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Philanthropy and Prestige: Nivin El Gamal’s Path from Businesswoman to Global Advocate

Nivin El Gamal is a dynamic Egyptian philanthropist, businesswoman, and global advocate dedicated to promoting democracy, human rights, and sustainable development. Holding the title of Duchess of Lamberton, she uses her influence to champion interfaith understanding and healthcare access for vulnerable populations. As the founder of The Duchess Prestige cosmetics company and the Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum Charitable Foundation, Nivin supports children and individuals at risk, particularly those with immune system issues like MBL. Her charitable efforts extend across the UK and beyond, focusing on making a lasting impact in underserved communities.

She actively participates in peace-building and social harmony initiatives as an Ambassador for Peace and Commonwealth Ambassador. Nivin’s passion for helping others is also reflected in her work as an author of two books: *Mother’s First Aid* and *Peace, Please*. Through these works, she shares valuable insights from her experiences, blending her advocacy with practical advice.

Balancing her business ventures with humanitarian work, Nivin is a powerful force for change, advocating for a more equitable and compassionate world through her many roles.

‎What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your life, and how did you overcome it?

‎The biggest challenge I faced was balancing my responsibilities as an ambassador, philanthropist, and businesswoman while also dealing with personal struggles, including my health conditions and my son’s health issues related to his immune system and my ongoing court battle unforced on me by my ex-husband the chairman of Emirates Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum as in Arab world they can’t see a woman progressing or getting better, they can encourage anyone far but not part of there family or circle. In addition, enduring 20 years of legal battles over divorce and immigration issues significantly delayed my journey. The immigration challenges were particularly difficult, as I was not allowed to work during that time, which greatly hindered my ability to advance my career and philanthropic endeavours which were enforced on me by my ex-husband too.

‎I have overcome these challenges through meticulous organization, relying on my faith, and maintaining a steady focus on my goals. My commitment to service and desire to make a positive impact on the world has always been my guiding light, even in the most difficult times. These experiences, while difficult, have made me stronger and more determined to continue my mission of empowering others.

‎Have you ever felt like you’ve chosen the wrong path in your career or personal life? If so, how have you dealt with that feeling?

‎Like everyone else, I have had moments of doubt, wondering if I was on the right path. However, I always remind myself that every experience, whether difficult or successful, contributes to my growth and my mission. I deal with these feelings by refocusing my focus on the bigger picture—serving humanity and making a difference—and trusting that I am where I am meant to be. But definitely, I made the wrong choice by accepting Sheikh Ahmed and Saeed Al-Maktoum in my life and I advise every girl at a young age to choose wisely as it will affect her entire life and her children’s lives too.

‎How ​​do the responsibilities you take on in public life impact your personal life and family relationships?

‎Balancing public and personal responsibilities is an ongoing challenge. My roles often require me to be away from my family or make difficult decisions that affect them. However, I have learned to manage this by setting boundaries when needed and making sure I make quality time for my loved ones. Open communication with my family has also been key to maintaining strong relationships. 

What is something you feel you haven’t achieved yet that you think it’s too late to achieve?

One goal I continue to pursue is to see a wider global adoption of sustainable development practices and stronger healthcare systems in underserved areas. I don’t think it’s too late to achieve this, specifically as being part of the Organization Global Woman and UN defending rights for women and children. As long as I have the passion and platform to advocate for these issues, I remain committed to pursuing them relentlessly. I encourage individuals to use their voices to convert hurt into healing, as I believe that by seeing others happy, one can heal oneself. I acknowledge the pain I have endured but credit it with giving myself the power to build a successful cosmetic empire dedicated to healing the world. Despite my quiet demeanour and past traumas, I’m vocal about issues I believe in, advocating for respect, equality, and human rights.

Have you faced social or political pressures due to your role and position? How have you dealt with them?

Yes, many and in each story no one can even imagine the cruelty and suffering I went through. I have faced social and political pressures throughout my journey, particularly due to my roles and advocacy work. These pressures often stem from navigating complex cultural expectations, political dynamics, and the responsibilities that come with my public positions. I have always dealt with these challenges by staying true to my values ​​and mission, based on the belief that dialogue and diplomacy are the most powerful tools for resolving conflicts. I approach each challenge with a commitment to finding peaceful and constructive solutions. 

Additionally, I believe that calm and wisdom are essential to overcoming such pressures. Sometimes, silence can be the most powerful response, allowing space for reflection and preventing unnecessary conflict. Maintaining calm and moderation has been key to navigating difficult situations while remaining focused on my goals. As Sir Winston Churchill once said, “The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on.” 

What is the most controversial decision you have ever made, and how have you defended it to others?

One of the most controversial decisions I have made was to establish a charity dedicated to a very rare and specific medical condition, multiple sclerosis. Some have questioned the focus of my efforts. However, I have defended this by emphasizing the importance of addressing unmet needs in healthcare, no matter how specialized. Every life matters, and I am proud of the work we do to support those affected by this condition.

How ​​do you balance the traditions you grew up with and modern developments in society?

Balancing tradition and modernity requires careful thought and respect for the past and the future. I value the traditions I grew up with, as they form the foundation of my identity. However, I also recognize the importance of embracing progress and innovation. I approach this balance by blending the wisdom of the past with the opportunities of the present, always seeking to honour my roots while looking to the future.

What is the biggest mistake you have made in your life, and how has it affected you?

My biggest mistake was underestimating the impact that public life can have on my privacy. This realization taught me the importance of self-care and setting boundaries to protect my safety. While it was a difficult lesson, it has made me more resilient and aware of the need to balance public duties with personal time.

Finally, my story is a thoughtful and flexible approach to the challenges faced by someone in my unique situation. My journey reflects a delicate balance of personal experiences, professional commitments, and philanthropic ambitions. By combining my rich experiences with a deep sense of responsibility and unwavering values, I continue to make a lasting impact on the world. My story serves as an inspiration to those who seek to overcome adversity while remaining true to their mission of making a positive difference in the lives of others.

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