Women are leading their nations for a safer world
Women are leading their nations for a safer world At a time of turbulence and uncertainty it has become not just important but critical that we all need to understand better this world and the role that we as women
Situation in Turkey – Letter from Baybars Altuntas
Dear Friends, As you know, we experienced one of the biggest, maybe the biggest shock of our lives on the night of 15 July in Turkey. I was in Thessaloniki to attend some events when all these terrible things happened. I
5 men share their secrets By Trevor Clarke This a new paradigm to men and women to better understand each other. Here are more men’s perspective of how women believe that men are or should be and their own insights of how
How I became a millionaire
Gill Fielding A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another By Mirela Sula Gill felt completely in the flow when she started to motivate people to take action about money. After her life experience and a variety of courses,
Sharon Lechter: How I opened my doors
Sharon Lechter How I open my doors At the end of the year we all do the review: did we achieve what we wanted? Did we do the best we could? We know it is time to check the list, reflect on
Nicci Roscoe – 7 Tips to be a Great Speaker
Nicci Roscoe is a high-energy motivational speaker, TV presenter and author of “Fabulous Impact”. She shares her amazing tips on how to be a great speaker.