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Lidia Frederico – a woman of spirit, cleaning souls to glow from within

LIDIA is originally from Portugal but now lives and works in London. She is a lifelong spiritual coach, energy therapist, trance medium and author. Lidia is also a key speaker, business consultant and entrepreneur, with more then 20 years of experience and thousands of clients from all walks of life under her wing. Lidia is widely sought out by clients and media worldwide. Her story reveals that Lidia is where she is today not by accident but for a reason.  After many challenges in life she celebrates her success and achievements by helping other people as well. A very alive and energetic woman, Lidia has a voice that now speaks globally with the purpose to “glow within”.

How do you remember your childhood?

Up to the age of eight, I recall my childhood being absolutely blissful. Unfortunately on my eighth birthday it took a turn for the worse, and my nightmare began. My step-brother began to groom me, which led to sexual and emotional abuse, which lasted for years. There were many people who had knowledge of this happening, however, they chose to conceal it, shut me down, and inferred that I was a child fantasist, living in a dream world. This was done, for fear of the truth coming to light. The consequences of which would mean blood being spilt, as I am from a family, which is steeped in history, and my dear father was a man of honour, integrity and high values.

Later on in my teenage years, I was brutally forced into having an abortion, not by the father who was my first love, but by my mother, who had been instrumental in the cover up of the abuse at the hands of my step-brother. Although many see me smiling, and have praised the many achievements in my life, they are unaware of what I have endured in my childhood. Although I have many beautiful memories that I’m eternally grateful to my father and grandmother for, as if it wasn’t for them, and those special moments, I do not know if I would be here today.

Who are the people that have influenced your upbringing?

Without a shadow of a doubt I give credit to my father and grandmother. They were both incredible human beings, and were my foundation and pillars of strength. They taught me about dignity, honour, morals and values. Above all they loved me unconditionally.

I chose motherhood instead of completing my studies to become a Doctor. That has not stopped me helping people as I still do, in other ways, without the need of a diploma.

What was your biggest dream when you were young?
Since I was a little girl, my biggest wish was to become a Doctor, so that I could take care of people, and also my father and grandmother. Saying this, I completed two years of medical school, and due to the fact that I became pregnant with my first child, I chose motherhood instead of completing my studies. That has not stopped me helping people as I still do, in other ways, without the need of a diploma.

How do you make your dreams come true?

By believing in my dreams and putting my heart and soul into everything I do. Above all, living a life of integrity, and serving God, who facilitates the fruits and blessings of my labour.

According to you what is the most important thing in life that people should value?

Integrity, decency; friendship; pure unconditional love, and above all, life itself, as many take it for granted. Many people have lost the sense that life is a miracle itself, with their expectations and not realising or understanding that everything in their lives is a blessing. The simple fact of waking up every morning is an opportunity for them to rewrite their own book of life. If something is not going that well for them, they can always go and put it right.


Lidia Frederico

Lidia Frederico – teaching people to glow from within, and to become who they were meant to be and not what they learnt from others.


What are the main concerns that your clients share with you?
Deep, profound unhappiness, in many areas of their lives, and also the realisation that they are truly unhappy, as they are living a life which is not theirs. It’s a blueprint of deeply embedded programming left behind from their childhood, and what they have learned from the adults surrounding them, whilst they were in the making.

What is special in your treatment?

I pride myself on my uniqueness and the guidance given to me, for the benefit of my clients, who are also very unique. As stated before, part of my work is to remove the spiritual and emotional blockages, and bring people back into their own power. Teaching them to glow from within, and to become who they were meant to be and not what they learnt from others.

What I’ve come to realise after many years of helping clients/souls, is that at one point during the release of repressed emotions, they realise they don’t know who they truly are.

When we are children, we learn I can’t, you can, don’t do this, don’t do that, it can’t be this way, it has to be that way, which is embedded into our subconscious minds, which forms barriers of resistance in our subconscious minds, producing our rotten armour. Going to the root of the cause, it will release the individual from learnt patterns of behaviour.

What I’ve come to realise after many years of helping clients/souls, is that at one point during the release of repressed emotions, they realise they don’t know who they truly are. That is until they come back into their true authentic and unique power, and are given the tools, (which are for life) that enables them to be the soul they were meant to be in this lifetime, and not an imitation of their mother/brother/uncle/aunt etc.

Where did you learn about your abilities and when did you start to apply them?

From a very young age, I was told that I was gifted, especially as it runs in the female side of my family, being a spiritual cleaner and on my father’s side, they were primarily healers, so the fireworks started from there (laughing). My dreams were also indicative of this, along with seeing spirits and being told by my mother that I was imagining things and losing my marbles. I was blessed with my grandmother, to teach me as much as she was able for the duration of her life.

Lidia Frederico – “I value Integrity, decency; friendship; pure unconditional love, and above all.”

Although there was a period of time that I fell asleep spiritually, due to the deep trauma I had experienced, I was blessed to be reawakened once again at the age of 23 by a beautiful soul, who became my mentor when I was on the verge of suicide. He took me under his wings, cleaned me up, and got me back on the path that God had chosen for me, and also what my soul had agreed to, via my spiritual contract. I keep asking to see the small print but access is denied!

