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Quiet the Mind, Hear Your Calling: Guided Awakening with Corina

In today’s chaotic world, many people are searching for deeper meaning and a true connection to their authentic selves. Enter Corina Pall, a certified meditation teacher, inner work coach, energy healing facilitator, and trainee Tarot advisor who specializes in helping others navigate their awakening journey. Corina’s unique approach focuses on clearing the mental clutter that often distracts us from our inner calling. By guiding her clients to quiet their minds and reconnect with their true essence, Corina empowers them to live authentically and create meaningful change in their lives. Through meditation, energy healing, and Tarot guidance, she helps people break free from societal expectations and trends that no longer serve them. Her compassionate and insightful coaching opens the door to profound self-discovery and transformation. With Corina’s guidance, clients are invited to embrace their true selves and embark on a journey toward inner peace and lasting fulfilment.

What inspired you to pursue meditation teaching, inner work coaching, and energy healing, and was there a pivotal moment in your journey that led you to this path?

I had my first awakening when I was eight years old. I was playing outdoors and I heard a voice asking me: Who am I? The voice wasn’t asking for my name or gender but went beyond the physical body. I didn’t know what it was at the time, and I didn’t have anyone who could clarify my question. So, I left that experience but I have never forgotten it. All my life I was seeking answers. I wouldn’t accept that what we perceive with our five senses, is all there is. I didn’t know what I was searching for or looking for, but I was determined in my heart that I would find answers to all my questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? After I turned forty, I felt a profound shift in my heart. My mother transitioned four years before through suicide and this experience made me question even more my existence. I’m an only child and I had a dear cousin with whom I used to talk all the time she decided to commit suicide as well four years after my mum. After these two traumatic experiences, I wasn’t going to wait any longer for the answers to come to me. I decided to show up in the world and claim what’s mine. I have a background in pharmacy working as a pharmacy technician for more than 25 years and I felt that this role wasn’t matching who I was on the inside anymore. Once I made the decision that I would change my career, opportunities started popping up. I trained first as a life coach, followed by a deep transformational coaching training which is a Spirit-based practice. The coaching and Spirit training has given me most of the answers to my many questions. After my Spirit training, I started meditating by myself, but I felt lost. This is when I decided to learn with a mentor how to meditate, hence my meditation coaching training. During this training, I learned to meditate and work with energy. Most of my life I was petrified of the Tarot cards because I didn’t want anyone to predict my future. However, one day in Feb ‘24 I woke up knowing that my Spirit Guides had permitted me to work with the Tarot cards. Straight away I jumped on my laptop and bought my first Tarot deck. I’m still training to become a Tarot Advisor.

What common mental blocks do you notice in your clients, and how do you help them clear these to connect with their inner voice?

The most common mental block is not feeling good enough and not feeling worthy to deserve more. One of the reasons why they feel like this is because they spend too much time in their heads and listen to their egoic mind. We all do that from time to time, however, having the awareness of when the ego is talking and taking too much space is a huge awareness factor. The way we transition from the head is by focusing our energy in our heart space. When we are in our heart space the perspective we have about life, us and everyone around us begins to shift.

How do you guide clients to recognise when they are living by societal expectations instead of following their true selves?

I ask them to pay attention to all the red flags. Notice all the things they do only to please others and ignore what they truly desire within. I ask them to pay attention to their inner dialogue and notice if the little voice in their heads is manipulating them somehow. To pay attention to their thoughts, feelings and emotions and notice their physical sensations.

How does meditation support self-discovery in your practice, and can you share how it’s helped a client create lasting change?

Meditation is inner work and this is because our eyes look outward we feel that only the things we see with our eyes are important to us and need to be pursued. In meditation practice, we focus our attention inward and notice our inner landscape with all four elements: fire (energy), water (feelings and emotions), air (thoughts) and earth (tangible).

Meditation helped my clients to: feel more peaceful and calm within themselves, to have better clarity, to feel happier and more content in their bodies, to experience deep relaxation and simply how some of them say “lose “themselves for an hour.

What energy healing methods do you use to help clients align with their higher self, and how do they complement meditation?

In my energy healing sessions, I connect to my spirit guides and ask for guidance, healing and support. I invite the Divine Light to flow through me and into the client and raise my vibration to the highest level as I ask God, the Universe, and Source to work through me as I balance the chakras. Meditation and energy healing sessions complement each other very well because they help the client to tap into their essence energy and they are invited to listen from with the intelligence of their heart. 

As a trainee Tarot advisor, how does Tarot fit into your practice, and what transformations have clients experienced through it?

Tarot brings up to the surface all the blind spots we all have. Tarot shines the light of awareness on our subconscious and conscious minds. It helps people to take choice-oriented action. The way I work with the cards is I programme the cards to tap into the energy of the subconscious, soul and energy field of the client and ask for messages, insights and guidance from their Highest Self.

What are the key stages of the awakening process, and how do you support clients as they navigate these stages?

1. awareness with four steps

2. acceptance

3. action

The main stage is AWARENESS which starts with:

-unconsciously incompetent

-consciously incompetent

-consciously competent

-unconsciously competent

The way I support my clients is by metaphorically holding their hands when they go through the awakening process because stuff comes and the tendency is to go back to what once was normal. But step by step creating a safe and loving container, helps the client to believe in themselves and trust that although it feels hard at first, with time things get easier and easier. 

What tools do you use to help clients build self-awareness, both during meditation and in their techniques daily lives?

We start with noticing their inner dialogue, and the way they talk to themselves. Identifying negative and disempowering beliefs and checking if they are still serving them or not. Once a negative belief has been identified and brought up to the service it becomes powerless. Journaling is one of the tools that’s encouraged in the beginning because it helps the client to do a brain dump and shift the energy.

Walks in nature are also encouraged because nature has the power to communicate to us in a very subtle way by activating our inner knowing.

Breathing techniques are excellent in resetting the nervous system.

Grounding your energy by imagining roots growing from the soles of your feet and reaching deep into the earth.

How do you stay connected to your inner voice, and what personal practices help you maintain balance and growth?

I practice meditation every morning.

I pull a Tarot card every morning.

I take regular walks in nature.

I listen to my body.

I ground my energy by walking barefoot in my garden.

I journal.

I practice yoga and pilates.

I use essential oils and crystals to balance my energy.

I use sage and palo santo to cleanse the energy.

I cut the energetic cords that are pulling me down.

I talk to my Spirit every day and ask for guidance.

What challenges and opportunities have you encountered offering online courses, and how do you create a meaningful connection virtually?

Not being able to reach a broader audience. Because I connect with people on an energetic level, energy is not tied to time and space, so it doesn’t matter if we are connecting virtually or in person.

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