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From HR Leader to Founder of Dream Catcher Global: Akua’s Journey of Transformation

Akua, the visionary behind Dream Catcher Global, has crafted a journey that is nothing short of inspiring. Formerly serving as the Deputy Chief of People & Performance at New York University, Abu Dhabi, she has transitioned into a role that embodies her true calling. As the Founder & Co-Adventurer of Dream Catcher, Akua is dedicated to guiding individuals on their path to personal transformation. A seasoned master coach and meditation teacher, she brings a wealth of experience and insight to her work. Her extensive travels to over 80 countries have enriched her perspective, allowing her to create experiences that transcend mere sightseeing. Akua’s passion lies in uncovering deeper insights and fostering personal growth opportunities for those she mentors. Her journey is a testament to the power of following one’s passion and the impact it can have on others. Akua continues to inspire and empower individuals around the world, helping them unlock their potential and achieve their dreams.

Can you share with us the journey that led you from Deputy Chief of People & Performance at New York University, Abu Dhabi, to founding Dream Catcher Global?

My journey from being Deputy Chief of People & Performance at NYU Abu Dhabi to founding Dream Catcher Global was deeply personal and transformative. My HR career and role at NYU allowed me to develop a profound understanding of human potential and organizational development. However, during the global pandemic, working from home gave me the solitude and space to spend more time journeying inward through practices such as journaling and meditation, leading to a deeper sense of inner peace. A new journey was unfolding inside of me, and slowly I realized I wanted, indeed needed, a new way of life. Despite my achievements, it was evident that my passion for my day job was dwindling, and I felt stuck.

With my love of travel and my love of people, a life-changing opportunity had now presented itself—one that would allow me to step out of my comfort zone and into my soul’s purpose. There was an overwhelming sense of fear stepping into the unknown. However, through my travel adventures, I had pushed my comfort boundaries and taken risks, realizing that leveraging these experiences would be a pathway to creating my dream life.

I wanted to create similar transformative experiences for others. This introspective period helped me cultivate the courage to step out of my comfort zone and create Dream Catcher Global, a platform dedicated to helping women transform their lives through travel and coaching. By integrating my coaching expertise with my love for travel, I found a way to guide women on their journeys of self-discovery and empowerment.

How did your extensive travels to over 80 countries influence your approach to personal transformation and coaching?

Traveling to 85 countries has profoundly shaped my approach to personal transformation and coaching. Each journey introduced me to new cultures, perspectives, and challenges, which expanded my understanding of the world and myself. Meeting indigenous cultures, trekking remote routes, and climbing mountainous terrains taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone. These experiences reinforced the idea that growth happens when we push our boundaries and embrace the unknown. My core pillars in my retreats and coaching programs are Courage, Adventure, and Authenticity.  These pillars have been and will continue to be a part of my own journey. I bring this philosophy into my coaching by encouraging clients to explore new environments, challenge their perceptions, step out of their comfort zones & recognize that it’s never too late to transform your life and follow your dreams. 

What inspired you to focus specifically on empowering women through Dream Catcher Global?

My inspiration to focus on empowering women through Dream Catcher Global stems from my personal journey and the incredible women I’ve met around the world. I’ve seen firsthand the societal, cultural & self-imposed barriers women face and how these can stifle dreams and potential. During the pandemic, I found myself gravitating towards entrepreneurial women and felt a deep connection to their stories of struggle and triumph. That was the moment I knew my purpose was to create something beautiful where I could be of service to others and help women transform their lives through travel & coaching. I saw an opportunity to create experiences for women who felt stuck and had forgotten their dreams, providing them with adventures that would inspire them to think, “Wow, if I can do this, I can do anything.” By leveraging my travel experiences and coaching skills, I aim to help women break through barriers, pursue their passions, and live authentically.

Being bestowed with the name “Akua” by a Ghanaian chief is quite an honor. How does this name influence your work and mission?

