Susanna Beatrice: How I Found My Passion for Holistic Sexual Healing
Susanna Beatrice (formerly known as Sanna Sanita) is a self-made serial entrepreneur who has generated high figures in revenue throughout her entrepreneurial journey. Originally from Sweden, she started her first international business in 1997 at the age of 17. After finding her purpose, she became a pioneer in the European holistic sexual healing, de-armouring, and opened the first de-armouring school of its kind.
At the Global Woman Summit 2022, Susanna was a speaker and her session called “The New Era of Leadership: Uniting the Feminine and Masculine for a purpose fuelled climax” had the audience filled with questions. Today with Global Woman Magazine, she shares her own expertise on the topics of conscious leadership, business start-up, and profound personal transformation. She is committed to supporting conscious entrepreneurs and professionals to transform into embodied leaders and healthy role models.
“What has been fundamental in this journey is daring to follow my own truth and inner calling. To become a living example of how to successfully create my life outside of the box and for a fact, live an outstanding life.”
How would you describe your experience of speaking at the Global Woman Summit? What did you take away from it?
My experience speaking at the Global Woman Summit was a lot of fun. The summit was filled with inspiration and learning. The main takeaway was the community, the networking, and being with like-minded, high-achieving women/men from all over the world. A real super-boost. Community is so important!! I love the fact that Global Woman stands for beauty, excellence, style, and fun. Which are such feminine qualities that make it outstanding.

What made you get into holistic sexual healing?
From a young age, I was a seeker and explored many different traditions within spirituality and personal development. At one point I naturally came across the holistic sexual healing/awakening field, and after a profound spiritual insight, something inside clicked. I realised that we can only be whole as humans if including the whole spectrum of humanity. Sexuality is a big key. I have been through sexual abuse and since traumas are stored in the body, their most potent, and only, way to heal is to go directly to the source.
The next step when awakening to sovereign sexuality is to awaken the power. We learn what sex is really about, which is far away from the distorted version taught in society, it is a spiritual practice, it is a human upgrade, and it is a pure life force energy. As a woman, lover, partner, teacher, and influencer – learning sacred sexuality has contributed to profound changes in my life not to forget the positive relationship with my body, self-worth, and confidence. It has been such a positive impact that I started a school to train therapists in somatic sexual healing & de-armouring.
What are some important life lessons you learned as a young entrepreneur?
Even though my heart and spirit were strong, it took time for me to understand and accept the fact that I was different from my peers. By not doing what everyone else was doing, I always felt like an outsider. What has been fundamental in this journey is daring to follow my own truth and inner calling. To become a living example of how to successfully create my life outside of the box and for a fact, live an outstanding life. No matter the naysayers, I dared to follow my curiosity, creativity & longing for freedom. Truth is. People will resist & judge what is different and most choose to stay in their comfort zone.
The big gain is that I had the courage to go my own way and today I can be proud of my accomplishments. I have built everything through trial and error – no one supported me. So, the biggest win is the trust in myself, the daring to go against the current and others’ ideas, and living true to the life I want to live. No matter what. That has provided an “I can do it” mindset plus the courage to always seek to see possibilities and learn in the so-called difficulties.
How did you expand your business globally and become a well-renowned business in Europe? Any tips for companies with this goal?
Since I have been travelling for many years, I had a global network, it was second nature to travel to learn about new cultures. Through my curiosity, drive, and depending on the business, I contacted shops/markets and organisers to offer my products or services. I still remember when I first started. I came to a new city, grabbed the yellow pages, and scrolled through, trying to find interesting clientele and went by foot to subways to shops. I also facilitated workshops in countries where I wanted to go and sought to combine pleasure with business.

The best advice I can offer is to have a possibility mindset, and always ask the question, how can I make this happen? What else is possible? Never be afraid of asking questions or reaching out to a potential client, organiser, or collaboration. Also, be deeply connected with your business, listen deeply & follow the impulses that arise. As weird as it might sound, see your business as an entity, if it’s alive, it is energy and it wants to develop. The only one in the way of what you can and cannot do is you!
Today it is much easier to go global than back then. Never hesitate to contact magazines, podcasts, festivals, and speaker engagements. In the beginning, it’s helpful to offer some free/low-budget services to get credibility & visibility and also seek partnerships and collaborations.
“I remember feeling so unworthy of charging €20 for my first healing sessions, to understand that money is a game, and it often goes hand in hand with knowing your self-worth, and ability to challenge one’s limiting beliefs.”
After leaving Sweden at 17, how did you navigate through your career? What were the stepping stones before building the business you have now?

In my heart, I knew I wanted something else than what was offered in the traditional society. So, after a holiday in Thailand in 1997, I got a taste of freedom & life and I decided to quit design school and found myself in Bali, designing/producing piercing jewellery & clothes. I then travelled globally and worked in markets & shops. One of my core values is flexibility and my businesses have always developed with my inner progress. Since I am obsessed with discovering human potential and life itself.
The result of today’s business is 20+ years of dedicated, fearless, inner work, following my purpose and the desire to contribute to a larger positive global impact. That is what I have dedicated my life to. For example, it means to constantly dare to develop, shift the line of work if needed, rebrand, etc. Not being afraid to take risks and not staying in the comfort zone. It has not been an easy ride. As a young woman, I was very insecure, run by distorted self-view & low self-esteem. I was sexually abused, bulimic, a drug addict, and had sex for love & appreciation. I had no boundaries or self-respect. It took plenty of courage, and despite my poor self-esteem, in some weird way, I managed to turn around the trauma to my superpower. Due to my heavy background, I can be a guiding light for those who desire, and I am a firm believer; that everything we go through can be for the benefit of others. That has always been my anchor through the darkest nights.
What’s one key piece of advice for generating high figures in a business?
Consistency and money mindset. Many women are afraid of charging what they are worth. Get over it! I remember feeling so unworthy of charging €20 for my first healing sessions to understand that money is a game, and it often goes hand in hand with knowing your self-worth, and the ability to challenge one’s limiting beliefs. Suppose someone would tell me 10 years ago, that today, I would sell my services for between €3k – €20k. I could not comprehend that but now it’s just a numbers game.
Ask yourself, how high do you want to go and what’s in the way of doing so?
How does helping women with their self-esteem and confidence impact the world? What would you like the future to look like for women in business and life?

Going to the root of patterns is crucial. Not only to grow in business but to be whole in life. Such patterns often play out in all our relationships and stem from not feeling good enough hence why most actions come from the wounding and desire for love, appreciation, and approval. We perform instead of being. So, go to the root of these patterns, find the core, and from that place, you will operate what you want and desire and not from what you THINK is expected from you. This is why many fail. Due to the fear of what others will think, say, or do, if we follow the depth of our hearts’ calling. I believe that if people feel confident and love themselves for real then we’ll see a thriving world. The future would then be filled with over-powering leaders that dare to go in their own way, known in their hearts they are meant for more, and hopefully take advantage of this big game called life.
“Understand and dare to explore the endless possibilities. It requires courage to break free from the status quo and true confidence will arise from the inside.”