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Property Powerhouse: Secrets of Sofina Aghios, a Renowned Investor

Meet Sofina Aghios, a dynamic force in North London’s property investment scene since the late 1990s. Despite not fitting the stereotypical image, Sofina has carved her niche as an entrepreneur, property investor, and developer. Beyond her impressive portfolio, she wears multiple hats as a business and wealth coach, public speaker, mentor, and self-published author of “Success Mindset.” Her journey is a testament to the power of personal development and continuous learning. Through dedication and strategic investments, Sofina has mastered the intricacies of property portfolios, from vanilla Buy-To-Lets to commercial ventures, with a focus on London suburbs. Join us as we delve into the world of this multifaceted property powerhouse.

What initially drew you to the world of property investment and entrepreneurship, and how did you navigate the challenges of breaking into these fields?

My interest in property investment started early, inspired by watching my parents purchase run-down houses to renovate them for us to reside in and then moving on to buying bigger homes. This wonderful experience and exposure together with both me and my sister getting involved in the decoration, staging and renovations became immensely enjoyable and addictive. This hands-on experience with witnessing a property transformation ignited a fascination with real estate and its potential to build wealth and enhance homes. I remember saving my pocket and hard-earned money to purchase these board games and puzzles. Additionally, my childhood hobby of collecting and solving wooden puzzles, with the love of board games (which still sit in my parent’s home to this day), particularly Monopoly, my favorite game in the world inspired me to invest in assets and treasure learning. You could say this was to be my first lesson in property as it taught me about how to remain solvent by buying houses and developing houses into hotels, giving me more income. I must have bought this game when I was about nine or ten years old, even before buying Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. You can say that I started “property investment and entrepreneurship” at a relatively young age!

The game of Monopoly combined with watching and helping my parents renovate houses, fueled my passion and really drew me to the world of property investment and entrepreneurship. This taught me fundamental lessons about money, property, mindset, savings, and financial management in a fun and engaging way. I was dreaming that this would be something I would like to do when I grow up alongside a job or career.

I began my entrepreneurial journey by selling home-baked cakes, setting up jumble sales in our front garden, followed by becoming an Avon sales representative, at just 12 years old (with the support of mum). It seems that my journey into property investment and entrepreneurship was shaped by a diverse range of experiences that started at a young age. Even before my formal education in economics, I exhibited innate entrepreneurial tendencies, driven by a desire and discovery of the power of making, having and saving money to achieve financial independence. These early ventures laid the foundation for my entrepreneurial spirit and the yearning of making money as a tool to buy what I desired instead of reliance and patience on others to buy these things for me.

As I grew older, my growing interest in money, finance, and economics led me to go and pursue a degree in economics during the late 80s. This was a period marked by high unemployment and strict monetary policy, under the Margaret Thatcher era. During this period of high unemployment, I knew it would not be easy to find a job, especially as I did not come from a privileged but from an ethnic minority background with odds stacked against me. My choices were limited, joining a YTS or Youth Training Scheme (for those of you in the UK who are old enough to remember), becoming unemployed or continuing with education. I chose the latter to further my education, ultimately the first one to go to university in my family and achieve a first-class degree (with odds stacked against me). Looking back, I count the high period of unemployment as a blessing not a curse, because if there weren’t such adverse times I would not have serendipitously pursued further education and university to undertake an Economics BSc. degree.  

As I was fascinated by technology in the mid-80s. I even saved up to buy my own personal computer (PC), an Acorn Electron, in 1983, as I knew that technology would play a huge part in the future and life. After graduating the period of high unemployment continued and I decided to undertake a postgraduate degree in Applied Computing Technology in London in 1993, learning about AI and went on to become a Software Developer whilst building a property portfolio on the side. These narratives demonstrate that success is possible regardless of initial circumstances.

This academic background deepened my understanding of economic principles, business, statistics, management accountancy, and honed my analytical skills and providing me with a solid foundation for my future endeavors in property investment, finance, information technology and entrepreneurship. 

