Judith Pelucchini: Breaking Down Limiting Beliefs and Building Confidence
By Sujany Baleswaran
Growing up in a household with domestic abuse, always one step behind her peers at school, Judith Pelucchini’s childhood knocked her confidence and left her questioning her worth. Years of resilience and an eagerness to become the best version of herself has made her the confident woman she is today. After 15 years in the sales world, Judith Pelucchini brought her expertise to the world of coaching, helping female entrepreneurs break their limiting beliefs, build confidence and pursue their goals. Using her skills to empower others to become what they truly desired, she created Fingerprints.
Who was Judith before Fingerprints Coaching? How did your career journey in the sales world begin?
I worked in retail sales for over 15 years and in leadership roles. My first management role was with Gap in their graduate trainee management scheme, where I got in-depth training for 6 months on how to run multimillion-pound businesses understanding the operational, HR and product placement. This gave me a wonderful grounding and start on how to run profitable businesses, lead large teams of 70+, handle change quickly and build resilience.
You have over 15 years of experience in the corporate sales world, running multimillion-pound businesses. What sparked this change in your career and led you to pursue a career in coaching?
My greatest accomplishments in my sales career were around people. Leading them, instilling confidence in them, getting the best out of them, building an incredible environment for them to grow, spotting hidden talent, and building an incredible army of great leaders that thrived and delivered incredible results. The number one thing that made me shift my career is that I wanted to be fully immersed on the people development side, but within sales, I had to do all three – Operations, HR, and product placement. I wanted to focus on people only. I also didn’t feel challenged enough in my last role, and it was becoming more and more a burden than a joyful experience. So, I decided to take a risk and start a coaching career. I already had experience in coaching, training, and developing people so it wasn’t really a completely new venture, to be honest, only this time I playing to my strengths full time and focused on doing what made me happy, which is exactly what I teach women to do.

You radiate confidence – from the way you present yourself to the way you speak. Have you always been a confident person, or was this something that you have worked on over the years?
I always smile when people say that to me, the truth is I had to work very, very hard to become this incredible human you see today and continue to work on myself daily. A few things happened to knock my self-belief and self-worth since birth; I’ll share some. I grew up in a domestic violence home from when I was born to 17years old – I’ll let you imagine what comes with that. I was involved in a freak accident at the age of 2 that left me with scars on my body which impacted my confidence growing up. I also started school late. I missed nursery and went straight to primary school, and that meant I was already behind in my education. I didn’t know my ABC’s or how to count to 10. I remember my first day at school the teacher asking me to write my name down, and I had no clue how to and instead of showing me or demonstrating, she laughed and told the rest of the class that I couldn’t write my name, they laughed, and I went into introvert mode for the rest of my school years, failing of course. I was always the last or second last on my report card. I was also bullied and called ugly throughout my childhood by grown-ups that were family, as you can see, I didn’t have the best start. All these things impacted my confidence, I’ve worked very hard and spent thousands of pounds to improve it, which is why am so passionate about teaching how to remove limiting beliefs created from experiences we have as children, the psychology of the mind and how it impacts the way we see ourselves.
You work mainly with female entrepreneurs, helping them break limiting beliefs and build confidence to pursue their goals. Is there a reason you chose to work with female entrepreneurs?
First of all, I am one too – I understand the struggles and the emotional makeup of a woman. I also feel that women are natural multipliers, they can see the bigger picture and have incredible resilience, these three things make us incredible and unstoppable. One of the things that stop most women from achieving their goals and aspirations is the story they continue to tell themselves about their childhood experiences that never got worked on, on an emotional level or processed through coaching, counselling, or therapy as adults. These childhood experiences and the story in their mind stops them from moving forward, hence prevents them from physically manifesting what they want. They never get to experience what they can accomplish. This is where I come in and why I work with women, I’ve found a way out, and I want to show it to them. If I can do it, so can they. Female empowerment to me simply means knowing your worth and accepting nothing else.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to build their confidence, but are not sure where to start?
- Get to know yourself mentally, how you think and why. What makes you sad, happy, angry, joyful, depressed, motivated, procrastinate and create a plan of how you’ll navigate all these emotions when they come up.
- Educate yourself on how your brain works so that you can learn and understand how your mind works, your imagination works and how to use them to manifest your desired outcome. Remember, you’re not your thoughts, you’re the awareness that chooses and guides the thoughts showing them what to focus on.
- Life is for living joyfully, and only you can create that by choosing what to focus on, so focus on things you want to show up in your life because that’s what you’ll get. And when you find yourself experiencing undesired experiences, process your low emotions and feeling and guide yourself to a better feeling.
Who is your biggest inspiration, and what keeps you motivated?
My younger self – she was abandoned and let down terribly by the people that should have cared for her, she went through a lot at a very young age, and I will do everything possible to make her proud of me (of us) every day I live on this earth I live for her.
What does the future hold for Fingerprints Coaching?
Going global, of course, what else?