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Kristine Ochu, Author, and CEO of “Be UnStoppable! Create Your Amazing Life!

Meet Kristine Ochu, the former World Log-rolling Champion who now leads “Be UnStoppable! Create Your Amazing Life!” Kristine’s journey epitomizes resilience, forged in the competitive arena of log-rolling. Faced with challenges like Ramsey Hunt syndrome, Kristine’s unwavering determination never to give up became her guiding light. Today, she shares a wealth of empowering tools in her “Be UnStoppable Life Toolkit,” inspiring individuals worldwide to tackle life’s hurdles with resilience and poise. Join us as we delve into Kristine’s story and uncover the keys to crafting an extraordinary life, even in the face of adversity.

How did Kristine Ochu’s experience as a former World Log-rolling Champion influence her mental resilience and coping strategies when facing adversity, such as her battle with Ramsey Hunt syndrome?

The biggest lesson in log-rolling is to never give up. We all fall in the water, so learning to get up, figure out your next action step, and get back on the log is the only way to win. And even if you don’t win that match, you are still a winner for not giving up and to recognize your inner strengths to build that self-confidence. 

When I was diagnosed with Ramsey Hunt the physical pain was incredibly intense. I had never experience anything as severe that wouldn’t stop. Because it was in my internal ear canal and my cranial nerves, they weren’t able to diagnose it right away. I ended up in the hospital for three days as I couldn’t walk a straight line, my hearing was affected and the dizziness I felt was extreme.

It’s nine months later and I’m getting better but still deal with daily dizziness and balance issues. This has impacted my business and personal life. I’ve had to do physical therapy every day to help my brain create new neural pathways that were damaged by the virus. If I stayed in bed, I wouldn’t feel dizzy but of course then I wouldn’t be fulfilling my life purpose which is to help women and men shift from stress, self-doubt, confusion and fatigue to calm, confidence, clarity and energy. So, every day I use the tools that I teach to get out of bed and be active—to never give up. It has taken a lot of inner strength and determination. I’ve learned the importance of self-love and how I can help my body heal. I’m taking this adversity and using it to help others—especially those who experience a crisis and need to figure “how to get back on the log and keep rolling.”

What specific tools and techniques does Kristine Ochu include in her “Be UnStoppable Life Toolkit” to help women navigate daily stressors and challenges effectively?

I’ve gathered over 50 tools from thirty plus years of research and my own experiences.  Our life changes every day, and we need a variety of tools to choose from.  We may need to increase our energy for our body, mind and spirit or we may need to calm things down. 

Here are 5 tools that you can use on the spot anytime- anywhere. There are many more in my “Be UnStoppable” Life toolkit.  

TAPPING: There are multiple spots to tap. An easy one to remember if you’re feeling scattered, overwhelmed and stressed is to use your 4 fingertip pads, and tap for 30 seconds or more on your cheekbones. This will send signals to your energy meridians and grounds you.

SAY STOP: If you are having negative thoughts or emotions, put your hand up in the air and say, “STOP!” Then ask, “Why am I feeling or thinking this way?” Go ahead and be curious, then ask yourself, “How do I want to feel?” Then choose and use an affirmative, “I AM” statement of what you want. One example is, “I am confident in my problem- solving skills.” You are telling your brain and body that this is who you are and what you want!

SELF-PRAISE: Praise yourself every day! Start in the morning when you look in the mirror. Become aware and do it while eating lunch, dinner and at bedtime. Acknowledge your strengths, your efforts and you will positively shift your energy. 

BREATHE: There are many modalities of breathwork. The box breath is great for focus and clarity. Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, release for 4 counts and hold for 4 counts then repeat. To release stress, just take in a deep breath and exhale that stress out with an “ahh.” Repeat until you feel the shift. 

VISUALIZE: This doesn’t need to be difficult. Daydream like you did as a child! Think of what you want, bring the positive feelings into situation, and see yourself there. If you are having a crazy day and need to calm down, visualize yourself as a body of water. It’s choppy with large waves then as you breathe, see the water calming down until it is calm. 

Can you describe a key instance where Kristine Ochu applied her log-rolling mantra during her illness, illustrating how it helped her persevere through difficult moments?

