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How Michelle Beyo is Helping to Shape the Future Finance

Michelle Beyo is the dynamic CEO and Founder of Finavator, an award-winning payments and future finance consultancy, with over 20 years of expertise spanning Payments, Loyalty, Telco, Digital Identity, and Open Data. Her visionary leadership has driven innovation in the retail and payments sectors, fueling strategic growth for numerous companies across North America. Recognized as a global thought leader and TEDx speaker, Michelle has graced stages worldwide, including Money20/20, Fintech Meet Up, and Open Banking Expo, where she passionately ignites discussions on the future of finance. A Money20/20 Rise Up alumni and mentor, she also serves on the Advisory Boards of Tillo Rewards and VoPay. As the President of Open Banking Network Canada (OFNC), Michelle champions data rights, transparency, and security within the financial landscape. Her influence extends to the virtual classroom as the creator and instructor of Finavator’s Future of Finance Master Class. Michelle continues to shape the evolving financial industry through her work, making her a trailblazer in fostering a more innovative and secure financial future.


Your career spans over two decades and multiple industries. How did your experiences in Payments, Loyalty, Telco, Digital Identity, and Open Data shape your approach to founding Finavator?

I have had the pleasure of working across multiple industries including Payments, Loyalty, Telco, Digital Identity, and Open Data and they have each helped shape my approach to Finavator. As a future finance and strategy firm, we lean on insights from multiple industries to help our clients find a path towards innovation through partnership and new technologies. We are committed to enabling growth and market expansion. 

Finavator has been recognized for its innovation in the retail and payments sectors. Can you share a specific project or initiative you’re particularly proud of and explain why?

Over the last 5 years, Finavator has had the pleasure of working with many incredible companies across North America and the UK. The one project that I am most proud of is the work we did to help create a new challenger bank’s prepaid debit program that included real-time loads. interest payments as well as free ATM access back in 2020. These were all new features, and it was fun finding the path towards a new offering for consumers. 

As a global thought leader and TEDx speaker, you’ve addressed many audiences on the future of finance. What are some key trends or changes you believe will significantly impact the financial industry in the next five years?

It has been an honour to speak on many stages worldwide over the last 5 years including Money2020, Fintech Meet Up, Fintech South, Open Banking Expo and Payment Summit. I believe the key elements that will significantly change the financial industry over the next five years will be the move towards consumer empowerment through data rights, the power of embedded finance and the importance of cybersecurity training. 

You are a mentor and Rise alumni at Money20/20. How has your experience as a mentor influenced your leadership style and your approach to driving innovation in finance?

In July of 2019, I won 1 of the 30 spots out of 500 applicants to join the Money2020 Rise Up program. I will never forget that day as it changed my life, I immediately quit my job and spent the next 24 hours creating my first company and emailed Money2020 to share before they announced that I had won to please change my role to CEO of Finavator.  This impactful growing community of diverse leaders has been a source of strength and friendship over the years as an entrepreneur. I am proud to have had the chance to also become a mentor to new winners in 2023, I found the experience to be extremely rewarding, and I enjoyed giving back and watching my mentees reach for the stars and achieve beyond their expectations. 

Data rights, transparency, and security are critical issues in today’s financial landscape. How does Finavator address these issues, and what role do you see open banking playing in enhancing these aspects?

Finavator is a strong advocate for Open Finance and the move towards consumer data rights as it drives transparency and security for the financial economy. This move can help enable up to 5% of GDP growth as per the McKenzie report through added advantages including faster access to loans, better visibility of their finances as well as cash flow management and customized product offerings that could help reduce costs. We help our clients understand the benefits of Open Finance and strategize the best ways to prepare and engage with this exciting movement.

Being named one of the “Top 50 Women Leaders of Toronto” and receiving the WXN CEDI Award is a testament to your leadership. What strategies or principles do you believe have contributed to your success and recognition in the industry?

It is such an honor to have won many awards as an entrepreneur over the years including Top 50 Women Leaders of Toronto, Fintech Global Power list and WXN CEDI board diversity award.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be recognized with these awards and believe winning them has been based on my dedication to my core principles of always being authentic, passionate and grateful.

Your Master Class on the Future of Finance aims to educate others about upcoming trends and innovations. What are some of the most important takeaways or insights that participants gain from your course?

Finavator’s Master class transforms the complexities of financial services into clear, actionable insights, empowering both professionals and enthusiasts to stay ahead in today’s fast-paced world.  Our course dives deep into essential topics including Fintech, Embedded Finance, BaaS, Prepaid, Digital Identity, Open Data, Cybersecurity, Web3, Digital Currencies, and Blockchain. Finavator’s Masterclass has 6+ Hours of On-Demand Videos, One-Page Study Sheets, Knowledge Quizzes and Articles. It also has 10 Expert Interviews with Global Leaders including Ryan Patel, Carol Grunberg, Theodora Lau, Simon Lyon and many more.

In your role as an Advisory Board Member at Tillo Rewards and VoPay, how do you ensure that your contributions align with the broader goals of these organizations and the future of financial technology?

As an advisor to both Tillo Rewards and VoPay, I have the pleasure of connecting with their growing team as they both expand their impact organizations.  I enjoy sharing ideas and exploring different approaches to driving innovation and growth. I’ve helped them connect with speaking opportunities, new partners, and potential clients and continue to share insights from my multiple industry experiences. 

How has your experience as a contributing author to “Habits of Success” shaped your perspective on leadership and success? Are there any specific habits or practices that you find crucial in achieving your goals?

I can share that even writing one chapter for a book is a difficult task.  It was a challenging process to ensure my contribution to the “CEO Habits of Success” book highlighted not only my successes and habits but also the hurdles. I had to overcome to achieve my goals. The key habits that drive me are morning meditation, my goal to always be learning and to lean into fears by pushing myself to try new things that scared me including emceeing a stage, launching a master class and running a spirit marathon. 

What advice would you give to aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs looking to make an impact in the financial technology space, particularly in terms of innovation and strategic growth?

I am excited about the future of finance and the empowerment it will bring to consumers and business owners. My advice to leaders and entrepreneurs around the world is to attend more conferences, apply to speak, listen to podcasts, become a mentor, apply for awards and most importantly take risks as we only grow when we push ourselves. The ecosystem is changing rapidly and the time to drive change and strive for innovation is now. 

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