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The ROI Architect: Laura Henson’s 20 Years of Marketing Mastery

Laura Henson is a seasoned marketing and communications expert with over 20 years of experience across the business, finance, and lifestyle sectors. As the founder of HVM Communications, a boutique agency she established in 2009, Laura specializes in crafting bespoke strategies to elevate brand reputation and drive measurable ROI. Her expertise lies in creating and executing high-impact campaigns seamlessly integrating earned, paid, and owned media. With a keen understanding of market trends and consumer behaviour, Laura is known for her ability to deliver results that align with clients’ business objectives. Over the years, she has built a reputation for being a strategic visionary, helping brands thrive in competitive environments. Laura’s approach is both creative and data-driven, ensuring that every campaign not only tells a compelling story but also delivers tangible outcomes. Her leadership at HVM Communications has garnered the agency recognition for its innovative, results-oriented work. Laura continues to be a sought-after expert for brands and individuals looking to enhance their visibility and achieve sustainable growth.


You have an impressive background with over 20 years in marketing and communications. What inspired you to establish HVM Communications in 2009, and how has the agency evolved since its inception?

Establishing HVM Communications was driven by a passion to create a boutique agency that could offer personalized, strategic communications solutions. After spending years in larger corporate environments overseeing their PR efforts, I noticed a gap in the market for an agency that could blend the agility of a small firm with the expertise and resources typically found in larger agencies. Since its inception, we’ve evolved by staying ahead of industry trends, embracing digital transformation, and expanding our service offerings to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our focus on building strong, lasting relationships with both clients and media contacts has been key to our growth and success.

With your extensive experience across various industries, from finance to luxury brands, how do you tailor your strategies to meet the unique needs of such diverse clients?

Tailoring strategies to meet the unique needs of diverse clients starts with developing a deep understanding of their specific companies & industries, target audiences, and business goals. Whether working with a financial firm or a luxury brand, our approach at HVM Communications is to LISTEN closely and immerse ourselves in our client’s worlds.

I often find myself getting personally very passionate about my clients and their businesses, which helps deliver ROI.  I relish the opportunity to learn about new industries and develop expertise in areas that may be somewhat unfamiliar to me. This tends to fuel my creativity and drive me to craft bespoke strategies that not only align with their brand identity but also navigate the nuances of their market. It’s a win/win.

For example, for finance clients, our focus is clarity, compliance, and credibility, to ensure that messaging is both impactful and trustworthy. When working with luxury brands, we shift emphasis to storytelling, exclusivity, and creating an emotional connection with the audience. 

You’ve worked with iconic brands like Hermès and St. Regis Hotels & Resorts. Can you share a memorable campaign you spearheaded and its impact on the brand’s reputation?

One of the most memorable campaigns was the launch of Martin Margiela as the new designer for Hermès women’s clothing in the U.S. market. Though this was early in my career, it remains a standout because Margiela’s appointment was unexpected. Known for his avant-garde approach, he was joining one of the world’s most renowned luxury brands, celebrated for its classic elegance and timeless quality.

Given Margiela’s reputation for avoiding the press, we had to get creative with our PR strategies. Instead of relying on traditional interviews and media appearances, we devised innovative ways to generate buzz. Although challenging on many levels, the campaign was a resounding success, significantly elevating Hermès’ reputation as a leader in luxury fashion and solidifying Margiela’s role as a transformative force within the brand’s storied legacy.

Your approach emphasizes the seamless integration of earned, paid, and owned media. How do you ensure that these elements work harmoniously to maximize ROI for your clients?

At HVM, we ensure that earned, paid, and owned media work seamlessly by starting with a clear strategy that aligns with our client’s goals, target audiences, and budgets. We craft consistent messaging across all channels, using earned media for credibility, paid media for targeted reach, and owned media for direct engagement.

By integrating these elements and making real-time adjustments based on performance, we maximize ROI and help our clients achieve their goals. For clients with smaller budgets, we tailor our approach to make the most of every dollar.

Building lasting relationships is a cornerstone of your strategy. What advice would you give to brands looking to strengthen their relationships with their target audiences?

Building lasting relationships is crucial!  My advice for companies and individuals looking to strengthen their connections with their target audiences revolves around a few key principles.

