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Edona Lloncari: How to deal with pregnancy during the Covid-19 crisis

Edona Lloncari

How to deal with pregnancy during the Covid-19 crisis?

By Lea Steuri

Edona Lloncari is a successful business woman and mother. Currently, she is working for Forever Living. Forever Living is the world-leading brand for aloe vera products. The aloe products sold by Forever Living are among the purest on the market and are known to have numerous health benefits. Besides being a very passionate business woman, Edona is also a loving mother. At the moment, she is expecting her third child. With the covid-19 pandemic looming over everybody’s head, the stress of being pregnant and the pressure of leading a business, we asked Edona how she is able to manage it all.

Can you tell us a little more about your mission?

I want to contribute to a better world; to a healthier world. I want to see people happier, healthier and financially free. I very much believe that with everyone’s effort the world can be better, social relations can be improved. Before coming to this stage, each and everyone has to understand how important it is to love oneself first, to accept oneself without blaming or judging oneself – it’s only then we can give more to the world. I don’t believe there are good and bad people. I believe there are happy and unhappy people. If we understand that happiness is not something that comes from outside, we then understand that we can do lot more for the world. I want to spread this message so that I can reach as many people as possible in order to help them reach the financial freedom I have achieved. Not all are able to make profit until they understand some essential things (such as the above-mentioned) and the importance of getting rid of jealousy, hatred and comparison towards others. Negative feelings will not let go go forward with the dreams, but instead will keep you stuck or even drive you backwards.


What has been your motivation to venture out?

I can’t stand to see people be unhappy working, acting or behaving like robots – I believe I can help and will do my very best to help as many as I can. I have gone through tough times myself such as war, having to terminate a pregnancy at 6th month, my grandpa’s suicide, … What helped me feel and be strong in tough situations is my mental force. Whatever the weather, the country, the family, the circumstance, I strongly believe that one can do and have all in life if the mind and the heart are ready. A lot of people link their unhappiness to others, their lack of success to others, which is absolutely untrue. If I get to help others understand this, then I think my mission is completed.

Given the current state of the world: how do you deal with being pregnant during this hard time?

Well, it’s true that every new situation could be a “good” or a “bad” one, and if I had to give an adjective to the current situation, I would need a lot more time. However, in my mindset, every situation is here to teach us something, nothing is eternal: things have a beginning but also an ending. We should learn to consider every moment as a gift. Looking at it that way allows no room for stress, panic or insomnia over tough circumstances. These feelings won’t change anything in terms of the external situation, but will certainly harm the internal state. One thing is for certain – I will have loads to tell my kid about the situation we are going through while he is growing in me.

Being a business woman and and a soon-to-be mother, how do you deal with stress?

I don’t feel more stressed or anxious. Well, I have to admit: I’m having my 3rd child and with practice, we learn to handle all kind of situations much better and become immune. Once again, everything comes down to the question of how we see things and how we approach them. Each morning, one has the possibility to see life as a miracle or as a struggle. Nobody dictates our thoughts – we can be our best friend or our worst enemy – so, I decided a very long time ago that I am Edona’s best friend!

Do you have any tips for other pregnant business-women on how to deal with both at the same time?

In my opinion, things that influence my point of view are the following: learn to be grateful with what you are and what you have, consider life to be a miracle, listen more, talk less, meditate, connect to your inner self, don’t let opinions of others affect your well-being, be careful with nutrition, and – this is very important – filter your relationships, even if it’s hard, waste no time on things that don’t add value to your well-being.  Find out what motivates you, what makes you feel happy and then just do it; no matter what “Pierre, Paul and Jacques” think.  Make a daily plan, stick to it, do the things you like less in the beginning of the day, and at the end of the day analyse the results. Once you are in bed, write three things you are grateful for, congratulate yourself and say “I love you” to yourself. If, for whatever reason, you don’t want to say it loudly, do it in silence, but do it every single day. It’s not about being narcissistic, it’s about valuing the person you are and the hard work you are doing. It will make you feel good and improve your sleep quality (which is also very important).

In light of the global pandemic, , how do you deal with fears and anxiety?

As previously mentioned, every beginning also has an ending: one doesn’t have to see the actual situation as a drama. Yes, there is a pandemic, and, yes, we have to respect the measures and stay in lockdown. But if we try to see things in a different angle, we understand that there are lots of advantages in this very situation. We get to spend more time with the ones we love, we spend more time on things we usually have the habit of doing quickly, like preparing dishes, cleaning the house, discovering the house… It’s the time we for things that lots of us usually don’t usually have the time for.

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