Gifted with the  name “Akua” from a Ghanaian chief in the Asante region in Central Ghana,  was a moment of profound honor and significance. The name, which means helper and leader, resonates deeply with my mission at Dream Catcher Global. It reminds me of my commitment to guiding and supporting others on their journeys of transformation. This honorary name serves as a daily inspiration to lead with compassion and purpose, helping women navigate their paths to personal and professional growth. It reinforces my dedication to creating impactful, transformative experiences that empower women to become leaders & creators of their own lives.

Can you tell us more about the transformative journeys you curate and how they differ from traditional travel experiences?

The transformative journeys curated by Dream Catcher Global are designed to go beyond traditional travel experiences. These journeys are immersive and intentional, focusing on personal growth, self-discovery, and empowerment. I create highly personalized experiences for each participant, tailored to meet their specific needs and goals. Through one-to-one coaching sessions before and after the retreat, I work closely with each individual to identify areas for growth and development and design a pathway that’s uniquely suited to them.

My approach combines traditional methods like meditation and self-reflection with adventure-based therapy and creative expression. For example, in our Himalayan retreat in September this year, participants will engage in breathtaking hikes, soul-soothing river meditations, forest bathing, and immersive cultural experiences. These activities not only engage the senses but also unlock deeper levels of self-awareness and personal growth.

We also foster an empowering sense of community through our women’s Empower & Evolve circles, which provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment for participants to connect, share, and grow. My retreats are limited to just 12 participants, ensuring an intimate and personalized experience where you can connect deeply with both yourself and others. Additionally, my commitment to sustainability and community support allows participants to engage with and uplift local communities, adding another layer of purpose and fulfillment to their journey.

What are some of the most profound personal growth experiences you’ve witnessed through your coaching and transformative journeys?

One of the most profound experiences I’ve witnessed was a woman who joined a one-day one on one retreat with me in Abu Dhabi, one of my specialized programs. This retreat condensed the elements of a week-long retreat into a single day, including personalized beach side guided meditation, an adventure activity,  and deep-dive coaching sessions. Through this intensive experience, she was able to address her fears and uncover the root causes of her challenges. As a result, she gained the clarity and confidence to move to a new country and start her own business, which had been a long-held dream.

Another memorable transformation was a woman who, after going through a tough divorce and balancing the care of her two children, felt stuck and overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. She joined my then online three-month program, where I helped her shift her mindset, set boundaries, and prioritize herself. As a result, she regained her confidence, and built a business that began to thrive, and she started dating again. Witnessing her transformation reinforced my commitment to helping others overcome challenges and change their lives.

How did the idea for the ‘Dream Catcher Cup’ come about, and what impact has it had on the community in South-East Botswana?

The idea for the Dream Catcher Cup originated from a serendipitous encounter during my travels to Botswana in January 2021. While most visitors go on safari, I chose to also  stay in aillage in Southern Botswana to connect with a local community. There, I discovered a group of passionate young people dedicated to empowering younger children within their villages.  Intrigued by their mission, I struck up a conversation and offered to stay connected and support their work.

This initial connection blossomed into a mentoring relationship with a remarkable group of 15 young people. Together, we envisioned and created the Dream Catcher Cup, a soccer tournament that has become a highlight of the year for the community. The first event last year was a tremendous success, drawing over 350 attendees from neighboring villages, turning it into a true celebration of community and togetherness.

The impact of the Dream Catcher Cup on the community, especially the young people, has been profound. It provides a platform for the youth to develop their skills, feel seen & heard, build confidence, and foster a sense of camaraderie. Beyond the soccer matches, the event includes workshops that address important issues, and this year in September, our 2nd initiative will be based on the theme of mental health, offering young adults & children a safe space to discuss their challenges and receive support.

Returning to Botswana for the second annual Dream Catcher Cup this year  makes me feel deeply humbled and honored.  To witness the ongoing dedication of these incredible young individuals is such a blessing. Their enthusiasm and commitment have inspired me to make this an annual tradition, reinforcing the spirit of community and empowerment.

