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Learn the Habits That Make Millionaires


Tony Selimi

OUR HABITS are what makes us what we are, so if you want to achieve abundance in any area, you need to learn to change and improve your habits as much as you can.

Many of my clients and people I speak to on a daily basis wonder why some people seem to have to it so easy with business, relationships, wealth and even health. They often ask me why is it that despite spending so much time, energy and effort in trying to discover the secrets of the mega-successful elite who thrive in their chosen fields and careers, that they are still struggling.

The path out of scarcity and into an abundant way of living as we know it is not a smooth one but it doesn’t have to be so hard that you will feel like giving up. Many times in our lives we will feel like all our efforts are just going to waste because we are not getting our immediate needs felt. We long to be loved, wanted, and we lack the success and happiness that we desire.

Billions of people work hard every day. Thousands of hours are spent on thinking, planning and doing – and yet, a lot of people are more and more lonely, stressed, and still unhappy with the results they create. Ultimately, a large percentage of people feel that they would perform better if they had better social connections, are happy in their relationships, and instead of being rejected they are made to feel accepted and loved in their families.

I know how hard it can be to struggle against life. In 2009 I had to face redundancy and almost ended up on the streets again. I had no money coming in, no job prospects as the unemployment rate kept going up, and no friend or family to turn to for financial help. I hated the feeling. Every morning I woke up to the same problems that had been bothering me for weeks and months on end. Sometimes it became so unbearable that I felt like just giving up – until it hit me one day.

The real problem wasn’t my goals or desires in life – it was my habits! I was so used to the lifestyle that I used to have. My own habits were not geared towards the changes and the success I was seeking. That was the real reason why I kept hitting dead ends, brick walls, and falling deeper into the caves of the wretched solitude.

You may have heard the saying “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always have”. I was also able to prove to myself that if I kept doing things the same way, the Universe wasn’t going to hand over what I wanted. I will just get the same results over and over again.

This rule applies to every aspect of our lives (and there are many) but one thing is for sure: there was always a way to create new habits that will give you want you want. What if I told you that your stairs which can get you from living with scarcity to the oasis of abundant life are simply the habits that you create?

Think about it for a second: your habits affect how you think, act, behave and even how you talk to your next-door neighbour.
Your habits secretly affect everything about YOU. Without your habits, you wouldn’t know how to go about your day!

What would it take to develop the sterling habits needed for feeling connected, contented and successful in all areas of your life? Truth be told, it takes a lifetime to discover these habits one by one. After you discover some of these habits, you will have to test-drive each one of them to see if they work. Some habits work, while some don’t. And more often, people don’t get to try any habits at all because they are trapped with their old habits and mindsets.

Creating new life habits is extremely easy if you know what to do and how to do it. I studied ultra-successful individuals from different walks of life until I discovered how they thought, acted and worked. The results surprised even me, they were all well connected individuals. It took a long time to determine the exact habit patterns but I finally succeeded.Since a very young age, as well as when I first began my work, I had thought that the ultra-successful elite had some secret formula or strategies so potent they were like magic. I discovered that while their formula for success was indeed magical to begin with, it wasn’t hard to do at all!

In fact, the secrets for success were simple enough to be written down and shared with others, so they can benefit from these great habits that formed the minds and hearts of people who swam in success every single day. Now, imagine having access to a treasure chest of love-driven habits that will radically change how you feel about you and how wonderful things start to flow into every known aspect of your life – forever! Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Four years ago my entire life depending on a ‘JOB’, I felt alone, fearful, and with no clarity of where my next cheque will come from. Today I have my own coaching-healing practice, work with amazing clients, I speak, teach, travel the world, my book became a best seller.

I discovered these secrets as an adult and while there were some stumbling blocks along the way, all of these obstacles were due to the fact that I had to study these habits on my own. I had to test them myself and that takes time.

To master our habits, improve our connected state of living in the present moment, and boost our mental and physical health it’s essential to first of all know, what habit truly is?

