How NLP can influence your Business?
How NLP can influence your Business?
By Florencia Serritella
Have you ever wondered why other people are succeeding in their businesses and you are still struggling to pay bills?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has the answer for you. One of the main principles that NLP stands for is the fact that everyone has the resources they need to achieve everything they want. If someone else is succeeding on doing something and you are not, it is NOT because they are smarter, or cuter, or wealthier, or luckier, or whatever lie you are telling to yourself; it is just because they are doing something than you are not. (….yet!).
This powerful tool called Modelling is probably the most important NLP skill.
How does this work? By observing and copying the ways others achieve results so that you get a “tested formula” on how to achieve your goals.
When I decided to create my two businesses “Flor Real” and “Add Some Latino to your life”, I knew I needed to model the most successful business people in order to achieve my goals.
After years of studying their behavior and having now built a successful business, I´ve created the five principles on how to transform your business to a wealthy and a world changing force.
Principle #1 Have positive money beliefs
If you are creating a business and you want to make money out of it, the first thing to do is to double-check that you have a good relationship with money. If you have “money issues” everything you do for your business to succeed will be useless because you will manage to self-sabotage your prospects of earning any money.
Working on your relationship with money is, then, crucial and so is working on other self-destructive beliefs. Such as “I don’t deserve this business to succeed”, “If I’m a powerful woman I will never get married”, “I’m a loser”, or any other crazy-negative belief that your creative mind can make you believe.
Principle #2 Have a strong “Why”
When you are creating a business there will be difficult times. Sometimes you will get tired, bored or even fed up of your business, even if you are living your dream career. That’s the importance of having a strong “Why” to keep you going.
Now get your journal and write: “Why do I want to create this business?” and give yourself ten minutes to do some free writing about it. Get deep and emotional. The deeper you get, the stronger your motivation will be to keep you going through doubtful times.
Principle #3 Get clear
Once you have made sure that you have the right beliefs and a powerful “Why” for your business, the next step is to get clear.
Clear about what? – EVERYTHING! :
- Short, middle and long-term goals for your business.
- How much you want to earn.
- How much you want to work.
- How much you want to rest.
- Who your client is.
- Where to meet your client.
- And every other possible relevant clear information that your business may need to have.
This is very important in order to make things happen. Why? Because if YOU don’t know where you want to go, then: HOW ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO GET THERE!?
Principle #4 Be willing to fail
Successful people are not the ones that tried once and everything worked out. They are the ones that tried a million times without succeeding until one time they achieved what they had been trying to for years!
Your success is then pending on your relationship with failure. If you see failure as a signpost which is showing you where to go and where not to, then eventually you’ll get where you want to go. But, if you see failure as a way of life telling you how damaged you are, telling you: “You were wrong to think that this project will ever work and that you will never be good enough no matter what”, and every possible negative comment your head may create when you fail, then you better STOP TRYING TO CREATE A BUSINESS RIGHT NOW.
You don’t want to suffer this entrepreneurial process, you want to enjoy it. And if you don’t make friends with failure this whole “making a business thing” will be very painful, so painful that eventually you will end up giving in or worse: being miserable your whole life.
Being friends with failure is the ONLY WAY to be a happy business person.
Principle #5 Be “peacefully driven”
At the beginning of creating my business I was too excited about it, that made me really driven, the problem was that I was too driven. I wasn’t balancing my work life with the other areas of my life and that was making me feel quite stressed and anxious.
One night, I was chatting with my partner on the sofa and I was telling him: “My business is making me anxious, I want to be driven but I want to be ‘peacefully driven’ ”. That moment was like an epiphany for me, I really understood what I needed in order for my project not to overwhelm me. I needed to align with my centre.
Florencia Serritella - Founder of "Add some latino to your life"
I needed to align with myself urgently. How did I do it? Meditation.
I started to meditate on each decision I needed to make for my business and I was letting my instincts or some power greater than me (whatever resonates with you) guide me. I meditate on my stress, I meditate on having new business ideas, I meditate on what to say to my clients, I even meditate on what to wear for a business meeting.
Not letting go, but delegating my business into a power greater than my own understanding was the key to being an entrepreneur without being miserable.
Creating a business is a really fun process if you know the rules of the game. Now it’s your turn. Apply these five principles into your business and “never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.”