For me, the Dream Catcher Cup is more than just a sports event; it’s a testament to the power of mentorship, connection, and community spirit. It embodies my commitment to serving others and making a lasting impact. The joy of witnessing these young people grow and thrive knows no bounds. 

What role does philanthropy and mentorship play in your life and work, and how do you integrate these values into Dream Catcher Global?

Philanthropy and mentorship are not just activities I engage in; they are core to who I am and how I strive to live my life. Throughout my career, even in the corporate world, I have always prioritized serving others. I often took unpaid time off work to volunteer and support various causes, finding ways to give back wherever I could.

When I founded Dream Catcher Global, it was essential for my personal values to align with my business values. At Dream Catcher Global, I am deeply committed to integrating philanthropy and community service into everything we do. The retreats are designed not only to empower women but also to support and uplift the local communities and people we come into contact with.

Each retreat includes significant elements focused on giving back to the local community. It’s important to create opportunities for the participants to connect with and serve these communities, fostering a sense of global responsibility and mutual empowerment. For me, it’s not just about offering transformative experiences for my clients but also about making a positive impact on the people and places we encounter.

By embedding these values into the fabric of Dream Catcher Global, the work is always grounded in a commitment to service and empowerment. This holistic approach helps create a ripple effect of positive change, empowering both the participants and the communities they touch.

You’ve been featured on BBC Radio and Travel Essence Magazine. How has sharing your journey through these platforms influenced your mission and reach?

Being featured on platforms like BBC Radio and Travel Essence Magazine has been an incredible opportunity to share the DCG mission with a wider audience. These features have allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations, fostering collaborations that enhance and bring about impact. Sharing my journey through these platforms reinforces the importance of the work I do.  It’s been inspiring to hear from people who’ve been touched by my story and are now eager to embark on their own transformative journeys.

What advice would you give to women who are looking to break through barriers and pursue their passions but are unsure where to start?

This is such an important question because there are countless women out there feeling stuck, yearning for a more fulfilling and meaningful life. The first step is to acknowledge these feelings and understand that it’s okay to feel this way. Recognize that you’re not alone on this journey.

Next, seek connections and support. This can be through family, friends, or finding a coach who resonates with you. The relationship with a coach is very intimate and sacred; it’s a space where you should feel safe and able to be your truest self. Finding the right coach can make a significant difference in your journey, helping you shift your mindset and overcome fear and uncertainty.

It’s crucial to prioritize self-care. Putting yourself first isn’t selfish; in fact, it’s essential. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Many women today juggle multiple roles and wear many hats, often losing sight of who they truly are and what their passions are. It’s vital to reconnect with yourself and remember that you deserve to pursue your dreams and do things that bring you joy.

Start small. Take consistent steps towards your goals and be open to learning and adapting along the way. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and remember that every setback is an opportunity for growth. Surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages and uplifts you.

In essence, this is what I call the Journey to ‘Unbecoming.’ Unbecoming is about shedding societal, cultural, and self-imposed expectations and layers of conditioning to reveal who you are at your absolute core—your authentic self, the place where your power lives. It’s a journey of peeling back the layers to reconnect with who you are at your core, rediscovering your passions and dreams, and letting go of what no longer serves you.

I am excited to share that I am about to launch a free guide that is an  introduction to the concept of ‘Unbecoming’. Additionally, I am also launching a beautiful new coaching program called ‘Breakthrough to YOU.’

Ultimately, breaking through barriers and pursuing your passions is about reclaiming your life and following what brings you joy. It’s about recognizing your worth and understanding that you deserve to live a life that excites and fulfills you. Trust in your journey, embrace your strengths, and dare to dream big.

For those interested in learning more about your journey and work, where can they find you online?

You can find more about my journey and work on the Dream Catcher Global website,, as well as our social media channels on Instagram @travelicious2021 and @dreamcatcherjourneys, and on LinkedIn.

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