Five lessons from five successful women
Five lessons from five successful women
By Mirela Sula
When women connect with their marvellous power they can utilise it, direct it and make it available for the solution of every human problem. Women of the new paradigm are creating a new truth, a truth that must be told to each generation. This is what we learn from the wisdom that five women have shared with us. Five lesson from women who have achieved success in life.
Veronica Tan – Success resources
Walking in love
A single man can make a difference. Is your life a message or a warning? Gandhi. It is all about building people up, and walking in love. I think that the only way for us to become relevant to the society we are in, is by walking in love. I don’t mean the human selfish love, which loves today and hates tomorrow, but the God kind of love which really is the secret to all success. It doesn’t matter how successful one might seem to be on the outside; remember that real success encompasses many different things. Of course financial success is part of a successful life but you can have all the knowledge in the world, all the resources you could ever wish for, and still not be relevant to this world. Why? Because people want to know that you care about them. If you read about the most successful speakers and trainers in the world, they became successful not because of their personal achievements and knowledge alone, but because of their charisma. Once you really care about the development of the people you are training, then, they open up and trust you. And that’s what changing lives is about: trust, love, relationships, growth, and consequently, bigger and better results.
Don’t be afraid to make money, to become wealthy – Robbie Mathews
There is a quote that I subscribe to that states, “Being courageous doesn’t mean that you aren’t afraid. Being courageous means that you have the inner strength to embrace being afraid and still move forward.” If you want to start your own business, “just do it”. Find your why, your purpose or reason. But do the proper research for your product or service. Secure the proper funding. Brand yourself and market your product/service. Then open your doors (or website). Also, don’t be afraid to make money, to become wealthy. The more money you make, the more money you have to create a legacy for your family and to help others. Value your services based upon what you are truly worth. Don’t sell yourself short. Last, but most importantly, become financially literate in both your personal life and business life. Take control of your finances. Know your numbers. Remember, “The Best Improvement Starts with Self-Improvement”.
Confidence is an inside job – Fiona Harrold
You have to have deep confidence to do that successfully. Without it, you’ll struggle to convince others of your expertise and never make the money you could. People also pay for certainty and when you exude complete certainty in your ability and know that you’re the best at what you do, people will pay you and pay you a lot for your help. Confidence is an inside job. You have to appreciate your talents and know the value and impact of what you do. You have to be clear and convinced of your worth to be able to convey it to others. When you have that, you’re not selling, you’re inspiring. You’re showing people their potential and what’s really possible for them and that’s when they’ll pay to get your help and you’ll make money easily. Do the work on the inside first. Wallace D Wattles was talking about this in 1903 in The Science of Getting Rich, when he referred to the ‘impression of increase’. He said that every person in the world wants to advance and when they see a person who can help them increase and advance their life, they are drawn to that person. To be successful in what you do, you must become a person to whom others are drawn. It starts on the inside and then you’ll carry ‘the impression of increase’ on the outside!
Dream something you can achieve – Jane Goodall
I was five years old when World War 2 broke out and I went with my mother and little sister to live with my maternal grandmother, Danny (I could got say GRanny). We lived in a Victorian red brick house in Bournemouth, with a big garden. My father had joined up – I never really knew him, even before the war. We had very little money and there was rationing of food, clothes – everything. We grew vegetables among flowers in the garden. From the tiniest child I had loved animals of all sort. My mother supported this. When we went for a holiday onto a farm (before the war) I hide in a her house for four hours, waiting for a hen to come in from the farmyard to lay an egg. I was given the job of collecting eggs, and no one would tell me where the hole was, or where the egg came out of the hen. My mother, who had been frantic with worry, nevertheless saw my excitement and sat down to hear the wonderful story of how a hen lays an egg. Otherwise my enthusiasm might have been dampened, and I might not have done what I went on to do. I spent hours in Bournemouth roaming the cliffs above the sea with my dog, Rusty, watching birds, insects, and nature. I went to riding stables at weekends, with no money to pay for riding lessons but helped out with the horses, cleaning tack and on the farm, and I got free rides. At the age of ten l I fell in love with Tarzan (from reading books, no TV back then) and determined to go to Africa, live with wild animals and write books about them. I always loved writing. Everyone laughed at me, Africa was a dark continent far away and we had no money, and, I was just a girl! Dream about something you can achieve I was told. But my mother told me simply that I would have to work very hard, take advantage of opportunities and never give up. I take her message around the world today, and the reward is people who thank me – ”You taught me that because you could do it, I can do it too”.
Be passionate about your life – Bindar Dosnjah
You don’t have to be passionate about property, but you have to be passionate about your life and prepare for the unforeseen circumstances that life can throw at you. Property is just a vehicle to achieve your goals and aspirations and provide you with the choices, security and freedom to do what you want to do. When money is no longer an issue then people can breathe and start living and making better choices. Everyone works hard. Either you work hard now and reap the rewards later or you reap the rewards now and work hard later on in life. We all have a choice.
Anyone can invest in property but not everyone can invest in the right property for their needs and financial and personal circumstances. My advice is to get the right guidance from the right mentor so that you learn the process once and can be independent and not dependant on anyone. I live my life based on what I call the GAP Principle – Gratitude, Action and Perseverance. You must believe in yourself and surround yourself with like-minded people. When women connect with their marvellous power they can utilise it, direct it and make it available for the solution of every human problem. Women of the new paradigm are creating a new truth, a truth that must be told to each generation. This is what we learn from the wisdom that five women have shared with us. Five lesson from women who have achieved success in life.