When I decided to pursue property investment professionally over 26 years ago, I combined my academic knowledge with my early entrepreneurial experiences to navigate the challenges of breaking into property investment and entrepreneurship.  I was driven by a desire to achieve financial independence, freedom and make a positive impact. The journey was not without challenges as with most people’s entrepreneurial endeavors. The early years of investing were marked by economic downturns, another period of high unemployment, and high interest rates, which required perseverance, resilience and adaptability during these challenging periods. Despite this, I continued to invest in both self-development and property. The need to persevere during hard times and not to give up became deeply rooted within me. 

I navigated these challenges by immersing myself in continual learning, attending seminars, reading extensively, and seeking to purchase both self-development and property courses from the limited seasoned investors out there in the nineties. Simon Zutshi, Ranjan Bhattacharya and Parmdeep Vadesha were some who were around at the time I began my journey in property.

Property investing was not a popular wealth strategy back then, so most if not all my property education and learning came from books, personal development courses, attending wealth seminars and just using my “gut instinct” and just started buying properties even when I was told not to invest in properties but start a pension by my accountant at the time 

Diversifying my investments, from standard buy-to-lets (BTLs), Local Housing Allowance (LHA) properties, HMOs (Houses in Multiple Occupation) developments, auction purchases, title-splitting, lease extensions and now commercial property, allowed me to mitigate risks, obtain greater yields and seize opportunities across different market conditions. These experiences provided me with substantial property knowledge, taught me resilience and the importance of long-term planning. My journey, from childhood inspiration to professional achievement, underscores the power of passion and perseverance in the world of property investment.

Can you share some key insights from your experience in property investment and development since the late 1990s? What lessons have you learned that have been pivotal to your success?

I thought of a great way to do share my insights and key lessons by using the word “PROPERTY” where each letter of “PROPERTY” represents one of the key insights that captures the essence of my experience and the key lessons I’ve learned in property investment. 

P – Psychology and Philosophy (believe that you can achieve)

R – Relationships (Tenant Relations and Management, networking)

O – Opportunities (Adding value to the properties)

P – Planning (Market Research and Timing and financial prudence)

E – Education and ethos, explore examine

R – Regulations (Regulatory Compliance)

T – Timing (Adaptability to Market Conditions)

Y – Yield (Diversification for stable yield)

Psychology and Philosophy (believe that you can achieve)

Maintaining a positive, resilient, and growth-oriented mindset is crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success. The limiting beliefs we all hold can deter us from property or any ventures or indeed taking any action towards progress.

Developing a mindset encouraging success must ensue and remain even through challenging times. I have written a book on developing a Success Mindset available on Amazon.

Relationships, Networking, Tenant Relations and Management

Attending networking events to build relationships. In my early years of property investing, there were a small number of networking events and now there are a plentiful number of property network events, at a low cost (£20 and upwards). I have tried to build a good network of people around me over time. The key lesson is regularly attending these same events, so you build up a reputation and awareness. Some good national events are the Property Investors Network (PIN), Progressive Property, and some only in London.

Effective property management, either through a professional letting agency or in-house, to ensure high occupancy rates, timely maintenance, and overall tenant satisfaction. When starting in property and having tenants. I would suggest you do the property management even for a short period of time to begin with, so you have the learnings and are familiar with what processes are involved. Then you can outsource this to an agent knowing what you know and will not be taken advantage of.

Careful tenant screening processes should be used to find suitable tenants to ensure you reduce the risk of problematic tenants who may not be suitable and may have to leave. This all impacts rental income.

Keeping rents below market rates. As a professional landlord we set our rents carefully to ensure they are kept below market rates and this is effective to ensure that tenants stay longer, thus reducing voids. We have had tenants in our properties for over sixteen years. They treat the property as if it is their own which significantly reduces my involvement, vacant period and almost seems like near passive income which is the route to financial freedom.

Opportunities – Adding Value

Investing in properties that require renovations, upgrades and provides opportunities to significantly increase property value and rental income in the form of adding value. Identifying properties with potential for improvement has been a key strategy, sometimes referred to as BRRR or BRR – Buy Refurbish, Refinance and Rent.
By just adding one or two plus bedrooms to a smaller property can significantly increase the value of the property and increase the value of your portfolio without breaking the bank. It can also allow the investor to pull out money to invest in another property investment and do it all over again. Having more than four bedrooms in a property could also open up opportunities to change from a BTL to an HMO subject to local regulations. I have done this many times.

