It’s My Life and I Live It!
Camilita Nuttall
It’s My Life and I Live It!
Her mission is to empower more lives every day through her ‘Fight for Your Future’ seminars across the world, her ‘Mind Your OWN Business” Conference in March and the ‘Event of Champions’, in January 2016 (23rd & 24th). Her ambition is to become a globally recognised name where people come to her to be mentored on how to earn more, fight for their future and live and become a CHAMPION! This is Camilita Nuttal and here is her story.
“The Event of Champions” is on 23/24 January. What inspired you to organise this event?
WOW! I wanted to give like-minded people the chance to start the year ‘RIGHT’ with a clear plan for success and with systems and steps to make it happen. I see too many people set New Year plans without any support, correct information or strategies for the proper execution of those plans. By March most of those plans are shelved and people go right back to square one. I wanted to bring a line-up of speakers who care for people ‘first’ before their wallets – so that’s why I chose such an amazing line up of men and women.
The Event of Champions: www.eventofchampions.com is going to be a three times a year event across the UK, then monthly around the world. We will be partnering with some of the world’s best speakers and trainers at these events and catering for both mind, body and spirit focusing on the whole man. Lives will forever be changed!
You are described by many as a ‘Rock Star’ International Speaker – can you tell us how this came to be?
This is funny. At my events I create an atmosphere where people don’t want to leave, we have music and dance and they feel challenged and unstoppable. I am real and speak ‘as it is’ without offending and I create an atmosphere where people want to do business and network. My twelve plus years as a successful leader in the Network Market Industry leading huge sales teams gave me the edge as you had to inspire them to win. People do what they love, remember and feel – so I bring emotion into my speech and create the atmosphere of YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!
My no-nonsense approach coupled with good humour leaves a lasting impression on people’s minds.
What barriers and problems have you had to overcome for you to achieve what you have today?
Oh, so many. The biggest barrier was the need to believe in myself; believing I could do what I’m doing right now. Growing up in the Caribbean and knowing I was poor always made me feel less than the other person and that I always had something to prove. Another barrier was my broken English; I felt that my English has to be perfect to WOW a crowd. Another was my skin colour (or so I thought). I felt that I was black and that was a disadvantage. The people that were around me were rich and were not black, so that didn’t help. I didn’t know any successful black people so that didn’t help either. I then started to do my research and align myself with ALL people. Then I realised that colour was not the issue, it was my mind set that had to change – and when it did – my bank balance changed too! As far as problems go, it was not having enough money to do the things I really wanted to do. I had really good role models (my mother and teachers) but the fact that I was poor and worst of all had a poor mentality was a huge problem.
You came from a childhood with many challenges – how did this impact on your personality?
Yes, as a child I slept on the floor, had very little going to school and no holidays. At the age of thirteen my mother and I went to the public dump to find glass bottles to sell, just so I could attend secondary school. Those challenges gave me a ‘never give up’ attitude and a determination to win regardless. I have a no-nonsense approach to success and my mantra is ‘If it is to be, it’s up to me’ and that ‘nobody is responsible for the present condition of your life, only you.’ I am bold, use humour as laughter for difficult situations and don’t allow myself or people around me to take no for an answer – never!
I don’t see challenges as I used to – I only now see opportunities to either learn or get better.
You seem to be a fighter and make things happen – is this something that you learned or were you born with this inside you?
I think both. At the age of five I was well aware of my surroundings and what I wanted in life and I told my mother that too. However, because of my upbringing, my mother being the fighter she is, always told me to fight for what I wanted. As far as my mother was concerned, if someone else can do it, so can you. Her famous words to me were ‘Mind Your Own Business’, actually I have a conference in March 2016 called ‘Mind Your Own Business, March 18th – 20th’.
I believe you have to fight for what you want, especially if all the odds are against you.
My signature seminar is ‘Fight for Your Financial Future’ at different locations across the UK in 2016. Even when I got quoted in ‘Think & Grow Rich for Women’, I had been diligently posting on social media for years, sharing positive information when Sharon Lechter picked up my quote. At the same time when I heard Dr. J B Hill, Napoleon Hill’s grandson, quoting me in front of 20,000 people I knew that my time had come (Video on my YouTube Channel).
