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Meet the Financial Maestro Celebrated by Top Newspapers for Three Years – Cholpon Djanuzakova

For three consecutive years, financial adviser Cholpon Djanuzakova has been celebrated by The Times, The Mail on Sunday, and The Telegraph. Meet Cholpon, a top-rated expert who stands out for her exceptional ability to craft personalized financial strategies that meet the unique needs of each client. Her innovative approach, blending traditional financial wisdom with cutting-edge market insights, consistently delivers impressive results. Clients praise her unwavering commitment to transparency and education, ensuring they understand every step of their financial journey. Cholpon’s proactive stance on emerging financial trends and dedication to continuous learning keeps her strategies ahead of the curve. Her holistic approach to financial planning, considering both short-term goals and long-term aspirations, has built a solid foundation of trust and satisfaction. It’s no wonder Cholpon continues to receive prestigious accolades year after year.

You have been a top-rated Financial Adviser for three years in a row, recognized by The Times, The Mail on Sunday, and The Telegraph. What do you believe has contributed most to your consistent success in this competitive field?

 I had difficulty understanding the professional finance terms because I am self taught in English so I failed most of my professional exams. But I retook them until I passed. So, perseverance and not giving up I suppose .  The other important things are listening skills, finding out what are their pain points and finding solutions. 

As a director at both Wealth and Tax Management and Minerva Money Management, what key strategies do you implement to ensure the growth and success of these organizations?

Looking after my team and making them feel part of the family, if they feel listened and looked after they will do their best to look after your clients. Which means a win win situation. I told my team that we spend 8 hours a day so we might as well be nice to each other. Being kind does not cost you anything.

You created the brand image for Minerva Money Management. Can you share the vision and values behind this brand and how it differentiates itself in the investment fund industry?

Originally I was told to create an image similar to the Scottish Widow (with a cape) investment company. I came up with an idea of creating an Asian equivalent brand image but with the futuristic themes aligned with YFS Intelligent Wealth Fund. So, I went to my friend’s house to take the test pictures, used probs like a brush which was lying on the floor (I just removed the head), and an orb on the shelf. Little did I know that these pictures we took would be the ones we actually use today. 

Your Instagram account, Fashion_for_Fraction, is dedicated to empowering women through fashion. What inspired you to start this initiative, and how do you hope it impacts your followers?

I grew up amongst artists, actors, singers and dancers when I was a child. My parents used to run a culture house. They had a dressing room where I would spend most of my time trying beautiful outfits. So as I grew up I wanted to look presentable but I could not afford to pay full price so I always looked for bargains. This created a lifetime habit of looking for bargains even now. So my mission is to help other women look presentable without spending a fortune. 

With such a busy professional life, how do you manage to find time for your passions like cooking, exercising, and dancing salsa?

As I have a family ( husband and 2 teenage children), cooking is very important to feed my family with healthy meals. We all gather up in the kitchen every evening and I teach my children how to cook. My 14 years old son now cooks his own school lunches and I think he enjoys cooking now. As per exercise, it is very important to keep your body in shape especially as we get older we need to exercise and move more, plus it helps to manage the stress levels. I got to salsa every Wednesday at a local club to meet my long standing dance partners. This is a great midweek highlight for me. So, you definitely can find time for anything if you think it is important for you. 

You love cooking healthy meals for your family. Can you share some tips or favorite recipes that help you maintain a balanced and nutritious diet?

Always use fresh ingredients when cooking which provide you with nutrition you need for healthy functioning of your body. I love roasting vegetables (whatever vegetables you have in your fridge) and boiling some pulses (rice, lentils, couscous). I also have a signature dish I cook when I host friends and family which is teriyaki salmon with boiled jasmine rice and roasted asparagus. 

You play the Komuz and perform publicly in the UK. How has playing this national instrument influenced your cultural identity and connection to your heritage?

I went to music school as a child and used to take part in competitions. Then life took over and I did  not play for several decades until my friend (Kurshida – High sheriff of Buckinghamshire) invited me to perform for a small choir (Abrahamic choir where we sing in English, Arabic and Hebrew). I became a member of that choir and have done some public performances recently in front of 150-200 people. So I am rediscovering my talent and sharing it with the wider community because not a lot of people heard about Kyrgyzstan and about my national instrument Komuz. 

Your podcast on resilience is quite inspiring. What key messages or advice do you share in this podcast, and why do you think resilience is so important in both personal and professional life?

When you go through hardship you think to yourself that it is never going to end and you feel so unfortunate. However, hardship is good for you because you appreciate it later which helps to shape your personality and how you tackle obstacles. So, my main message is hardship is good for you and you can actually turn them into your benefits. And remember the choice is yours. 

You have been dancing Salsa for over ten years. How has this hobby influenced your life, and what do you enjoy most about it?

My friend and I used to take our toddler children to a local park after their dance classes. One day my friend suggested we sign up to a dance class ourselves and said it could be a rock and roll. I told her that why don’t we try something more sophisticated like salsa and that is how it started. So I was absolutely right choosing salsa because it gave me a lot of confidence as a woman. It is also more effective than going to the gym although I enjoy both. These are some benefits of dancing:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise: Dance classes provide a fun way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

2. Coordination and Balance: Dance classes can help improve your coordination, balance, and rhythm.

3. Social Interaction: Dance classes are a great way to meet new people and make friends while enjoying a shared activity.

4. Stress Relief: Dancing can be a great stress reliever and mood booster.

5. Creativity: Dance allows for self-expression and creativity in movement.

Performing music publicly can be quite nerve-wracking. How do you prepare for your performances, and what do you enjoy most about sharing your music with an audience?

My dad was an alcoholic so I did not have a peaceful childhood. So, I would lock myself up in the bedroom and play for hours. This helped me to get through the tough days. So performing now means a lot to me where I share my culture with a wider audience who has never known about my instrument (Komuz).  Yes, it is nerve-wracking indeed, so taking deep breaths and starting slowly helps to get into a mode and the rest just flows.  

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