Improving the energy efficiency of properties not only increases their market value but also attracts environmentally conscious tenants and can reduce operating costs and so raise property profits. I must emphasize that older Victorian properties and even listed buildings can be challenging.

Other property strategies open plenty of opportunities for investors such as no money down (NMD), Purchase Lease Options (PLOs), exchange with delayed completion (EDC), rent to rent (R2R), deal sourcing and other strategies.

Planning – Market Research and Timing
Conducting thorough market research and due diligence in the form of deal analysis before deciding to go ahead in any property purchase is key.

Understanding local market conditions, property values, and rental demand helps in making informed investment decisions that will put money in your pocket not take it out. This is a crucial process and should never be disregarded or omitted as part of planning.

Recognizing the right time to buy or sell properties to determine where we are on the actual property market cycle and personal financial goals has been essential in maximizing returns. In times of recession, there are more opportunities available, as the scarcity mindset sets in for most and having a mentor or person who has been through these economic downturns can help. As Warren Buffet says, “Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.” It’s about planning and timing.

Education – Continuous Learning

Continually educating yourself in new investment strategies, training courses, masterminds, following market trends, economic cycles, property management techniques, legislation, and a whole lot more has kept my skills sharp and using the effective strategies relevant to the economic climate.

Using a mentor to guide me in the later years has taught me the greatest lesson, that to go far, get a mentor who can assist you to move fast and prevent you making mistakes. 

There are many successful property entrepreneurs who have achieved the same level of success as me in a shorter space of time because of having mentors. I believe having access to a mentor in my early years would have invested a lot more and had a bigger impact. There are plenty of mentors to choose from these days but be careful to choose one that is available to help you.

Learning about leveraging debt wisely can amplify returns, but it’s crucial to manage debt levels prudently. Over-leveraging can lead to financial stress, especially in downturns and periods of recession and high interest rates. I have a debt-to-equity ratio of just over 50% which mitigates my risk and ensures during high interest rate periods that I can still make a profit.

Financial literacy and knowledge of different loans available is something that can aid you in accelerating the property investing journey. Having access to the right team of professionals comes as part of having a mentor.

Maintaining a reserve fund for unexpected expenses. Emergencies or void rental periods ensure financial stability and the ability to handle unforeseen issues such as COVID-19 without compromising long-term goals. There was one year when four gas heating boilers broke down in one short period of time. This was a high expense in one year but my having a reserve fund ensured that I could handle it. So be prepared and expect the unexpected.

Regulatory Compliance

The UK property market continues to be heavily regulated, and regulations seem to be more and more imposed on private landlords and property investors with frequent changes in laws, regulations, licensing, tax changes (Section 24) are just a few. Staying updated, informed, educated and compliant with legislation especially regarding tenant’s rights, property standards, licensing, planning, and tax implications plays a huge part to being successful in the property game.

This also includes application of licensing around boroughs nationwide. Particularly with HMOs, Article 4 Direction (A4D) that the council uses to remove permitted development rights, selective licensing where all private rented properties within designated areas and ensuring compliance around safety standards in properties. The government has also given landlords a role of playing an immigration officer where properties can only be let to tenants who have the right to rent to avoid civil penalties in the UK. Constantly ensuring properties meet licensing requirements and safety standards is essential to avoid legal issues and maintain tenant satisfaction.

The key lesson is to keep updated with local and national policies around housing and planning. Each borough is different and operates differently from others. The NRLA is a good organization in the UK, that you can join to keep updated with legislation, tips, advice, telephone support and even tenancy agreements.

TIMING – Adapting to Market Conditions
Navigating economic cycles and adapting to market conditions is key. Having a mentor with experience in investing through multiple recessions and periods of high interest rates can tremendously assist you to succeed in property investing. I’ve learned the importance of adapting strategies to current market conditions and doing the opposite of what the majority are doing. During recessions, focusing on property strategies that offer higher yields like HMOs (subject to A4D), can provide more stability.
In Warren Buffet’s words: “Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”

Management of periods of high interest rates requires careful cash flow management and potential refinancing options. Locking in fixed-rate mortgages during periods of low interest rates can hedge against future increases. Maintaining a lower debt ratio can also help weather any storms in future.