How has this talent developed within you through the years?
I stayed with my mentor for two and a half years, then he upped and left, which left me alone, with absolutely no direction and knowledge as to which direction to take. It was at this point that I realised and accepted that my journey was alone, with God, and my spirit guides for guidance. As I’m Portuguese I was raised a deep catholic, but truly there was something lacking in my soul. As time and time again, I kept seeing and meeting religious people with absolutely no connection to God. Many today speak about a new era and spirituality, and that doesn’t mean that you have intimacy and a connection with God or the Universe.

Many people now portray themselves as Gurus, masters and teachers. When in fact the ones whose names are written in the history books, never in any way shape or form made those claims about themselves. So when you think you know all about spirituality and the spiritual realms, truly you know nothing. It is such a vast ocean of knowledge that it would take thousands of lifetimes to decipher. When you can give the answer to “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” then you are a master. Until then, you are just a humble servant of God. The same way that God has bestowed you with gifts, he can take them away, if you don’t treasure and respect them.

“As I’m Portuguese I was raised a deep catholic, but truly there was something lacking in my soul.”

What are the strongest points of your work?
Obliteration of negative energy. Transmuting entities, along with emotion from within and around an individual. At times, even from the client’s family and friends. I have the ability to clean at a DNA and RNA level, which essentially goes to the core of the matter. Negative and emotional energies vibrate within every cell of our bodies, and by removing them and infusing with goodness and light and new positive thought patterns, preparing the subconscious mind for healing and facilitating the process and their spiritual emotional growth. You don’t have to be a believer, but you need to want to change your life, to be the person you are meant to be in this lifetime. The results speak for themselves, with the thousands of clients who have come through my hands.

What about your private life – can you tell us about your family, and how do you find time to dedicate to them?
I can say that I’m absolutely truly blessed. I have a loving husband and four beautiful children, along with an amazing handsome stepson. Although I never gave birth to him, to me he is my son.

Due to the nature of my work (akin to a doctor on 24 hour calls) I seriously had to learn how to multi-task on another level, to be able to nurture my family, which in turn facilitates their growth. Any spare time I have, I make a point of rolling on the floor with them, or whatever it is they need my help with. Truly, I am still a child at heart. The laughter of a child in a home is the biggest blessing. Although it can be challenging, when you have spiritually gifted children, as they challenge me to my core, leaving me lost for words at times, especially with my two youngest.

How do you deal with difficulties in life – do you have your own healer?
I take everything which I experience on the chin, and grab the bull by the horns (as we say in Portugal) and confront it head on. They are not difficulties, but experiments that come into our lives, for our spiritual and emotional growth. There are only two paths to go, either to hide from it, and blow up your lab, or realise that all parties involved have a lesson to learn, and then ascertain what the lesson is. It always takes two to tango. Unfortunately for many, it is easier to go into `a poor me mode’ than analysing the situation at a spiritual level and ask the deeper question, “What do I need to learn from this, why is this on my doorstep, and what do I need to change within myself?”

“when you have spiritually gifted children, as they challenge me to my core, leaving me lost for words at times, especially with my two youngest.”

Please understand that no-one does anything to you, which you have not given prior permission or consent. It is for us to set our boundaries, shine our light for others to follow suit, in their own lives. When going through my own `lab experiments’ I turn to God and my spirit guides for guidance, as they are my healers. For that to happen, I had to learn to listen to my heart, as that is where God and the spiritual realm speak with you. There is a need to be in silence, so as to listen to what they are saying.

What are three tips that you would like to share with our readers in order to have a healthy life?

Always do your best with everything that you touch. As with everything, if you do a sloppy job, you will receive a sloppy payback, and that is the Law of Attraction. To ensure you live your life at its fullest, and every morning, give grace and thanks, that you have another day to get yourself together. Make sure that every day you appreciate and validate every person in your life, but to take it to another level, by showing them your full gratitude, even the ones who have irritated you to your core, as they are the ones who bring you the biggest lessons.

“…hen you wish to have another’s life, please remember you are stopping God giving blessings to you. This is a reminder that whatever you wish for, will come with the good and the bad.”

Never, in no way, shape or form, want another person’s life. Never be jealous or envious of someone else’s life. People tend to want what others have, and they have no idea what occurred behind the scenes, not everything that shines is gold. For example, you may want a friend’s relationship, but will have no idea if behind closed doors that friend is being abused. You may wish to have their material possessions, but you have no idea if they stole them or are in deep debt to have them. So when you wish to have another’s life, please remember you are stopping God giving blessings to you. This is a reminder that whatever you wish for, will come with the good and the bad.

Live a life of integrity, always speak your truth, with kind words, and above all, remember that what you send out, you will get it back, as karma is a bitch. Whatever you seed here, you are going to collect here, be it good or bad. It is up to you what seeds you plant in your garden.

What are your future goals?

To help facilitate to the best of my abilities, consciousness, and the perception of spirituality, which people have. This is not a New Age, this is ancient news, so no gurus are required. Unfortunately we have fallen asleep, due to the focus on material gain. It is about truly connecting with God and the spiritual realm, and to have intimacy with the above, irrespective of your religious beliefs, colour or creed. For that to happen, we all need to go back to being a child, and above all having an open heart. In essence it is to bring awareness, to facilitate the global awakening, and to teach how to truly respect the spiritual realm.


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