Global Woman Summit 2016
Global Women shaping a new paradigm
More than 200 women and men from a variety of countries around the world, representing most continents, experienced a weekend of holistic enlightenment and inspiration at the inaugural Global Woman Summit 2016 in London – organised by Mirela Sula, founder of Global Woman magazine – on the theme of ‘A new paradigm for changing the world.’ Each of the attendees joined together for a big conversation about the valuable role that women currently play in many areas of life – in the wider world and in their communities. All speakers and delegates came from across the world to listen and participate in what has become a vital topic for our future.
Renowned scientist, prolific author and founder of the Institute of New Paradigm Research, professor Ervin Laszlo, was the keynote speaker, with his talk: ‘The positive future of humankind is a global woman led future.’ Professor Laszlo stressed the valuable contribution that our womanly, feminine skills of listening, community building, family focus, caring, connection, contribution, care for nature and spirituality can have in changing the world paradigm to a safer, sustainable world where we can live in harmony together, as one big global family.
The Founder of Global Woman Mirela Sula and The Founder of the Club of Budapest Dr Ervin Laszlo at the Global Woman Summit
Other speakers included Anna Bachia, who spoke about the “unexplored path into the breathing of our life,” and the audience were mesmerised by a talk by Barbara Marx Hubbard, which was streamed live from New York. Barbara focused on using a higher level of consciousness and co-creativity to achieve the new paradigm. BBC Radio 2’s Janey Lee Grace received a warm response following her talk on the power of natural and organic living, as did Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk from Dallas with her message of “becoming a conscious cultural creator.” Other topics discussed included ‘enterprise as a force for good,’ (Jo Franklin of COINS) and ‘Women in Leadership,’ (Yvonne Thompson CBE).
Presentations were also made by Bernardo Moya from ‘The Best You;’ Jo Davison representing ‘The Blue Cow;’ Camilita Nuttall known for the ‘Event of Champions;’ and the well-known motivational speaker Fiona Harrold who talked about “how to become the authority in your field and make a bigger impact in the world.” The event also included panel discussions on “how to empower women financially” and “awakening women to their potential”, as well as men answering questions on masculinity and the role of men in a women empowered world.
This is what some of the guests shared with us
Gina Lzenby – Journalist/Founder of ‘The Rise of Feminine’
We got a clear understanding of the role women can play in changing the future of their nation and this world just by being a woman, by bringing our feminine energy and attributes to all that we do.
What came over loud and clear from the event was that it is down to women to lead the way and be the role models for men, showing how being emotionally and spiritually connected is in no way a weakness, and in fact it actually gives us the strength we need to lead bold, courageous, innovative, creative, connected lives and help provide everyone with a sense of belonging. Women have a greater ability to understand and see the WHOLE picture and feel our human connection and alignment with the natural world. That is what we have to leverage in order to move away from our sense of separation and be able to solve complex problems by coming together.
Mirela Sula staged a superbly ambitious programme attended by some very smart, forward-thinking people from all over the world. The women involved in the panels came from many different ethnicities, different nationalities, countries, mixed heritages and approaches to life and business, in a cross-section of industries. They were there as role models to meet, hear from, question and connect with – this was what made the event so alive and vibrant. One speaker said she had never seen such a colourful and beautifully dressed audience!
Mirela features different women and their stories in profiles, articles and front-page covers in both her magazines – many of the Global Woman magazine ‘cover girls’ attended the Summit. This high visibility and storytelling is very empowering and readers, and Summit attendees, really got a sense that they are part of a big movement, increasingly seen as a global sisterhood. I can’t wait for the next event. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Professor Ervin Laszlo and record an interview with him that summarised his keynote speech for my show on the Rise of the Feminine Radio. He was brilliant.
Tina Allton – World leading relationship expert
My experience at the global woman summit was out of this world! It was a vibrant occasion that brought together women and men from all walks of life with a common goal of uniting us to begin to make a change in the world as women; it was the perfect platform to give us a voice and no doubt will be making us a force to be reckoned with.
I shared my message about empowering women to get to their full potential; it was a message of having hope, building the courage to ask for help and seeking knowledge and wisdom from those who have gone ahead. Meanwhile, what I took away was the fact that you could be all of yourself and more, if you believe in yourself, you can standout and be the force for change even if no one cared. We also have a collective responsibility to start improving our world, not just for us today but also for the future generations to come.
It is extremely vital to the empowerment of our women particularly and the perfect environment to bring us all together to share what is going on around us and to seek a common way of making that shift. For me personally, I came away feeling refuelled and reconnected to my purpose, as well as making new friendships that have already started to open more doors for me.
Peter Allton – Founder of ‘Undefeeted’ organisation
As a man I was apprehensive about what to expect at the Global Woman Summit and I guess I was really only going along to support my wife and share our message to help those with diabetes. However, as the event unfolded, it soon became apparent that although this was entitled a woman’s summit it was in fact just as appropriate for men. I will certainly be at the next event and encourage both my female and male friends and associates to check it out. Thank you Mirela for putting on such an awesome event and sharing your vision with the world.
I had many great conversations with people whose lives have been touched by diabetes. I hope this has helped those individuals live better with their diabetes or help their loved ones. This is what we are all about – raising global awareness and having a massive impact on the number of amputations by working with individuals to save one foot at a time.
My biggest takeout from the Summit was the importance of our role as men in allowing, and indeed encouraging, women to fly high and to celebrate their success. We need to understand and embrace our differences and work together to change the world.
Events such as this are important to help fuel the vision of making the world a better place, both for ourselves and for humanity as a whole, and also to share each other’s passion and enthusiasm for our own little niche that plays a part in the bigger picture of making revolutionary changes in the world.
Mandy St John Davey – Entrepreneur
The Global Woman Summit was a great experience at a time when there have been huge changes for the UK, where opinions have been split, many people have been left fearing change, and others have welcomed the new direction that Brexit has triggered. The Global Woman Summit for me strengthened my belief that barriers can be overcome simply by helping one another. Positivity, sharing and pooling knowledge by linking together and inspiring one another to strive for a common goal, where we can make a difference and contribute to changing the world for the better, are the ideas that were explored at the summit.
Events like this are so important to women for building strong networks and widening our understanding. The weekend was full of thought provoking talks, and was rewarding both personally and professionally. I made many new connections and collaborations. It was a fantastic weekend, and one I will look forward to attending in the future.
Viola Edwards – Psychotherapist
My experience at the Summit was a touching one. Meeting committed and passionate like-minded people, it filled my soul with a deep and clean breath of Joy. I spent a weekend doing three of my favourite activities: learning, teaching and sharing. I got a clear understanding that it is very important to keep connected through our passion and vocation of service. There is a lot to do. Events like this are important all over the world because it connects people and spreads knowledge. It helps us to discern and choose what is most important for us in this precise moment of our life and at the same time what we can give that is needed.
Smita Joshi – Author
Global Woman Summit was an affirmation of more and more women owning their creative power. It was a coming together of women from diverse professional backgrounds but with one commitment: to step into self-mastery, or being whole. My message is: “You are a sparkling diamond – brilliant and multi-faceted. Clear away the emotional debris that keeps you from experiencing this “Diamond” that’s at your core and then ask the question ‘which facets of your brilliance would you next love to express?’” Events such as the GWS are fertile grounds for generating connections & conversations that could serve to forward ideas and thinking that lead to the shaping progress, in this specific case, empowering and inspiring women to flourish.