Yield – Diversification for a stable yield

Diversifying investments across different property types (e.g. Buy-To-Lets, HMOs, serviced accommodation (SA), commercial properties, etc.) helps spread risk and potentially offer different yields. Each strategy has its own risk and potential yields, and market conditions affect them differently. During Covid, the SA properties were markedly affected and SA operators who were using this one strategy struggled financially. Having all your eggs in one property strategy is not advisable and affects your yields negatively.

Finding your goldmine geographical area is one of the starting points in property investing. Mine was North London, but I did invest in other areas such as Manchester, Nottingham and Leicestershire.  This has given me the experience of operating anywhere in the UK by knowing how to systemize and what processes to put in place. I have had a property in Nottingham since 2005 and I live in London, and it operates smoothly with little regular involvement. Operating outside of London these days provides better yields, if you are just starting. If you have bigger deposits, you may still get better yields in some areas of London.

I believe these insights, honed over decades of experience, been pivotal in navigating the complex and ever-changing landscape of property investment. They have enabled me to build a robust and profitable portfolio while mitigating risks, capitalizing on opportunities and most of all providing homes for my tenants. Property also has enabled me to build a legacy with ultimate financial freedom. I believe if I can do this successfully so can anyone with the right guidance.

As an advocate for empowering women in property investment and business, what specific strategies do you employ to support and mentor female entrepreneurs in these fields?

1. Mentorship Programs

Offering one-to-one mentoring to women individually, asking them what they are looking for and then providing personalized guidance based on my own personal extensive experience, with extensive knowledge of the market, economic cycles, property or business strategies and a whole lot more. “Standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Also offering small group mentoring sessions where women can share experiences, challenges, and solutions in the form of masterminding.

2. Networking Opportunities and Peer Support Groups

Encouraging women to attend networking events local to them which are specifically for property or business. So that they can foster connections and collaborations. Having Global Woman as a platform can help women to create their own networking groups.

Another strategy I use, and I encourage others too, is to join established social media groups in Facebook communities or groups where female entrepreneurs can exchange ideas, resources, support and even collaborate with each other over time.

Encouraging and supporting women to pair up as accountability partners to help each other stay focused and motivated and to share their successes whether small or big.

These programs will help to provide regular feedback by establishing a system for regular feedback from mentees to continuously improve the support and resources provided.

2. Access to Resources

Provide access to resource library to include a repository of valuable resources, including book recommendations, PDFs, articles, online courses, entrepreneurial group ideas, deal analyzers focused on property investment and business.

3. Inclusion in Investment Opportunities

Encouraging women to engage in joint ventures and partnerships among women to pool resources and share risk.

I use these strategies, so that we can create a supportive and empowering environment for women in property investment and business, helping us to thrive and succeed in these traditionally male-dominated fields.

Your commitment to ethical investing and community impact is admirable. How do you ensure that your property projects contribute positively to the communities they serve, particularly in addressing the shortage of quality homes in the UK?

This ultimately involves a multifaceted approach that combines ethical investing principles with tenant-focused strategies. Here are some ways to I achieve this:

I ensure that all the properties we offer are at an affordable rent, guaranteeing that properties remain accessible to low-income families and young professionals or anyone who requires their own space.

In renovating houses, my aim is for high-quality standard renovations and invest in high-quality materials and sustainable construction practices to ensure homes are safe, durable, and comfortable for tenants and homeowners. Long tenancies ensure that the tenants contribute positively to the local communities.

Regular Communication with tenants and encouraging engagement ensures that we aim to maintain open and regular communication with tenants to understand their needs and concerns and address any issues promptly. When running an HMO, my partner gets involved and must resolve issues and even take on the role of a social worker.

Maintaining transparency with tenants about any project improvements, progress, and outcomes, to foster trust and community involvement. We encourage tenant involvement in the management and decision-making processes related to their living environment, fostering a sense of ownership and community.

We provide modern amenities, especially in HMOs. such as high-speed internet, efficient heating systems (where possible), and well-designed communal spaces to enhance tenants’ living experiences especially in HMOs. Enjoying an outside open space is something that promotes well-being and community building and this is essential when it comes to the bigger HMOs we manage.