First, authenticity is essential. Being genuine in your communication helps build trust and makes your brand more relatable. It’s also important to engage actively with your audience—respond to their comments, participate in conversations, and show that you value their input.

Consistency also plays a significant role. Maintain a unified message and tone across all channels to reinforce your brand’s identity and reliability. Personalization is another powerful tool. Tailoring your communications to meet individual preferences makes your audience feel seen and heard. Lastly, always listen to feedback and act on it. Demonstrating that you’re responsive to their questions or needs can strengthen your relationship and foster long-term loyalty.

Given the rapid changes in the media landscape, how do you stay ahead of trends and ensure that your strategies remain relevant and effective?

Staying ahead of trends in the ever-evolving media landscape requires a proactive and adaptive approach. We continuously monitor emerging trends and technologies, which involves keeping a close eye on media developments, consumer behaviour shifts, and new digital tools, as well as prioritizing ongoing learning and professional development for our team. 

As well, I find it very helpful to engage with industry thought leaders regularly and participate in relevant conferences and workshops to gain fresh insights.

Your career began in luxury retail management and public relations. How did your early experiences at companies like Condé Nast and Escada shape your approach to marketing and communications today?

My early experiences at Condé Nast and Escada were incredibly formative in shaping my approach to marketing and communications. Working with luxury brands taught me the importance of understanding and maintaining a brand’s core identity and voice. At Condé Nast, I learned the value of high-quality messaging and how crucial it is to align every communication with the brand’s reputation and standards.

At Escada, I gained firsthand experience in managing the delicate balance between maintaining a brand’s exclusive image and reaching a broader audience. These experiences ingrained in me the importance of consistency and attention to detail. I learned that every piece of communication, from press releases to social media posts, needs to reflect the brand’s essence and resonate with its target audience.

Now, at HVM Communications, I apply these lessons by deeply immersing myself in each client’s brand and ensuring clear, regular, and transparent communication between my team and the client. I view my team as an extension of the client’s in-house PR department rather than just an outside agency. It’s crucial to me that their voice remains authentic and that our messaging consistently reflects their quality and values. In my opinion, this approach forms the foundation for building strong, lasting connections with both clients and reporters and for delivering effective, impactful communication strategies.

You are passionate about philanthropy, particularly in supporting women and children. How has your involvement in initiatives like #WEDO and VOW for Girls influenced your professional and personal life?

Supporting women and children through these organizations and initiatives has deepened my understanding of the power of empowerment and the impact of giving back.

Professionally, these experiences have reinforced the importance of aligning my values with my work. They’ve taught me that effective communication and strategic efforts can extend beyond traditional business goals to make a meaningful difference in the community. This perspective helps shape how I approach my work at HVM Communications today, focusing on campaigns and strategies that not only achieve client goals but also contribute positively to societal change.

On a personal level, these initiatives have been incredibly fulfilling. They’ve expanded my network, introduced me to inspiring individuals, and strengthened my commitment to advocacy. The sense of purpose and connection I gain from these efforts continually motivates me to integrate these values into our work at HVM, ensuring that our work is not only impactful but also aligned with my passion for supporting women and children.

As a leader in the industry, how do you balance the demands of running a successful agency with your passions, such as hiking and spending time with your family?

Balancing my professional and personal life isn’t always easy, especially since PR isn’t a typical 9-to-5 job. However, I’m a big believer in self-care and make it a priority to carve out time for myself and my family every day. Burnout is real, and as women, we often try to “do it all,” sometimes at the expense of our physical, emotional, and mental health.

That’s why I strongly believe in the “aeroplane rule”—putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others. As a leader, I need to take care of myself so I can effectively support my team and clients.

Hiking, reading thrillers, and spending time with my family are my go-to ways of recharging. These activities help me clear my mind, stay grounded, and return to work with renewed energy and focus.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for HVM Communications, and how do you envision the agency continuing to evolve in the next five years?

Looking ahead, my goal for HVM Communications is to continue representing people, brands, and organizations that are making a positive impact. I’m especially passionate about working with women who are creating change and helping them get their voices heard.

In the next five years, I envision HVM Communications deepening its focus on supporting causes and businesses that align with these values. We’ll continue to evolve by staying at the forefront of industry trends while staying true to our mission of empowering women and fostering positive change. I’m excited to see how we can expand our reach and influence, helping even more voices and stories get the attention they deserve.

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