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Audrey Daumain: Leading a New Era of Business Communication with Heart and Intention

Audrey Daumain is shaking up the way leaders and teams communicate in today’s fast-paced business world. From growing up in the French countryside to navigating the complexities of global finance, Audrey’s path shows how following your heart can shape your career. Her ability to align intention with real impact is transforming business conversations and helping workplaces tap into the power of genuine dialogue.

The Silent Struggle in Modern Offices

In an age where we’re constantly connected through technology, many workers still feel unable to have real conversations. Audrey has uncovered a hidden issue in today’s corporate environment: a fear of being truly open. This fear comes from a place of vulnerability, where people see expressing themselves as a risk.

This breakdown in communication goes largely unnoticed, often overshadowed by trendy perks like gym memberships and flexible hours. But Audrey insists that while those perks are great, they miss the mark. The real issue? People aren’t having the meaningful conversations they need to feel heard and understood. This communication gap leads to burnout, mental health struggles, and high turnover—problems that cost companies billions every year.

How Audrey Unlocks Real Conversations

Audrey’s approach goes beyond teaching the basics of communication. She digs deep, helping people build the skills they need to foster real, open dialogue in the workplace. Here are a few of the tools she emphasizes:

Active Listening: Hearing what others are saying, and tuning into the emotions and intentions behind their words.

Speaking with Courage: Creating an environment where people are encouraged to share different viewpoints without fear.

Separating Ideas from People: Criticizing ideas without attacking the person behind them, leads to healthy, productive debates.

Turning Conflict into Growth: Seeing disagreements as a chance for growth and creativity, not just something to be avoided.

Audrey’s method is built on the NLP New Code and Non-Violent Communication. She helps companies create a space where people can have tough, but necessary conversations. In doing so, she unlocks the potential for innovation, problem-solving, and deeper connections in the workplace.

The “Mrs. Intention” Touch

Audrey’s clients often refer to her as “Mrs. Intention,” a nickname that reflects her special ability to help people uncover what they want to say and feel. Her coaching focuses on getting to the heart of a person’s needs and emotions, guiding them to express these in a way that fosters understanding, connection and fast tangible results.

One of Audrey’s favourite analogies is: “Just because someone gives you a cactus doesn’t mean you have to sit on it.” In other words, you don’t have to internalize negativity, you have a choice! 

Audrey’s flagship offering, Team Experiences, is a blend of individual sessions and a transformative 2-day immersive program designed to elevate team performance and cohesion. This intensive workshop empowers leaders and their teams to gain profound insights into their collective dynamics and individual strengths and challenges.

The program is built on Audrey’s proprietary framework, which rests on three fundamental pillars:

1. **”Our Differences”**: Recognizing and appreciating individual uniqueness

2. **”Our Unity”**: Fostering a shared sense of purpose and alignment

3. **”Our Enablement”**: Unlocking the team’s full potential for sustainable success

Through this structured approach, teams learn to leverage their diverse talents and overcome challenges, ultimately achieving higher levels of performance and collaboration. The immersive nature of the experience allows participants to deeply internalize these concepts, leading to lasting improvements in team functionality and effectiveness.

By engaging in Team Experiences with Audrey, organizations can expect a significant boost in team synergy, communication, and overall productivity. This investment in team development pays dividends long after the workshop concludes, as teams continue to apply their newfound insights and strategies in their day-to-day operations.

Standing Out in a Crowded Coaching Industry

The executive coaching field is booming, with over 100,000 certified coaches worldwide. But Audrey’s approach sets her apart: having spent over 20 years in the corporate world in strategic executive positions and being able to offer both Strategic Advisory consulting and Executive Coaching support, she has gained the full trust of her clients, many of whom are high-profile executives in industries like luxury, finance, and oil & gas.  She is not afraid to admit when she doesn’t have all the answers, and she’s selective about the projects she takes on—ensuring that she can deliver real value to every client.

For Audrey, working with her clients isn’t just about improving their performance; it’s about sharing their journey, helping them course-correct, and guiding them to a place of growth and fulfilment.

Balancing Career Success with Family Life

Since launching her consultancy in 2020, Audrey has been juggling a busy schedule of public speaking, writing, and coaching. Yet, despite her professional demands, Audrey remains deeply committed to her family. She’s a proud mother of two daughters, ages 20 and 6, and credits her military father with instilling the discipline and grit needed to balance it all.

Her ability to give each client her full attention, even when her day is packed, reflects her belief that success comes from being fully present in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s work or family life.

Expanding Her Impact: What’s Next for Audrey

Audrey is always looking to make a bigger impact. She’s currently writing 2 books and preparing to launch a podcast focused on workplace communication. Her plans include partnering with Big 4 firms and business schools to help future business leaders hone their communication skills.

She’s also passionate about sharing her life lessons and insights with wider audiences through public speaking. Having survived a life-threatening incident in 2020, Audrey is driven by a renewed sense of purpose. Her goal is to spread her message of hope, respect, and meaningful communication far and wide.

Audrey Daumain’s work is a powerful reminder that clear, intentional conversations can transform not only our careers but our lives. Through her unique approach, she’s helping leaders and teams foster the kind of meaningful dialogue that leads to real connection and lasting success.

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