Ensuring that the properties we invest in are accessible to public transport, bus routes, schools, shops, pubs/bars, restaurants, shopping centers and other essential services to enhance tenants’ quality of life and convenience.

By integrating these strategies, we strive to ensure that our property projects not only address the shortage of quality homes but also contribute positively to the lives of our tenants, aligning with our commitment to ethical investing and community impact.

Could you tell us more about your dedication to spreading awareness of autism and special educational needs, as evidenced by your website “”? How does this personal mission intersect with your professional endeavors?

Beyond my professional pursuits, my personal life involves raising my son who was diagnosed as having autism at the age of two and a half years old. This has profoundly influenced my mission and dedication to spreading awareness about autism and neuro-diverse needs. My autistic son faced significant challenges early in life, including an inability to speak and being moved from one school to another due to a lack of understanding towards support for his needs. The emotional toll of these experiences led me to a point of deep depression, where I even considered taking my own life. The injustices and discrimination I felt and experienced during these dark times were unbearable. However, I live to tell the tale and my son now is a young man, who has language, can communicate but continues to struggle with his social interaction. A startling fact about employment rates for autistic people continue to remain far lower than those of their peers. While just 30% of autistic people in the UK were estimated to be in employment in 2022/23, compares to around 82% in the non-disabled population!

Nevertheless, the passive income from property investments allowed me to focus on finding the early interventions my son required. It also meant that I was there for my son when he needed me and the dreaded phone calls that every parent with a neuro-diverse child can only resonate with meant that I could attend to these challenges and issues almost instantaneously without seeking permission from a boss’s approval if I had a full-time or part-time job working for someone else. This period accentuates the importance of financial independence, not just for personal security but for the ability to dedicate time and resources to crucial family needs. This journey with my son has driven me to advocate for better support and understanding of autism, additional or special educational needs and neurodiversity.

In my professional endeavors, I strive to integrate this personal mission by raising awareness of autism, accepting differences, supporting initiatives that cater to additional needs. This together with ensuring any future properties and projects are inclusive and supportive of diverse needs. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to recognize the importance of early intervention, support systems, and the role financial stability can play in managing life’s unexpected challenges. My experiences highlight the intersection of personal passion and professional commitment, driving me to make a positive impact both in the property investment sphere and within the communities I serve.

Collaboration and partnership seem to be central to your vision for the future of successful women in property investment and business. How do you envision women working together to achieve shared financial goals and make a meaningful impact on communities?

Networking Events and Opportunities

I envision organizing networking events specifically for women in property investment and business to foster connections, partnership and collaborations and ultimately working together.

Collaborations may include having a community of women developers, investors, and women’s organizations such as Global Woman to promote best practices and raise the overall standard of housing in the UK or even globally. Ensuring the property projects, we work on not only address the shortage of quality homes but also contribute positively to the lives of our tenants, aligning with shared commitment towards ethical investing and community.

Establishing dedicated online forums on social media groups where female entrepreneurs can exchange ideas, resources, and support can also make a meaningful impact on communities.

Your journey from overcoming limited beliefs and discrimination to becoming a successful entrepreneur is inspiring. How do you leverage your personal experiences to mentor and motivate others facing similar challenges?

Drawing from my own journey of overcoming limiting beliefs and discrimination, I am deeply committed to mentoring and motivating others facing similar challenges that have become their obstacles. My path to becoming a successful entrepreneur and property investor was shaped by numerous obstacles, including early skepticism about my academic potential, coming from an ethnic background, living in an area of the UK which was not as cosmopolitan as London and facing almost daily racist abuse in the form of discrimination. The significant hurdles I faced in supporting my son with autism. These experiences have profoundly influenced my approach to mentorship and empowerment and to encourage others who are facing similar challenges to deal with these limited and discriminatory beliefs imposed on them. Leveraging these awful personal experiences and coming through the other side is a testament that we can overcome similar challenges.  

By openly sharing my personal stories of resilience and perseverance, including the early days of entrepreneurial ventures, living in an area where we would face racial discrimination regularly. How I changed the course of events, during challenging economic periods, achieving a first-class degree despite the odds. My coming from a working-class family of second-generation immigrants defying the statistics in most areas shows that we can all become successful. I hope these narratives inspire others to achieve what they truly desire and that anything is possible, regardless of background. 