What is the secret of your success and how you do you manage to keep your feet on the ground?
My secret to success is what I share with my audience at my ‘Fight for Your Future’ Events across the world. Seven ‘Action Points’ you have to do daily to fight and win. This is not a physical fight – it’s a mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual fight happening first in your mind then in your will to win. It’s about doing it, doing it, doing it – till the job gets done – and having the right association around you daily. Having a ‘Never Give Up’ Attitude is my secret weapon, regardless how things look or what people say. It’s your life – LIVE IT!
To keep my feet on the ground I always remember where I’ve come from and I’ve asked God to keep me humble so that I treat people right and keep things in perspective. I don’t take things or people for granted.
You work with your husband Andrew – what are the advantages and disadvantages of working together?
LOL!! Working with my husband most times is amazing but as you can imagine, we do have our challenges.
Someone to cover my back when things don’t always go as planned
Working together helps us to stay on track with our goals
Travelling abroad together is good as I ALWAYS have someone to carry my bag J
I have an on-call chauffeur (but don’t tell him I said that LOL!)
We try to get each other to fill each other’s roles but that does not always work out. We are both strong and have strong skills but try to get each other to do the opposite. We then end up having very loud discussions (as you can imagine)
Sometimes we both need a break from each other as it can get too much at times
I want things done ‘now’, he wants to wait to check it out – drives me mad!
What are the highs and lows of your story together and how has this strengthened your relationship privately and professionally?
I think the highs of our story together are that we have worked and built three businesses together therefore we understand the business and each other’s roles in the business. This has helped as we stand up for each other in situations and because we want mostly the same things, business or other decisions are easy to make.
The lows…..we sometimes work too much and do not have enough time for ourselves. Because we are both goal and deadline oriented, we can sometimes push each other too much and forget we are a couple first and business partners last. For this reason we do take time to reflect a lot to see where we are both not fulfilling our husband / wife duties.
Who takes what decisions at home?
Andrew will probably say I do, but we both agree on everything. If one is not happy with something we don’t do it and this is as a result of ‘experience’. As we both see things differently – Andrew as a technician and I as an entrepreneur. We discuss, discuss and then discuss more. Most of the time – I win!
What is the biggest success that you have achieved together?
We opened Australia & New Zealand in a network marketing company and did over $1.6 Million dollars in sales in one month! I would also say we developed sales teams in over 30+ countries over the last ten years. One more thing, we managed to travel to over 30 countries together in our 10 years of marriage and lived in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.
You also mentor and coach many business people – what proportion are women and do you have a positive view about more women becoming entrepreneurs and leaders in business?
Through my proven MSA success system in mentoring, I teach how to realise and monetise your destiny, earning 10 times more money right now with your current position. In this system I mentor both men and women. Mentoring for me is showing your client what to do based on your OWN experience, not on what you were taught. I call it the university of LIFE building 3 successful businesses.
I would say approximately 50% of the people I mentor are women. Women are born entrepreneurs and when you look at history, some of the most successful enterprises started with women. We see business differently, we are natural nurturers and think of the whole picture (family and business).
Statistics now show that under powerful women leaders, business flourishes more and sales retention is much better.
Just look at Oprah, Arianna Huffington or Mother Teresa.
What is your New Year’s resolution?
To empower more lives every day through my ‘Fight for Your Future’ seminars across the world, my ‘Mind Your OWN Business Conference in March and that the Event of Champions January 23rd & 24th. Also to become a GLOBALLY Recognised Name where people come to me to be mentored on how to Earn More, Fight for their Future and Live and Become a CHAMPION!
Andrew Nuttal
I would describe Camilita as Loud and Proud, a force to be reckoned with. Camilita is very focused and goal oriented and her heart’s desire to see other people succeed. She loves to help people attain their goals and make their dreams a reality. Camilita is extremely good at helping people increase their sales and working as a team. She is enthusiastic and a ball of energy. Anybody who hears Camilita would want to go out there and make it happen; no matter what they are doing. Her enthusiasm is contagious, exciting and life changing!
More about Camilita you can find here
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