You Inspire Me – Can I Copy You?
You Inspire Me - Can I Copy You? By Lidija M Rosati C O P Y: Oh sweetie, I am so inspired by your work! And I love how you do X. I’d love to do the same
What women should know about men
7 traits of what women should know about men Trevor Clarke As I read and edited the submissions from three male contributors, it gave me constant smiles and even laughter. I could resonate with much of what was being said. There is
Mirela Sula: Women don’t need power
Women don’t need power By Mirela Sula Last year I remember when I sat down to write my vision board and my picture dared to be bigger than I could ever imagine. It felt strange that I was not afraid of it.
A New Year’s reflection by Judy Piatkus
A NEW YEAR'S REFLECTION BY JUDY PIATKUS Twenty years ago, in 1997, my company hired a business consultant to advise on what we hadn't realised we didn't know and might need to know. He interviewed all the staff and presented us
Sue Nelson: We need more women in tech
Sue Nelson We need to get more women to go into tech By: Trevor Clarke Sue Nelson is a graduate designer, holds an MBA and is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors. She was awarded the Kent Business Woman of the Year
Nika Jazaee: My Experience in Hollywood
My Experience with Phenomenal Global Women in Hollywood By Nika Jazaee I have been working as a full-time journalist, media coordinator and videographer for the Global Woman Platform. I came to London four years ago to pursue a career in journalism/media, a childhood
Dr Ervin Laszlo: Our future could well depend on Global Woman
Dr Ervin Laszlo Our future could well depend on Global Woman Phenomenal Women are women who are urgently needed to create a viable, sustainable, and flourishing world for the human species. The reason for this claim can be briefly stated. We are
Kristina Klassen: I make the Impossible Possible
Kristina Klassen I love to make the impossible possible Kristina is a woman who knows what she wants and how to get what she wants. from a happy and healthy upbringing on very limited resources in Ukraine, and staring a new life
The next generation of females need self-worth based on core values
Sky Andrew The next generation of females need self-worth based on core values By Nika Jazaae Skylet Andrew, better known as Sky, is an English former Olympian who won three gold medals at the 1989 Commonwealth Table Tennis Championships and was the
How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
Mateusz Grzesiak How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Interview: Mirela Sula When we asked Mateusz to describe himself he replied “I am the Father of Adriana and husband of Iliana”. It is obvious that he is a man that respects women. Mateusz