Highlighting the importance of mindset in maintaining a positive, resilient, and growth-oriented outlook has been crucial in overcoming setbacks. My journey shows that adopting the right psychological approach can transform challenges into opportunities for growth.
My personal passion was to self-publish a book on Amazon – Success Mindset giving the readers 22 Empowering Techniques I used to leverage on my personal experiences.

Learning does not stop when you leave education, it continues through your life and should be a lifelong commitment. I hope that I have shown and stress the value of never-ending continuous learning and adaptation to the world especially around technology. I encourage others to seek knowledge actively, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, read extensively, and find great mentors who can provide guidance and support and who have accomplished what they are seeking.

Through my personal experience with my son’s autism, I advocate for better support and understanding of learning difficulties, special educational needs, autism and acceptance of neuro-divergent people. I aim to mentor parents and caregivers, providing them with resources and strategies to navigate the challenges of supporting children with special needs while managing their entrepreneurial ventures. 

I highlight the importance of encouraging financial independence and financial freedom, not just for personal security but for the ability to manage life’s challenges effectively. My journey underscores how passive income from property investments allowed me to focus on my son’s needs and find the necessary early interventions without seeking permission from a boss to do what I needed to do.

By leveraging my personal experiences, I aim to inspire and empower others to overcome their limitations and achieve their goals. I hope my story serves as a testament to the power of resilience, the right mindset, and the importance of ethical, community-focused entrepreneurship. 

You offer coaching, training, and mentoring services to support individuals in starting or growing their businesses and property investments. Can you elaborate on the unique benefits of each of these services and how they complement one another in your approach?

Coaching services

I offer personalized guidance in the form of transformational coaching that provides tailored advice and strategies based on an individual’s unique needs and goals, helping my clients navigate specific challenges and opportunities, especially around businesses and property investment. This almost begins with asking questions to facilitate a change in my clients. My coaching will focus on building an abundant mindset as psychology plays a huge part. I use the Neuro-Linguistic Programming communication model.

In addition, I offer skills in goal setting and accountability as part of the services I offer and as a coach I help my clients set realistic goals and hold them accountable for their progress, ensuring consistent effort, focus and setting them for success.

I ensure I look at the skills my clients have and ensure that skill development occurs where there are gaps.  My coaching focuses on developing key skills such as decision-making, leadership, and strategic planning, which are crucial for business and investment success.

I can sometime focus on mindset and motivation so as a coach enhancing my clients’ confidence, resilience, and motivation, which are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term success.

How It Complements Training and Mentoring?

I believe coaching builds on the foundational knowledge gained from training by applying it to individual circumstances. Coaching can provide continuous support and accountability, reinforcing the lessons learned through mentoring.


I offer as a service, structured learning in the form of training programs promoting comprehensive learning experiences and opportunities, covering essential topics such as sales, marketing, branding, financial planning, some tax planning, business acquisition, property management and any other bespoke training my clients want to focus on.

There are suggested reading in the form of great personal development books that can help my clients learn skills in their own time and resources that are available to them or my signposting them to resources that will not require them to break the banks.

I encourage my clients to acquire skills so that they gain specific skills and knowledge required for successful property investment and business management.

Some of the recommended courses offer certifications and credentials so as to enhance credibility and marketability whether from large companies or small.

My services can provide interactive learning and training in the form of workshops, seminars, and practical exercises that facilitate hands-on learning, if the client so requires and that can fit around the client’s needs.

All forms of training provide the foundational knowledge and skills that clients need to start their journey. All of which complements both coaching and mentoring.

It prepares clients for more personalized and in-depth guidance through coaching.

I offer training sessions which can be a precursor to mentoring relationships, equipping mentees with the basics before diving deeper.

Mentoring services

As part of the mentoring services I offer, it often involves a long-term relationship, offering continuous support, guidance, and encouragement, even after the mentorship has ended. My aim is to develop relationships that flourish and lead to collaborations, if the mentee chooses.

