Ultimately, connecting with my coaching clients is one of my favourite things to do because it enables me to make good on my promise to serve people all over the world.There’s also no greater feeling than watching a person transform right before your eyes and watching them realise the fullness of their greatness and potential!

Can you describe the type of advice you give to your clients?

Ultimately, the majority of advice I give focuses on self-love and appreciation as well and the deep mindset work required to unlock the mental blocks that hold them back from unlocking their fullest potential. I remind them their life is more valuable than this world’s most precious material resources! If you don’t hear another word from me, please KNOW that where there is life, there is ALWAYS hope. No matter what adverse situation you may be facing, you possess a tremendous amount of strength and you WILL finish this race called life victorious – but only if you believe in yourself and don’t give up!So basically, that’s it! No more negative self-talk and defeatist thinking! It’s time to elevate!  No matter what, you must keep growing, keep going, keep living and loving life! Because YOU CAN!!

What can you tell us about yourself as an Author?

I always dreamed of becoming an author, but I never thought I would actually be one in reality until it happened. My deepest goal in my writing is to creatively explore thoughtful methods of storytelling that ultimately captivates the hearts of my audience and compels them to take action in order to better their lives. I’ve always been great with words,and now that I truly believe my message has the power to impact and influence lives all over the globe for good, I won’t rest until I’ve flooded this world with love, light, life and hope through my speaking and my writing.

Are you writing something currently?

I sure am. The follow up to my first book “Asleep at the Wheel”, is in the works! It’s called “Awaken”and it is definitely a soul stirring work designed to motivate the reader to truly take action so they can build the life they love sooner rather than later!

How is your life away from work and daily commitments?

My life away from work is lovingly creating memories and sharing life with Rachel, my beautiful bride of nearly nine years.It’s also about playing and teaching my two baby boys, MJ and Greyson, about this journey called life. I’m also very active in my community as a local leader.In my spare time you will often catch me disconnecting somewhere in nature as I refill my cup so that I can keep pouring my heart out to make this world a better place one person and one connection at a time!

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