Most of us may know that thinking small, isn’t easy, it’s just a habit we may have developed over the many years of our life. But when most people are asked can you sing, many people say they can’t and feel they would never be able to sing. The truth is that many of us never associate that by changing that thought, or habit, you too can learn to sing if you so desire.

I truly learned the importance, power, and the results that habits can create when my path crossed with Anthony Wade, aka Dr. Voice, who has dedicated the last thirty years of his life to teaching singers and speakers how to get the best from their voice. His ability to motivate, inspire and help his students cultivate a singing or speaking career has become his unique gift. I knew from the first moment we met that I had found the vocal coach that I could trust, in order to surrender and help me connect to my true voice.

It was perfect timing meeting Dr. Voice and having seen him on YouTube it inspired me to want to work with him, and write the song to go with that book ‘A Call for Love’. Knowing that I could not sing, presented to me with the biggest challenge. He assisted me to surrender to my own voice in order to learn to sing the song before my book launch. When we are in the flow, when we surrender and trust the infinite intelligence that governs the universe, miracles start to happen.

To have Dr. Voice, a top vocal coach in the country, to help me to sing the song was truly a miracle. We had a huge task ahead of us to accomplish in just four weeks. I knew I had to make this dream a reality, and there was no option but to learn and surrender to this man’s teachings. With a lot of hard work, determination, repetition, and commitment to develop new habits, I felt confident enough to sing my song to 250 people who attended my book launch, which gave me a euphoric feeling.

You may think you know yourself but I challenge you to think again as you continue to learn more on what happened next. Dr. Voice helped me to change a lifelong habit by removing my blocks towards singing. This helped communicate with clarity my thoughts, feelings, and give power to my true authentic voice, also as a speaker. I came to realise that Dr. Voice is more than a vocal coach. With his great integrity, connection and perception of the human voice, it has enabled me to remove all of my bad vocal habits that has kept me stuck since a child.

Habits are your constant companion and have been with you from the moment you opened your eyes.  They are your greatest helper and also your heaviest burden. Habits have the power to push you onward, or drag you down to failure and this has been my realisation.

Of course, habits are always at your command and are easily managed but all you have got to do is be firm with them. Habits have made all the great individuals but also have made all the individuals who failed too. Be easy with your habits and it will destroy you. Be firm with your habits and it will put the world at your feet. Your habits come with consequences, so why not think big.

As you can see, it doesn’t matter who you talk to, know or meet, we all have one thing in common – habits. The success achieved, making my first million, buying my studio flat in London, is just a consequence of one of those millionaire habits you too can develop.
The habits that serve you well are ones you may want to decide to keep. The truth is, every successful person out there has a special habit which helps to give them an “edge” in any area of life. For example, a huge billionaire tycoon like Richard Branson will have secret habit-rituals and that’s what helped him to become so successful. The millionaire habits are the types of habit that lead to financial abundance and prosperity.

Look at my two cool habit principles. The important thing is to not just get up and sit around like a couch potato watching the TV or reading the mail first thing – if you get out in the morning and move around, you’ll notice your subconscious mind becoming a lot more active. Try it because it really works!

Two cool habits to adopt to make that instant shift in your life

Habit 1: Make your mornings count!

The morning is the most important part of your life, because how you feel in the morning has a knock-on effect on the rest of the day. If you wake up feeling GREAT and ready to take on the world, then that’s how the day is going to go. Awesome!

On the flip side, if we press the “snooze” button too often (which we’ve probably all done at some point or other) we’re actually sending the wrong signals to the subconscious mind which can keep you back from achieving your goals. Make your mornings count and reap the rewards!

Habit 2: Get your body moving in the morning!

Doing something vigorous in the morning is GREAT for waking you up but also helps your creative manifesting energy to flow freely. This means the energy in your subconscious mind is fully let loose, so you end up manifesting more in literally every area.

Things you can try right now::

  • Going for a brisk walk around the block or local park
  • Jogging, cycling or any form of exercising
  • Even stretching in the house is ok!

The important thing is to not just get up and sit around like a couch potato watching the TV or reading the mail first thing – if you get out in the morning and move around, you’ll notice your subconscious mind becoming a lot more active. Try it because it really works!


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