As a mentor, share my own experiences, insights, and lessons learned, providing real-world perspectives that are invaluable for mentees. Mentee will not have to go through the mistakes and tribulations that I have been through and will often avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that have been made and so fast track their journey towards success.

As a mentor, having access to a team of professionals, I can introduce mentees to other networks, opening new opportunities for collaboration and growth in the form of network building.

I offer a holistic development approach where I as a mentor aim to focus on the overall development of the mentee, including personal growth, professional skills, and acquisition of industry knowledge.

Both mentoring, coaching services and training all complement each other, and this is my aim.

My mentoring service provides ongoing, real-world advice and support that complements the structured knowledge from training.

As a mentor, my purpose is to offer a more informal and relationship-based approach that can reinforce the personal growth aspects addressed in coaching.

I help my mentees apply what they’ve learned in training and coaching to practical, everyday situations in their personal and professional life.

Integrating Coaching, Training, and Mentoring in Your Approach allows me to follow up with personalized coaching to address individual challenges, set specific goals, and develop a success-oriented mindset. This is all achieved by establishing mentoring relationships including connecting my clients, perhaps with other mentors who can provide long-term support, share their experiences, and help apply learning in practical contexts.

My mentoring and coaching services are unique and are also based on my own experiences of using mentors and recognizing what works and avoiding things that do not work effectively. I have experience from being a mentee and a mentor. Services will include ongoing advice, support, and opportunities for growth, fostering a sustainable and continuous development journey. Recognizing the importance of continuous learning and support that equips clients with the necessary tools and knowledge.

Through mentorship, I strive to help others build their own success stories, fostering a new generation of entrepreneurs who are well-equipped to navigate and overcome the challenges they face.

My coaching services ensure clients are using these tools effectively and staying on track with their goals as much as possible. My bespoke mentoring offers ongoing advice, support, and opportunities for growth, fostering a sustainable and continuous development journey.

By integrating these three services, I can provide a comprehensive support system that addresses every aspect of my clients’ development, from foundational knowledge to personal growth and practical application, ensuring they have the resources and support needed to succeed in their business be it from starting a coaching business to property investment endeavors. I encourage anyone who is interested to book a free 30-minute strategy call.

Of course, I offer a done-for-you-service to HNWI sophisticated investors who do not want to learn the lessons and do the training but just want the returns on their savings that are being eroded with inflation over time. Perhaps, they don’t have the time but want a person who has knowledge and experience in helping them to invest in UK property.

What advice would you give to individuals who are considering entering the world of property investment or entrepreneurship but may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about where to start?

Entering the world of property investment or entrepreneurship can indeed feel overwhelming, but with the right approach and mindset, it can be a rewarding journey. There is so much advice I can give to individuals to get started, but I will keep it to what I believe is vital.

1. Educate YourselfCommit to continuously educating yourself. Whether it be by taking a training courses that cover the basics of property investment and entrepreneurship.
Attend free property events that show you the different strategies that are available. There are so many and as a trusted guide, I can sign post these to you.

Topics should include market analysis, financial planning, property management, property tax, company structures and the property strategies that are working including legislation.

Read a wide variety of books on property investment, articles, YouTube videos, join the NRLA, subscribe to property publications such as YPN and read property blogs by successful investors and entrepreneurs to gain insights and knowledge.

Continue with Continued Professional Development: Attend workshops, webinars, seminars, exhibitions and courses to keep your skills and knowledge up to date.

2. Seek Mentorship and Coaching

Connect with experienced property investors or entrepreneurs who can provide guidance, share their experiences, and offer advice on mentors that they have used. Consider hiring a coach who can help you set goals, develop strategies, and stay accountable.
Remember, you can book a strategy call with me to see if I can help.

3. Build a Support Network and a Team of Experts

Join and participate in local or online networking groups to meet other investors and entrepreneurs, exchange ideas, and gain support. Building these connections can support you in your journey of property entrepreneurship. When I first started, it was a lonely journey.

Attending industry events such as property seminars, property workshops, conferences and property exhibitions, to learn from experts and make valuable connections. In the UK, there is the Landlord Shows and Property Investment shows that take place in the bigger cities several times each year.

