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From Fear to Love: Unlocking Inner Beauty and Potential

Angelica Fomina is a distinguished beauty and wellness expert with over 17 years of experience dedicated to transforming lives from the inside out. As the founder and director of her London-based beauty studio, she offers more than just treatments—she creates immersive experiences that help women reconnect with their true selves. Author of the insightful book “From Fear to Love”, Angelica provides powerful guidance for overcoming inner blocks and embracing self-love. Additionally, she developed the innovative game “Meeting with Archetypes”, designed to help women unlock their full potential through self-exploration. Angelica also hosts rejuvenating retreats in the Maldives, seamlessly blending personal development with relaxation and beauty therapy.  Passionate about empowering women, Angelica Fomina is dedicated to helping them shine from within and live their most authentic lives.

With over 17 years in the beauty and wellness industry, what initially inspired you to pursue this path, and how has your approach evolved?

My journey into the beauty industry was filled with unexpected twists and challenges. I cycled through about 18 different jobs—from working at KFC to an oil company, from a bakery to a company organising conferences. Honestly, I didn’t know what I wanted from life back then. I was grappling with visa issues, caring for a small child, and facing the reality that my husband had left and returned to his home country, leaving me without a passport or documents. Imagine being alone in a foreign country with a two-year-old, no support,  and no clear plan for the future—it was daunting and overwhelming.

One day, as I walked past a beauty salon, I noticed a long queue, much like the ones you’d see at the most popular café for the best morning coffee. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to find out what was drawing so many people. It turned out they were offering eyebrow threading—something entirely new to me. I tried it, and the result was astonishing! Despite my challenging circumstances, I spent almost a year volunteering at that salon, eagerly learning all the intricacies of the craft from the salon owner.

From that moment on, my passion for cosmetology only grew stronger. I completed my studies, reaching Level 4 qualifications, and then advanced my expertise in Italy and Ukraine. Now, I hold a Level 7 qualification. Today, I proudly represent World of Beauty, an Italian pharmaceutical cosmetics brand, throughout the United Kingdom..

As the founder and director of your beauty salon in London, how do you balance running a business while maintaining a deep, transformative connection with your clients?

Balancing the roles of a business owner and maintaining a deep, transformative connection with my clients is like juggling flaming torches while walking a tightrope over a canyon. Especially in a dynamic city like London, where life moves at the speed of light. But I’ve always believed that true magic happens in the present moment, in that very connection of souls.

When I first opened my salon, I faced countless challenges: endless paperwork, bills, marketing, and managing staff. There were moments when it felt like I was drowning in a sea of responsibilities. But every time a client walked through our doors, I reminded myself why I was there.

I recall one particular story. One day, a woman came to us, her eyes filled with sadness. She sat in the chair and quietly said, “Do something with me so I can feel alive again.” At that moment, all my business worries faded into the background. We spent several hours together—talking, laughing, even shedding a few tears. I wasn’t just giving her treatment; I was helping her rediscover her faith in herself.

These moments remind me that my business is not just about external beauty but also about inner transformation. I’ve learned to delegate administrative tasks and trust my team, so I can personally interact with my clients. I create an atmosphere in the salon where every woman feels special, where she can reveal her facets and shine.

Balance comes through understanding priorities. For me, the priority is people. I believe that when you sincerely give your energy and love to your clients, the business flourishes naturally. Yes, there are tough days, but seeing the transformation in women—their smiles and gratitude—I realize it’s worth every effort.

Your book “From Fear to Love” focuses on themes of personal transformation. What key message do you hope readers will take away, and how does this philosophy align with your beauty and wellness services?

During the pandemic, my life was turned upside down. I had debts that had burdened me for over 12 years, and even my mother couldn’t take me in at that time due to the virus. I found myself in the Maldives, where I began to explore the subject of money, and it was there that my system of archetypes was revealed to me. Upon returning home, I started practising everything that came to me during that time, and within one year, I managed to pay off all the debts I’d been living with for more than 12 years.

This book is the result of that journey! Use it, practice it, and become wealthier. I want people to know that it’s possible to find light and transform your life even in the most challenging situations. My story is proof of that. And although the book isn’t directly related to cosmetology, it reflects my philosophy that true transformation begins from within. When we work on ourselves, unlock our inner resources, and overcome our fears, it affects all aspects of our lives, including external beauty and health.

Your game “Meeting with Archetypes” is a unique concept that helps women explore their inner facets. Can you share how you developed the game and what kind of impact it has had on the women who participate?

This game, like my book, has nothing to do with cosmetology. It all began in the Maldives, where all nine of my archetypal facets manifested. Being in harmony with nature and away from the hustle and bustle, I deeply immersed myself in understanding the inner aspects of the feminine essence. However, the game “Meeting with Archetypes” itself was born later in London on May 13, 2022, as a tool for exploring these archetypes.

Now, it has become an independent entity that reveals itself with each new game. This transformational game fills a unique niche, especially in the English market where similar games are rare, even though they are booming in other countries.

I invite anyone interested to play with me and even become a facilitator of the game. It helps women delve deeper into themselves, unlock hidden potentials, and harmonize with their inner archetypes. Each participant not only experiences valuable self-discovery but also has the opportunity to share this tool with others by becoming a facilitator.

It’s important to me that as many women as possible can experience this unique practice, so I’m striving to expand its presence in the English-speaking market.