My log-rolling mantra is “Don’t give up!”  I’ve been through a difficult divorce, was a single mom with financial stresses, lost loved ones, etc. and now battling to heal from this illness. Like anyone, there are times that I have felt overwhelmed, depressed and tempted to give up on my dreams. Those times where you don’t want to do physical therapy or that project that feels too difficult. However, along with my mantra—action is important and action number one is getting out of bed and taking one step at a time. Then I start to use my tools, like having a positive energy morning routine to get my body moving, to use self-praise and gratitude to lift my thoughts and spirit.

How does Kristine Ochu incorporate principles from positive psychology, neuroscience, and energy medicine into her empowerment programs, providing concrete examples of their application?

I incorporate the basic premises from Cognitive Behavior theory from the field of psychology that our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings create our behavior. When you understand this cycle, you step into the fields of neuroscience and energy medicine with tools to either reinforce a positive cycle or to stop a negative one. 

Mirror talk is an example of positive psychology where you look at yourself in the mirror and actually have a conversation which includes recognizing your strengths and praising yourself. You can use the tools of meditation and visualization from neuroscience to imagine yourself in higher states and program your body, “your subconscious mind” to believe it. 

Tapping is one energy medicine tool that is very effective on calming down the stress, by tapping above your lip or on your sternum, and if you have any health concerns, it’s important to check with your doctor.  

One technique that combines these fields is learning to send energy back and forth from your heart and brain by quieting your mind, and thinking of a happy memory. Then bring that feeling in your body then consciously send that energy back and forth between your heart and your brain. Once that is flowing, you consciously visualize sending that energy throughout your body.

What pivotal experiences or realizations prompted Kristine Ochu to transition from her corporate career to dedicate her focus to mentoring and supporting women in their personal and professional growth?

It was during a snowstorm, stuck in Minneapolis at corporate headquarters, and wanting to get back to Boston to my new husband and two daughters who were transitioning to our new life and family. I decided it was time to leave the job that I loved and be with the people that I loved even more. It hit me that my daughters needed my mentorship and support to become the women and leaders that they could be and that meant spending more time with them. I had always wanted to be a writer, resigned and took screenwriting classes to write stories that had a message of overcoming obstacles with women as the main characters.

I had a great time, learned a lot and even started my own documentary film company. Yet, at that time it was a battle to sell a script and make any financial gains. I took time off, got into tennis, enjoyed the country club life and then became a part-time caretaker for loved ones who were sick, dived deeper into energy medicine, spirituality, neuroscience, psychology—whatever self-help course looked meaningful. I gathered these tools and developed my “Be UnStoppable” Life toolkit.

I felt called to share what I’ve learned with women around the world. So, I decided to offer low-cost workshops for women and to also share information and tools on social media. I also wove self-empowerment tools within my novel, “Campfire Confessions” to inspire dialogue around the topics of self-love, forgiveness, letting go, empowerment, authenticity, and friendship. 

Recently, I’ve worked with moms and young entrepreneurs and women in their second and third acts on tools to ditch the stress and embrace calm, confidence, clarity and energy. 

Could you highlight specific strategies Kristine Ochu employs on social media platforms like YouTube to ensure her self-empowerment messages reach and resonate with diverse audiences worldwide?

I love to film the tools that I teach and share them on YouTube. I make the videos short and simple so anybody watching can practice the technique right there. My goal is usually to be under 5 minutes. In the near future, I will be going deeper into the tools for those who really want the science behind them—so it will be something to look forward to.

I’m very active on Facebook and share my tools and messages there. I like to mix them into my real-life stories so women can relate. I don’t try to be perfect and always want to be authentic. I use a variety of posts and videos with messages on all media.

How do Kristine Ochu’s skills in screenwriting and documentary film production enhance her ability to communicate complex concepts and engage with her audience effectively in her empowerment programs?

Screenwriting teaches on to tell a story through action and dialogue. You don’t get to tell viewers what the characters are thinking and feeling. In documentary film-making you can have your characters show more. However, I do tend to be more action-orientated in my work there. Both medias are visual so that is how I’ve been trained to see things. 

The challenge is, “How can I show audiences the concepts?” My answer is that I demonstrate the concepts through story-telling and lead them through exercises where they can experience the emotion, thought, physical sensation, along with listening and learning the content. 

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