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The Emotion of Money: Be The Master of Your Flow

By Micaela Passeri

Have you ever heard the expression “Money is Energy”? If you have, you probably have also heard that money is a reflection of your subconscious patterns, limiting beliefs and views of yourself and the world. If you have not heard this expression, it means what we store in the subconscious mind is really what dictates our reality. The energy of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves and the world that are unconscious to your conscious mind, govern your decisions and your actions.

So what does this have to do with money?

Well, it has EVERYTHING to do with money, because you decide what jobs you accept. You decide how much you promote yourself and your business. You decide which clients to take on. You decide which disempowering contracts to sign. And the list goes on. These decisions affect your bottom line, your income and your ability to invest.

The subconscious pattern, limiting beliefs, and self/world view are created by your life experiences, from the day you are born to the day you die. Your experiences are made up of emotions, thoughts and feelings, which is the direct response to what happens to you. From here, sometimes, these emotions get trapped in the subconscious and take ahold of the driver’s seat of your life and start unconsciously guiding you to more experiences that match the interpretation of your past experiences. Is it making sense yet?

I will be talking about the top 3 emotions that surround your money-making decisions, from how you spend it to how you make it. I know, I know. Now the question you are asking is, how do I discover the emotions that are governing my money so I can learn to master it and create the abundance I want and deserve? As an entrepreneur or businesswoman, you work hard to create a viable business and use it to make a difference in your community and your life. The first thing you can do is learn the 12 governing emotions of money, then if you want to go deeper, you can work with a professional like myself who can help you identify the trapped emotions in the subconscious that have left you feeling stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed and unhappy.

But first, let’s understand which emotions affect your money flow. Each emotion has its own energy, sub-emotions and triggers. What is important for you to understand is the energy of each emotion and how you are affected by it.

Let’s dive right in! There are 12 governing emotions of money:

1. Fear

2. Self-worth/Worthlessness

3. Failure

4. Confusion

5. Overwhelm

6. Loss/Scarcity

7. Anger

8. Insecurity

9. Anxiety

10. Bitterness

11. Shame

12. Blame

The top 3 are the biggest ones that stop you from moving forward and taking action. From moving forward and taking action, you create results, which include making money. Although most of them end up having the same effect, meaning most of the emotions stop you from taking action, Fear, Self-Worth, and Failure are the ones with the most power. For example, if you are selling a product or service, the amount of money you make is the direct result of how many of your products and services you sell. In order to sell your product and service, you must let people know you have these products and services to sell (i.e. market your product and service). 

If your money emotions are tied to the first 3 (and for the majority of the population it is the case), you will find yourself struggling to create enough result-driven action and movements forward to attract the sales you need to make the money you set out to make. The same is the case if you have a non-sales job, maybe a desk job or an academic position. If you can’t do your work as required by your job, because your money emotions are connected to any of the governing emotions, you will lack productivity, motivation and efficiency to complete the tasks required, therefore you will most likely lose your job, be demoted, not promoted or make any additional bonuses. So as you can see, no matter what you do for work, your money emotions unconsciously affect you and hinder you from performing at your highest potential.

When you look at the human experience, everyone experiences failure in some way, everyone has fears and everyone, in some form or fashion, feel unworthy, so if you find yourself frustrated with motivation at work, not advancing fast enough, or confused about what the next steps you have to take are, chances are there is a trapped emotion in the subconscious related to one of the 12 governing money emotions and most likely one of the first 3.

Let’s look at the first 3:

1. Fear interferes with your ability to take action because it puts us into flight/fright/freeze mode – you get paralyzed and have a hard time taking action (the most important element of generating money as discussed above). Fear has you believing the biggest lie of them all…that your actions in business, like marketing, speaking or selling, are going to be the death of you, but they are not. It is just False-Evidence-Appearing-Real (FEAR)

2. Self-Worth/Worthlessness is an emotion tied to shame and feeling unworthy of anything, let alone money. It has you in a space of non-expectancy for any good to come to you, almost like a dark cloud following you everywhere. I have worked with so many women who, the moment they heal their self-worth conversation, have made leaps and bounds in abundance that shows up in their life from money to opportunities to relationships and happiness.

3. Failure keeps you in a never-ending cycle of disappointment and negative thinking of incapability, inferiority and inadequacy which affects your performance, effectiveness and efficiency. Failure is the biggest contributor to procrastination. Why? Because we are afraid to fail again. So we procrastinate on the things we need to do to succeed. It’s a bit of a vicious circle.

As you can see, they all take you to a place of no action, and without action, you cannot generate abundance, income or wealth. Understanding the depth of all of the emotions that affect your money capability takes a more detailed analysis of each individual’s set of unique life circumstances, life experiences and beliefs. Yes, it is definitely subjective. Do not get discouraged though, just by starting your own inner dialogue to understand yourself as an emotional being is a great start. Bring awareness to the underlying thoughts and beliefs that move you to action or no action. From there, you can start understanding triggers, unconscious motives and subconscious behaviour. It is a very personal, private and deep journey. I know this because I have gone through it myself, and that is why I do what I do and have a mission to guide women to financial freedom through healing their emotional baggage and opening their hearts to more abundance.  

I will leave you with this, you MUST clear the Subconscious Mind from your emotional ties to the past in order for your intentions in the conscious mind to manifest and that includes the money you intend and want to make. Ponder this, what are your money emotions?

About the Author

Micaela Passeri is an Award-Winning Emotional Intelligence and Business Performance Expert, International Speaker and Author. Women entrepreneurs hire her to identify and release the trapped emotions that prevent their success and freedom. She helps transform women from stuck, stagnant and unfulfilled to happy, liberated, hopeful, and healed. Get clarity, take action and increase income now! Call/book a 30-minute complimentary Emotional Money Mastery Session here.

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