Camilla Kristiansen – “Go for your dreams now”
Camilla Kristiansen – “Go for your dreams now”
By Fatima Gorezi
Camilla Kristiansen is a Mentor, Entrepreneur and the Author of 33 inspirational books. She is the editor-in-chief of “Spotlight’’, a magazine based in Norway. In 2015 she quit her safe and secure corporate 9-5 job as a financial controller to pursue her dreams. Now she works as a ‘kick-ass’ mentor to get women into the spotlight where they belong. Her mission is to help as many women she can to go after their dreams, follow their bliss and make money doing what they love. She now shares with us her experience on working with women and trying to make a difference in their life.
You are a Stylist, Author and Mentor as well. How did you get your start in styling?
That was actually how I started out as an entrepreneur. I started my first fashion blog back in 2010. I was very inspired by Swedish fashion bloggers that could make a living from their blog and I felt that was what I wanted to become. I have always loved style and beauty and I turned out to be the first stylist in town. I live in Bodø, Norway with only 50.000 people living here so I started to write for my local newspaper, did styling jobs and fashion shoots. I made offers like personal shopping days, Style seminars, makeover days etc. Then I took my business more online and made style courses online and coaching women – and that’s how I started out with styling.
What are your first fashion memories?
My first fashion memory is back when I was a little girl in school. I think I was 9 or 10 years old and I wanted a pair of Levis 501 jeans. My parents would not let me have them because they cost a lot back then, but luckily, I inherited a pair from one of my older cousins that had grown out of his. I was so happy and proud wearing my very first pair of 501’s.
What inspired you to start writing motivational books? Is it a process you enjoy, and do you have plans to write anymore?
I have always loved to write. Back in school when we had Norwegian papers to hand in, I always wrote to papers to see what I felt was best to give to the teacher. I think that to write gives you self-motivation to keep going as an entrepreneur. I very often write about what I most need to hear and then I also know that my readers would need the same. What inspired me to write motivational books was one of my mentors. She has written over 50 books and told me that a book doesn’t have to be long. Mine are about 15.000 – 20.000 words. They are straight to the point and give tons of value. I love writing, and I will probably write more books in the future.
How can one stay motivated on one’s goals in today’s tiring environment where someone/something or the other is always trying to pull you down?
I believe that it’s a choice. First of all, you have to stop thinking and be bothered by what others might say or think about you. You have to focus on your own goals and dreams and keep your eyes on the outcome. For me, I don’t see other women as competition. There’s enough success for everyone and I believe that more success will come when you partner up and support others on their journey. If someone is trying to pull you down, then stand up for yourself and keep going with your dreams.
On a personal note, what keeps you motivated? Whom do you draw inspiration from?
I motivate myself a lot. I love what I do so I don’t look for inspiration somewhere else outside of me. I love to meditate and get all my ideas and inspiration when I tune within. Also, I get inspired by TV-Shows, music, fashion, being out in nature and travels etc. If I had to pick one or two people of inspiration that I look up to it would have to be Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay. I love their teachings that I feel are timeless.
Where do you see yourself going professionally in the next five years?
As long as I’m happy with what I’m doing, I will keep going. I love writing, making online courses, having my VIP days in London, Paris, Milan and NYC. Also, I love mentoring my clients to go after their big dreams and I love my ‘Spotlight Magazine’. Five years from now I see my business as expanding more and reaching more women and impacting their lives.
Can you share with us some tips for women who want to follow their dreams in life and business?
Go for your dreams now. You have only got one life and you are living it right now in this moment. Don’t let others hold you back but be brave and just believe in yourself. Don’t wait for things to be perfect. Now is the perfect time to launch and write a book or start a business etc. You will never be ready if you wait for the perfect moment. If you have been given a dream, it’s for a reason, because you can make it come true. Be kind to other women and support them – and if you make a mistake then ask for forgiveness and learn from your mistakes. You can’t fail if you don’t give up. If I can do this, so can you.