By following this advice, individuals can build a strong foundation and gradually gain the confidence and skills needed to succeed in property investment or entrepreneurship. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but with perseverance, the right support, and continuous learning, it can lead to significant rewards and ultimate financial freedom.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of The Wealth Training Academy and your various ventures in property investment and business? How do you hope to continue making a positive impact in your community and beyond?

Aspirations for the future revolve around growth, innovation, and to reach and help as many people as possible to become financially independent and making a substantial positive difference. 

Aspirations for The Wealth Training Academy

1. Expanding Reach and Accessibility

I aspire to have more speaking engagements and speak at various property, business and women’s events, inspiring mainly women to get into property and encourage entrepreneurship.

2. Comprehensive Wealth-Building Programs

Develop a robust online platform offering a range of courses, membership platform, webinars and interactive sessions to reach a global audience and to expand people’s mindset especially around financial freedom and emphasizing the importance of creating multiple streams of income to thrive not just survive.

To expand a curriculum to include not just property investment as a wealth-building strategies but also offer education on stock market investing, digital marketing, e-commerce, coaching, entrepreneurship and many others. 

Together with training offer more personalized coaching and develop mentoring service packages that offer bespoke support to suit the clients.

3. Empowering Underserved Communities including the neuro-diverse

Collaborate and partner with non-profit organizations to deliver financial literacy programs, empowerment programs to marginalized groups and young people – our future generation.

Promote this through educational outreach and advocacy delivering these in schools and communities to educate people about wealth-building from a young age. Like how I started, making it fun and enjoyable. Perhaps, leverage technology and developing apps to make it fund and easier for our young people including children.

Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies that promote affordable housing, sustainable development, supporting the vulnerable and neuro-diverse and provision of financial education not provided in the current school curriculum.
Partnerships and collaborations with other industry leaders, educational institutions, and government bodies to amplify our impact and reach.

Aspirations for Property Investment and Business Ventures

1. Sustainable and Ethical Development

Incorporate sustainable and eco-friendly building practices in all future property developments to minimize environmental impact.

Focus on developing community-centric projects that serve the community, such as affordable housing, community centers, supported living and mixed-use developments.

Engage in joint ventures with other ethical investors and developers to undertake larger and more impactful projects.

2. Innovative Housing Solutions

Continue to address the shortage of housing and especially quality homes by investing in affordable housing projects and supported living accommodation.

Explore innovative construction methods such as modular and prefabricated homes to provide cost-effective and quick housing solutions.

3. Supporting Local Economies

Local Employment: Prioritize hiring local contractors, suppliers, and workers to boost local economies and tenants who wish to build a community where they live, fostering local economic growth. Encourage more organizations to consider apprenticeships to help young people.

Legacy and Long-Term Vision

1. Creating a Lasting Legacy

Position leaders like me and The Wealth Training Academy as thought leaders in ethical investing and community-centric development.

2. Inspiring Future Generations

Continuing to develop mentorship programs aimed at inspiring and guiding the next generation of property investors and entrepreneurs. Sharing success stories of inspiring individuals and communities transformed by our initiatives to so that others can follow in their footsteps.

By pursuing these aspirations and strategies, we can ensure that The Wealth Training Academy and future various ventures not only achieve financial success but also contribute significantly to the well-being and ‘outside the box’ thinking of individuals and communities, creating a positive and lasting impact.

Podcasting and getting my message globally

The mission of the Passion, Property, and Purpose Podcast (PPPP) is to inspire, share my wisdom, knowledge and experiences to educate and entertain individuals worldwide, empowering them to create their own economy through financial literacy, property investment, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, mindset and a whole lot more.

It will start out as a solo podcast, to provide listeners with knowledge and tools. sharing practical advice, tips, tactics, resources and showcasing success stories. This is all so that they strive and achieve financial independence and live with purpose and belief that they can do whatever they inspire to. In many ways like the journey, I have travelled.

The PPPP aims to break down barriers to wealth-building AND foster a sense of community globally.

At The Wealth Training Academy, our vision is to empower individuals worldwide to achieve financial independence and create their own economy through education, innovation, and ethical practices. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on our communities by supporting additional needs and disabilities, leveraging cutting-edge technology, and inspiring others to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams.

Feel free to connect and message me if any of this resonated and you would like to book a complimentary discovery call. 

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