Your retreats in the Maldives combine beauty therapy with personal development. What inspired this fusion, and how do you think the setting contributes to the overall transformative experience for participants?

My retreats in the Maldives were born from my own personal transformations that occurred in this unique place. It’s not just a tropical paradise with beautiful beaches—the Maldives possesses a special energy that allows you to dive deeper into yourself, escape the hustle and bustle, and unveil your inner facets. I know this from personal experience.

In these retreats, I blend beauty therapy with personal development practices because I believe that external transformation should always go hand in hand with inner change. Beauty treatments help women feel confident and relaxed while working with inner archetypes and meditation allows them to delve into their feelings and experiences. This combination enables participants to return home not only renewed on the outside but also with a new perspective on themselves and their lives.

The environment plays a crucial role here. Away from daily routines, surrounded by tranquillity and nature, women can release old patterns, open their hearts, and embark on a new journey toward self-discovery.

Having lived in diverse parts of the world like Lithuania, Ukraine, and the Far East, how have these different cultures influenced your perspective on beauty, wellness, and personal growth?

To be honest, I never thought I’d end up in the beauty industry. As a child, the sight of blood would make me faint! All the moves I went through during my childhood inspired me to either become a teacher or join the military. In the end, I earned a law degree, and when I moved to London, everything started again from scratch.

As life often goes, the path wasn’t straightforward. Before I became an Aesthetician,  I even acted in the theatre and toured for almost two years! But I soon realized that this wasn’t what I truly wanted. Strangely enough, I then found myself working as a security officer for the Queen of the United Arab Emirates. So, my childhood dreams have nothing to do with what I do now—except for one thing: I’ve been writing and composing since I was six, and that creative spark has always stayed with me.

All the places I’ve lived, from Lithuania to the Far East, have given me a broad perspective on life. And while my journey to becoming a Beauty Therapist was unconventional, I use all these life lessons in my work, helping other women embrace their own unique facets and discover their individuality.

What challenges did you face when establishing your beauty salon in London, and how did your global experiences prepare you for building a successful business?

The main challenge I’ve faced throughout my journey has always been the choice: continue or give up. I was fortunate with the college I attended—they prepared me so well that I came out as a fully equipped specialist. We had both theory and practice drilled down to perfection as if every step was made to win a medal. Surprisingly, I had such a natural talent for it that no one could believe I had never been involved in medicine before. And this was all while studying from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., then working from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. It was exhausting—I haven’t touched an energy drink since those days because I drank enough of them then!

After completing my studies, I knew I wanted my own space, with my own music and my own products. But that’s when the real difficulties began: insurance, rent, legal details… These are the things no one talks about. I lost count of how many times I left jobs at salons and other companies, only to reopen my own space—seven or eight times, starting over each time.

When I finally opened my own salon, I was betrayed by people I trusted, and once again, I lost everything. But as they say, no one has it easy. I bought an expensive, brand-new laser machine, and then the pandemic hit…

What truly helped me were the archetypes. After spending six months on the Maldives, I returned to London a different person. And my business changed as well. Since then, things have been going well. But deep down, I know I’m not entirely a businesswoman—I’m more of a therapist who loves her craft, and as long as I have the energy to keep performing at a high level, I’ll continue doing what I love.

Music and poetry are important aspects of your life. How do you integrate these creative outlets into your work in beauty and wellness, and how do they inspire you personally?

Music and poetry are indeed integral parts of my life, but they have always been very personal and intimate to me. I haven’t shared my creative work with the wider public before because I considered it too private. Even though my songs have been performed in competitions and my music has been played in the theatre, I preferred to keep it out of the spotlight to protect myself from potential hurt.

I don’t directly integrate my creativity into my work in beauty and wellness. However, this year, thanks to artificial intelligence, I was able to rewrite and reimagine some of my songs and poems. I might now consider presenting them to a broader audience. It’s a step that requires courage, but I feel ready to share this part of myself with the world.

My creations, like my game and book, have already found their way to people, and I’m no longer afraid for them or for myself. I believe that creative energy sustains many of us. Even if I don’t share it directly in my professional activities, it still inspires me and gives meaning to my life.

What advice would you give to women who are struggling to unlock their full potential, and how do you help guide them through your various platforms, including your salon, book, and retreats?

My most important advice is not to fear looking inside yourself and lovingly embracing what you find. Often, our potential is hidden behind fears, doubts, and the voices of society telling us how we should look, think, and feel. But the real strength is always within, waiting for us to reach out and take its hand.

In my beauty studio, I try to create a space where every woman can finally pause, breathe, and feel herself. It’s not just about treatments—it’s a moment where she can be herself, without masks, without expectations, without the rush. It’s her time to listen to her inner voice.

My book “From Fear to Love” is a guide, a compass for those who, like I once did, want to break free from the cycle of fear and start living fully. In it, I share my journey, my practices, and the things that helped me. It’s a book for those ready to take that first step toward themselves.

My retreats in the Maldives are pure magic. Away from the rush, surrounded by nature, women open up their inner facets and meet themselves anew. In this serene environment, it’s easy to forget their daily worries and finally listen to their hearts.

The “Meeting with Archetypes” game is a deep and fascinating process where each participant learns about her hidden facets. It’s a journey where a woman begins to understand her true desires and what’s been holding her back from reaching them.

I offer different paths because each of us is unique. The most important thing is not to be afraid to take the first step toward yourself, to allow yourself to be who you truly are, and to unfold in all your beauty and power.

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